New Vegas remaster never ever

>New Vegas remaster never ever
>another Fallout by Obsidian NEVER ever

Feels really bad, man.


>finally bought pc just to play heavily modded New Vegas
>install textures, effects, animations, fixes, enb
and it crashes every 5 minutes despite fixing load order and everything

>tfw the best way to play it is vanilla with few tweak mods

Are you using the 4GB RAM mod thing for New Vegas?
Those crashes often happen because, by default, the game can't use more than 2GB of RAM.

Why would you want anything from Obsidian? It's not like it will be a properly functioning and finished game.

i played it 3-4 times on my previous toaster. i just wanted to experience dem graphics. and it looks fucking amazing before it crashes, really beautiful

yes, even with 4gb fix sadly

>bought pc
Don't you mean built a pc? I sincerely hope so.

Well, then i'm afraid the only thing you can do is start uninstalling mods and see which one is the conflictive one.
I usually avoid ENBs too, pretty unstable.

How many mods are you running user?

The hard limit is 255 ESPs/ESMs loaded but in the case of NV they fucked with how the game loads. It's been a few years but I think around 170-180 active ESPs the game gets highly unstable (meshes not loading, constant crashing etc.).

>start up new vegas again
>this time I'll really do this rp thing
>and no speech either
>end up playing yet another silver tongued all arounder with too many companions that steals everything that isn't nailed down and plays every side for all they're worth

yes, i mean i bought the parts and built it
that's what i will do today and nothing will stop me
wow i have not so many mods but still it crashes. and i installed so many fixes

fake news. my modded FONV never crashed once. I don't get how people can utterly fail at modding gamebryo games anymore theres so many tools you can use to fix shit.

>start manga for cute mom
>want to fuck the imouto

i didn't say it crashes for everyone. it's my problem

you dident windows 10 did you user?

>wanting another obsidian fallout game

nope. lets hope not. thank god the people who prefer FONV over 3/4 are just a very vocal minority and that it'll never fucking happen. boring empty world, edgy philosophy 101 dialogue. obsidian is full of hacks.

don't tell me it's because of win 10

>works on my computer
man shut the fuck up

I'd take either, really


How new are you to modding?

Are you uninstalling mods during your playthrough?


FNVedit, learn to use it and get good you retarded manchild. it does work on my computer because I'm not a completely braindead failure that plays on a toaster like you so obviously are.

I keep falling back into melee. I tried using the Rat Slayer and Gobi for a sniper build, gave up and grabbed a concrete sledge an hour later after trying to force myself to shoot things.

It is 100% because of windows 10. You better git ready to jump though some serious hoops, go ahead and start over.

i will "debug" my game today. i just built my new pc yesterday an installed everything in a little hurry just to play

New Vegas was alright. It had PLENTY of issues, however.
>TFW you're the arbitrary badass protagonist mailman.
That's honestly my biggest complaint among many. I understand that as a Courier, you have to be pretty badass. But, so badass that you can do the work of entire armies? That you can ACCIDENTALLY A SOCIETY INTO EXISTENCE?
Am I supposed to believe this?
Fuck, even with Fallout 4, you do it on purpose and with help.

i'm not even him you're just a fucking moron who doesn't understand the concept of a different OS environment and resorts to "lol works for me" to communicate a point that helps absolutely nobody

>>works on my computer
>tfw I didn't encounter a single bug in my 100 hour playthrough
>which was on launch when everyone was reporting problems before all the official and unofficial patches

get gud works on my machine :^)


shit my ramen noodles got tangled again

Is the fallout 4 complete edition worth 60 leaf bux

That's how much it costs on Xbox right now. Usually goes for 149.99 or something absot retarded.

>"this time I'll join House!"
>end up Roman LARPing again

Fallout 4, while not feeling actually good, felt *better* than previous Bethesda games, which is a feat, and I would love to see NV with gunplay, inertia, pace etc even better than 4's.

I pirated it and quit halfway through the MQ. The story and dialogue are so cringy and rage inducing I couldn't keep torturing myself to carry on.

Do not spend money on this game, it will go even cheaper, soon.

I've played hundreds of hours of all previous Fallout games.

Benny shot the Courier in the head and he survived and you're bitching that he suddenly can do all that stuff?

