name one(1) game with a decent story
pro tip: you can't
name one(1) game with a decent story
pro tip: you can't
the thread below this one, Golden Sun The Lost Age, since The Broken Seal was just a generic save the world plot with really good sideplots and lore
I'll takr the brown one
They are both already Mine. Too bad.
shit thread
post more cute asian girls
Brown Asians are hot yo
Don't make me say it.
3DPD is ok when theyre cute asians
Fatal Fury 1.
Simple, but decent "80s martial arts movie-like" story.
I would, but she is too skinny.
she's cute but she's a shitty dancer
All she needs now is blond hair
Tactics Ogre: LUCT
>can't see her face
Gooks aren't attractive, is idolizing them a weeb thing or what?
she's mexican
Agreed. But thicc asian is the shit because they rarely get too thicc
She looks much better on the left.
Only white people improve with tanning.
メタルギアソリッド2 サンズ・オブ・リバティ (小島 秀夫, 2001)
Different tastes. Some people manage to find white women attractive, it's weird.
Planescape: Torment
Final Fantasy XV
Asians are way cuter than whites.
Because they're exotic and you're not used to them a 5/10 is equivalent to a 8/10 white.
only real answer ITT
I can't imagine that kind of depravity desu.
I never said white women were attractive either tho. I favor Hispanic chicks.
game sucks
Legacy of Kain
underneath all the verbiage the story sucks
You're fucking braindead, the only thing that improves the white race the the sustained damage that they keep dong to themselves; via cowardice, general malignancy of the heart and trash genetics. yeah totally though white people are just as bad as fucking niggers, both are trash.
>user really believes this
There's attractive and unattractive women in all races.
I'd even say oriental girls are above average, they're nowhere near as good as scandinavians or east slavs chicks, but better than indians, blacks, pacific islanders, etc.
most of those webms featuring korean girls are all shitty dancers especially when they try shaking something that isn't even there.
Have you ever seen an average Japanese high school? Maybe 1 OK looking girl in a group of 30. I used to think I had yellow fever but the internet just only shows you the hot ones.
She looks identical to every other Korean chick because their faces are mass-produced and come with price tags.
>judging by those spammed meme pics
She's half japanese though
The Void
Silent Hill 2
Grim Fandango
Nobody cares though, do they? It's just a thinly veiled off-topic about waifus and virgins drooling over girls while pretending they have impossibly high standards.
>the internet just only shows you the hot ones.
The internet can also show you only the ugly ones depending on where you are. Notice that when people post the school girls it's always the same image you've seen thousands of times, despite "arr rook same"? Nothing beats personal experience. Having been to Japan and SK, the average girl in those countries is simply, average. Surprise, surprise.
Call of Duty MW2.
As somebody who had spend almost a year in Japan, I can tell you that Japanese girls are actually very rarely average. They tend to be either really, really cute, or really really ugly. There is much less middle ground than in Europe. That said, their behavior and way they generally present themselves does a lot too. I gradually fell more and more enamored with Japanese girls just based on how they act.
People can literally only see Japan in extremes.
I think it all depends on their teeth
silent hill 2
in general, jrpgs have shitty stories
but mostly those with a 1000 y.o. main character who looks like a 14 y.o. for whatever reason