Final Fantasy XV

FFXV would have been objectively better if Iris was the main romance and not Luna

Before I played the game, I really liked Iris. I still do, but I like Luna now as well. So either is fine.

I actually wonder how Gladio would've react if it had been Iris who was engaged to Noctis and if it had been Iris who was killed

How come the main girl in FFs always suck?

Because Iris would've been Tifa 2.0 and Tifa was the best girl in the game. Japan makes bad decisions

Except Noctis don't give a shit about Iris, also she looks like monkey. Luna is objectively superior.

Now go back to gamefags.

>Now go back to gamefags.
wait what

>Tifa was the best girl in the game
Aeris is superior.

any romance would be better. you dont see luna for most of the game.

How would Gladio have reacted if Iris died instead

roid rage i guess.

>Sup Forumseddit

Let's be honest half the people here post there anyways

Probably would have left Noctis for good.

Noct is his best friend. This is unlikely

>muh dead girl who didnt even love me
Aerith loved someone else and died that way. Cloud got cucked and got a superior big titted fighter with black hair in Tifa

FFXV would have been objectively better if there was no romance or girls at all.

Gladio tries to hook Notch up with Iris a bit. At least point Notch in the right direction. He comments at the end of the game if you choose a picture of Iris, "Guess Big Brother will have to look away for this one" suggesting a reluctant agreement.

You guys voted for Playable Iris right?
I voted for that, then other accounts to vote for Ifirit story and Luna Story.

There is never been even a hint about romance between Aeris and Cloud. She is just superior to Tifa.

>big titted

Luna activities, playable Aranea and Hard Mode.

Wait we're actually relying on votes for our content next? Fuck me we're never getting playable Iris

She will be playable in multiplayer, same as Aranea and Cor, they might just add Luna and Gentiana to it.

Sort of wanted her in single player though. Though that would majorly fuck with the plotline. I just want an option to give Iris and make her queen of Insomnia with Noct

What the pull decides MAY get into the game. So it's a yes and no. More Magics is probably easy, so if it gets like number #7 they might make it a higher priority and put it in. But if Cor Activity shocks the world and gets #1 they still might not add it in and instead do Luna's Activity because #2 and 3 were her story/playable.

And so on. So she might have a chance if she is higher up on the vote of Playable Cast even if it's not the #1 thing. Or they don't care and are just doing this to get people to talk about the game.

Nah, Luna is qt

Some part of me thinks they're going to just bullshit the poll results to the easiest things. But I want demonhunter Iris soon with Aranea.

all the survey stuff is happening regardless of what you voted, the survey is just to determine the priority of what the do first

playable Iris was already confirmed last year in the ultimania

That actually makes me feel better because I stopped giving a shit about this game a while ago and can come back when everything is in like 5 years later

What are the chances we get alternate endings (i.e. Iris or Aranea ending)?

I mean it's like the most Japanese thing to make romance routes

She was more upset about random old guy dying than her actual father

To be fair Gladio didn't give a fuck either

Do we know how the dad died? Other then Notchus saying he is thankful for Glad's dad during the Titan scene. Then a bit of chit chat in between Glad and Cor during the DLC. He isn't any more then that I think.

I hope you voted for Luna.


>wanting the most boring and unoriginal girl in the game

Araenae or Iris would've been better desu

I don't want Iris. Sorry fampai.


>we dont get to see the completely fucking badass demon hunter Iris after the timeskip

I'm still mad.

>we will never see demonhunter Iris become queen of Insomnia with Noctis and give birth to cute children with uncle gladio

Wait, have they patched that hallway and added in the extra Arden scenes? I'm not picking it back up until they do.

don't think we're getting any new endings, just more fleshed out side content

Glauca threw him in the air and impaled him on a wall with his own sword during kingsglaive, Regis was the only one there to witness his death.

it'll happen don't worry

I just want her to be with Noct and give birth to 10 royal children

there are girls in this game? I thought this game is fujobait. Might as well buy it now.

People actually liked this abomination of the FF series?

Noct is for Luna in afterlife, im sorry.

Brutal. Didn't know that was him.

I want to kiss Prompto!

What ethnicity is this gril supposed to be?

She is monkey.

Japanese. If you haven't noticed, the best girls and boys tend to be Asian.

Noct, Iris, and Gladio all look Asian as fuck.

>best girls
i have bad news for you, Iris not even top3

After beating this game, I realized that I missed having a bunch of specialized party members to choose from. I love the boys, but part of the fun in a JRPG is choosing who's in your party.

25yo Iris should be in the world of ruin stuff

Iris is such a cute name. she was cute as fuck too.

Shittiest taste ever

Oh fuck no
I don't want to lose the Ardyn chapter to waifufaggotry

Only fucking fujos cares about Ardyn, fuck off.

>Interesting likable character
>Bland forgetable waifu-bait shit

At least Aranea was sort of interesting.

I so desperately want to see older Iris in the universe and have her still thirsting after Noct's royal sperm

>American polls ever mattering

Ardyn is based as fuck user, watch your mouth

Problem is I want both of those things and can't decide

>implying japanese polls where Lightning, Vanille and Serah are always in top3 of all female characters matters.

Everyone likes ardyn.

Only fujos.

everyone does

I like Aranea, Luna and Iris. I hate Ardyn.

I like Aranea, Luna, Iris, Cidney, Gentiana, Ardyn, Cor, Ravus, Regis, Cid.

Americans probably dont vote for her because she's underage and they think its pedophillia even though she looks as old as Noctis

she's 25yo in the timeskip

I get and agree that pedophilia is bad, but she's a god damn 2D character and is almost the same age as Noct and is childhood friends.

It's like these people have never heard of a childhood friend

Romance shift won't save this shit game.
FF romances are always garbage.

I want whatever would expand the story, not necessarily Ardyn himself
I'd like to get either the Lucis line, Ifrit's betrayal or Ardyn's stuff, ideally all three, of course, but given that Ardyn has a respectable amount of screentime and he's a very defined character, he sounds like the most probable thing to be released

Aranea is pretty cool, though, I agree

I don't get this whole infatuation with Ardyn. He's is literally the most "hurr durr look how crazy I am" character in the game. Never before have I seen a less intimidating villain in the game.

How btfo is Sup Forums going to be when demon hunter Iris is shown to be in a sexually intense, loving, mutually supportive relationship with grown-up Talcott?

I suppose that, given how big and empty the open world is, Ardyn just provided a distraction of sorts, something to look at, some cure for boredom

And it kind of makes sense given that he's immortal and simply doesn't give a fuck anymore. I can definitely understand that a character like this is polarizing

Anything that will make Iris happy, but not Noct. He is for Luna.

>tfw she pityfucks Prompto

I personally like his voice

I don't think you payed attention if you think this

more likely to be paired with Cor

I'm playing XV right now, on Chapter 7, and I've liked Iris a lot more than what little we've seen of Luna.


Iris is literally cute
Luna is qt too but so is Iris