No, they have small DLC packs that were 10 bucks but should've been in the game in the first place.

>wanting anything from Flopsidian again after PoE and Tyranny

>cheaper soon

I don't know. Todd is stingy. It's been what 2 years since release, and it's still normally full price (and fucking 140$ for the DLC version)

Obsidian is good with quests and dialog but bad at the world map exploration type stuff. Nothing really attacks you when wander the non-deathclaw roads and there's so many locations in NV that have no real purpose

Just pirate it

Ahem..... What's going on in this thread?

Why haven't there been more Todd edits of Todd trying to sneak his way into your home by posing as a pizza man but inside the pizza box is a copy of Fallout 4™ with DLC code toppings (plus tip)? You'd think this would have been one of the first creations.

Do the world a favor and neck yourself.

Because that would be silly. Why would he need to? Everybody loves my games!

Practice what you preach

why not just pirate it.

>Obsidian will never have the development time to get everything done properly.

Is there even another JUST company around to compare?

you first obsiditard.

all obsidishit does is rehash good games and fill them with edgy plots/writing that appeals to teenage goths.

I'll do it after you. You first.

>posts are minutes apart
sup Todd

obsidishit doesn't have another good RPG in them. just look at all their kickstarter games.

Get a hold of yourself, Timmy


But user New Vegas was shit

either you bought a potato PC or you are lying

here's all the mods I have running, and the game works fucking fine

fuck off you PIECE OF SHIT

you obnoxious faggots clearly don't understand that there are literally a THOUSAND different factors that can be effecting a machine that gives it different experience than yours. WORKS ON MY MACHINE MEME IS FUCKING OBNOXIOUS AND NEEDS TO DIE. GO BE UNHELPFUL IN HELL AFTER YOU SLIT YOUR OWN WRISTS. NOTHING HELPFUL TO SAY THAN GO AWAY.

fucking faggot.

Post your courier deets

Just loaded NV onto my toaster that gets cranky when I try to load gamepedia websites so I'm playing on the lowest settings possible, build a courier to reflect the limitations

Cockroach Pete, cranky old bastard, half blind and going deaf so he can't see or hear shit until he's practically swimming in it. Only thing seems to have kept him from death is his resourcefulness, willingness to eat and drink anything, and his sheer stubborn unwillingness to die before he's achieved his age long dream:

Getting enough resources stocked up that he can build a small impenetrable survivor's haven for himself, his ever increasing collection of rare weapons, and "every single goddamned fancy lad snack cake he can grab"

Might not be able to aim worth a damn past smelling distance but he's a solid hand with a shotgun and he can outlast a super mutant in a fistfight. He ain't the fastest, the smartest or the strongest, he ain't the best talker and it seems he's an easy target. But anyone with a lick of sense knows that you should be wary of any old man in a profession where people tend to die young

Cockroach Pete Delivery Service: Because any rate is competitive when you outlive the competition

calm down sperg, I didn't say "Works on my machine :^)" and leave it at that, I gave a list of mods that are stable to use together, and which don't interfere with the original vision for the game, but instead enhance features of it

how about you post your mod list, so we can see all the dumb faggot shit you are corrupting the game with that is breaking your shit PC?

Are you using windows 10? My computer recently upgraded overnight without my consent and i cant run ENBs anymore or else it crashes NV, some strange unfixable error involving directx.

What would you need a FNV remaster for? The game looks fine and you can mod the fuck out of it. Just play the game dude.

Lonesome Road was a sign that Obsidian had lost it.

Mod should just ban all "todd" posters for good.

>russian poster on a toaster

Just go back and play some shitty source engine games with 1024x768 res setup.

I can edit my screencapped (you)s too, faggot

daily reminder

Good. Let nu-Obsidian die already.

Lonesome Road was a sign that Avellone dislikes the direction fallout was heading in.

Nah, only mod knows i'm telling the truth.

well why don't we just put new vegas in fallout 4?

cry to him then, faggot

>Hypothetically, if Obsidian were to make a hypothetical new Fallout spinoff, would you hypothetically want to go back to obsidian and have some involvement with it being that Fallout is so close to your heart?

