>Sup Forums praises a game over and over >finally get it
>it actually is fucking great
What's her name, Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums praises a game over and over >finally get it
>it actually is fucking great
What's her name, Sup Forums?
i wouldn't know i've never actually played a video game
Hotline Miami
I know it's not for everyone, but Trails in the Sky was that game for me. Became my favorite series of all time, and I actually started learning Japanese SPECIFICALLY to play more games in the series.
Alien Soldier
every game ever
never leave my side, v
haha jk, you guys SUCK
Rabi Ribi
also prey
deadly premonition
Gravty Rush and Persona 5. Surprisingly. even I'm a first timer on the series. I'm not even a waifu fag and mostly game on FPSs.
Grim Fandango
Toukiden 2. The hype has since died down, but it's still a fantastic MH clone and I play it about once a week
dark souls
Alpha Protocol and Rainbow Six: Siege.
Same. I actually left the house in the middle of the night to get Dark Souls after reading one too many threads on Sup Forums
Fallout 4. Thanks for the suggestion, guys.
Nier auto
>its name
games aren't female
it's good but i disagree. overrated on Sup Forums.
I dinnae think so
Dragon's Dogma
>Who could be behind this post?
Holy this. Dark Souls made me believe that sometimes Sup Forums is right as hell
Witcher 3
Shovel Knight
The Souls series, apart from Demon's Souls
Final Fantasy Tactics series, better than any of the main FFs imo
Call of duty and minecraft
Xenoblade Chronicles
Dishonored and the talos principle. In reality I've only seen 1 or 2 threads about each on here, but they were some of the few threads in the last few years that had actual discussion and almost nothing but positivity about the games in question.
i agree only with the latter of the two.
Oh fuck yes I got Talos Principle because of a Sup Forums thread I lurked as well. I still haven't beaten it
Dark souls for me. It was before "LE SOULSBABBIES JUST FUCKING DIE" contrarianism happened i guess
Deus Ex was pretty damn good. Wish I could get back into it, but there's only so many times I can play liberty island without wanting to shoot myself.
EYE was enjoyable, an actual hard game that was good at being hard when new and wasn't some kind of bullshit hard where even seasoned players fuck it up.
I suck at it, but risk of rain is fun. Not a huge fan of the Sup Forums rules but playing with others is also fun.
>a 2/5 trial and error fest that lasts less than 2 hours
this desu
God Hand
where did you go in the middle of the night to get dark souls?
Vanquish, Bayonetta, Nioh, Nier, Tales of Berseria(especially after being burned by Zestiria), ARMS, BoTW, Guity Gear, Helldivers(pity we don't have threads anymore), Dust Force, Valkyria Chronicles, State of Decay, 100% OJ.
Thanks, Sup Forums.
Ape Escape
Dark Chronicle
Yakuza 0
And these
The Wonderful 101
Kid Icarus Uprising
Xenoblade Chronicles
Thief 2
Darkest Dungeon.
Also Ukranian Farming
I remember when Demon's Souls was just some weird niche JRPG that weebanons were importing to play and it got big from there.
Back when I used to actually take Sup Forums recommendations seriously: The Witcher series, M&B, Tribes: Ascend (RIP), Alpha Protocol, Killing Floor
I would have never played any of those if I didn't see them posted heavily on Sup Forums
Baldur's gate 2
Deus ex
Witcher 3 would be a good example. I do think that I've been fooled by shitty flavour of the week games, though.
An example of these shitty flavour of the week games is "this is the police"
New Vegas.
new vegas
Deadly Premonition
Doom 2016
Bloodborne and the Souls games.
>there's only so many times I can play liberty island without wanting to shoot myself
use the speedrun tactic and skip that place all together
I'm still not going to buy a PS4 just for Bloodborne, but I've finally gotten around to playing it over my friends house and it sure is great
I don't want to be that faggot, but looking at what I own all the shit I've played and liked is either from my own accord or from friend recommendations. Monster Hunter was introduced by my two high school buddies during Unite, things like platinum games I'm usually hyped for from day 1 of announcement and I've liked Kamiya's other shit like VJ and Okami in the past. Closest one I've got is Dark Souls I guess, but that was years after it had been out and everyone had already gushed about it.
Tittyfall 2. Shame that it's dead.
Was there a better christian video game than Honest Hearts?
inb4 >mormons >christians - i am an orthodox and therefore should not count them as such, but come on, they are pretty much the local and less beaten version of russian old believers, who are pretty cool.
Probably some game that wasn't created by an atheist.
Doom 2016 has a surprisingly good christian appeal.
>Main bad guys are demons
>Secondary bad guys are reckless scientists who made a pact with hell "for the betterment of mankind"
>MC has been given divine mandate to kill demons.
>Yakuza series
>Deadly Premonition
>No More Heroes series
>Alpha Protocol
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Dead Space 1 and 2
>Mirror's Edge
>Devil May Cry series
>The Wonderful 101
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Senran Kagura
>Demon's Souls back when it was only still in Asia and there were tons and tons of people here trying to get others to play them.
>Souls games in general
>Gravity Rush
>Soul Sacrifice
>New Little King's Story
>Muramasa Rebirth
>Tokyo Jungle
>Jak & Daxter
>Noby Noby Boy
>Katamari Damacy
Honestly, the people here are great for the most part when it comes to recommendations, especially with niche games because most people who play those just want more people to talk to about their little known game and it's great.
indeed it IS TIME TO SPLIT
>also prey
Which one?
God this naming sucks.
>that picrelated
you sound like jerry jackson
Space Station 13.
I want to get off the ride.
Ace combat.
I expected to be a bit disappointed being too overrated. But I decided to bite the bullet and bought a used ps2 with all the trilogy.
Best 30$ I had ever fucking spend in my entire life.
Zelda BOTW, Puyo Puyo Tetris
I got introduced to Pathologic via some very, very (10+ years?) old Sup Forums recommendation list. It was the best game I've ever played that entirely rekindled my interest in the medium.
People don't talk about it very often nowdays though.
Outside from that, I usually keep tight track of what is coming out and looks interesting, so Sup Forums's opinions rarely sway me in any way. Most of the older classics that Sup Forums constantly brings up are stuff I've already played, or console stuff which I'm just not interested in.
what are video gam?
Fallout 2
Dark Souls
Witcher trilogy
Hollow Knight
DOOM 2016
Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Thanks Sup Forums for making me try great games that I came to love
At first I thought it was just memes but it ended up being great fun
You deny your post its purpose! It yearns to bathe in the tears of your enemies... but you hold it back!
It's simply an edit someone made of that old DMC comic.
Deus Ex
Alien Isolation
Arx Fatalis
Thanks cemu shills for shilling BOTW
NuDoom for me too. I was very skeptical but in the end it was great.
into the dark
Team Fortress 2
Dark Souls
Fallout: New Vegas
Faster than Light
Team Fortress 2
Every game Sup Forums's recommended to me has been amazing
I tried nuDoom on Sup Forums's say and hated it
This and Risk of Rain, I just got them both on sale and I'm having a blast between autistic fits of rage
NieR Automata. I'm so glad I listened to you fags for once.
Hell yeah Just got this working on playonlinux
Sometimes you faggots are allright.
I don't take vidya recommendations from anyone because I am not a faggot.
This but the exact opposite.
Im so pissed I listened to you fags for once.
Breath of the Wild
not even once honestly. This board's taste in video games is 100% atrocious
Pretty much what i do. Still having problems what weapon to main