No. While I like the developers and wish them all the very best, there's too many other problems at the higher managerial level to ever consider stepping back, especially when you could make a step in a direction that mattered for the franchise. Even leads at Obsidian have said as much (most after departing), and they told me they felt helpless in their roles to do what they felt was the right decision.

>obsidrones are this paranoid and deluded

good. obsidishitters BTFO.

I'm not the one crying it seems.
How is life for you ? for being miserable because "video games" ?

>I'm not the one crying

>wasteland 3 is happening
>fallout is not

I'm ok with this

If not mistaken someone is doing it.
Well judging from the time used to custom make some oblivion into skyrim takes years. I guess another 3 to 5 years ?

I'm dead bored with FoNV, but never bored with Fo2 and FoT for strange reasons despite being almost 20 years.

uhh, i didn't ask for ban. Something sure is disturbing you.

That's just a fancy way of saying bethesda was a pain in the ass to deal with, they're the "higher managerial level" of fallout

Oh wait. You took my words literally.
"Should" know that word ?

Based on the shit proportions of Fallout 3 power armor

Please elaborate.

Feels fucking good. new Vegas was fan fiction shite.

>I-I wasn't crying about it! You're triggered!

He doesn't like that humanity was recovering from an apocalyptic nuclear war. He wanted everyone to be barely surviving forever, like in Bethesda Fallouts, with no world development ever happening.

Obsidian isn't capable of making a decent game anymore so it's no big deal.

Good. Obsidian ruined Bethesda's winstreak. It's a good thing FO4 managed to keep the franchise out of the dumpster after that garbage Obsidian game came out. But then again, all games made by Obsidian has been garbage.

I use windows 10 and have tons of mods
And it plays perfectly, windows 10 boogeyman is pretty funny at times

Take a chill pill and relax because it seems like it's your first time here in the chans.

If every retards took the words by heart like you I guess the world is gonna be a better place. So again, neck yourself.

>How would you compare and contrast the RPG’s you’ve worked on with the RPG’s that Bethesda Game Studios has made? What do you think Fallout 2/New Vegas do better than Fallout 3-4 and vice versa?

That's difficult to say from the internal perspective of then and now - and it depends on what design element you're talking about. Story-wise, I can definitely say Fallout 2 did a worse job on many fronts than Fallout 1, for example, and New Vegas did a lot of things even worse than Fallout 2, but did better on the world exploration front than F2 could hope to do based on tech alone (but which F3 and F4 did better, imo). Bethesda definitely has a better design-exploration-aesthetic than any game I've worked on.

>You’ve said that you don’t think Fallout will leave Bethesda’s hands again, and likely not go back to Obsidian. Do you think this would have anything to do with the quarrels Bethesda and Obsidian had during and after development (specifically the metacritic thing) and like I said before, they’re worried about being showed up so to speak? Because with Bethesda’s patterns, the next Fallout game by them likely won’t come out for a long time, so they probably want to fill that gap with something, no?

I doubt Bethesda worries much about what Obsidian is doing (Bethesda's likely way too busy on multiple fronts), but only they could speak to that, I have no idea. From an outside perspective, however, it appears when Bethesda likes working with a studio or see their potential, they seem to buy them (Arkane). They didn't buy Obsidian, though, even though Obsidian is eager to be bought based on recent interviews. It might be for the best - I don't know what would happen to the devs if Obsidian was bought, but the upper management would likely come out okay with that exit strategy.

>he still replies
why do you even bother

Can confirm, NV runs on Windows 10 fine. Sup Forums is full of retards who think "reinstall windows" is how you fix everything.

I dunno man, fallout has been garbage since 2 because the inconsistency then came FoT and then BoS.

It's not like bethesda's the only one fucking shit up. FoT had it's share of bugs and Dx8.1 issues.

Not sure how to answer that though, must I have a reason ?

you are half mistake the guy is only recreating a tiny part of the world, it isn't some huge project where he remakes the game. hes just recreating a small area, there won't even be quests

Obsidian had so many chances and the fuckup was either sheer bad luck or their people and management is fuckup.

I'm not talking about FoNV alone. The only redeeming fact for future "Post-apoc" games is that wasteland will be the next good thing. Unless inexile fuck it up as well.