So is Mario not a human being?

Why are his proportions so different? What's the explanation the story will provide? Because the default assumption is that he is simply a mutant fucking freak.

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It's a children's game. There doesn't need to be an explanation.

Children as young as 3 are capable of the sort of visual processing and cognitive discrimination necessary to classify these two models as entirely unrelated.

Not an argument. It is fucked up and weird how Mario is a deformed, lone outcast compared to all other humans.

Well I don't know what to tell you then user. It's fucking Nintendo for christ's sake. They've never exactly been the pinnacle of tasteful design.

He is a mutant from the realm of Shitendo. He has retarded proportions so autismos can relate to him easier.

He's Italian.

Are you implying midgets are not people?

Don't most Mushroom Kingdom people come up to Mario's waist? How tall are they?

If a human male spends too much time in Mushroom Kingdom dimension he turns into mario-proportions human-like being. That's obvious shit

I'm half Italian and I'm 6'3.

It was a fucking flop with Sonic when Sega tried it. It's just creepy and fucking weird to juxtapose cartoons with somewhat realistic human models. Unless it's a Roger Rabbit game it begs for an explanation and leads to uncomfortable displacement from the suspension of disbelief. It's as if Mario is appearing in another character's mise en scene.

Other half must be finnish, since italians are the manlet people

He's a human being in his universe, this game looks like it's about dimension hopping

Other half is 1/4 Icelandic and 1/4 French.

>It's a children's game. There doesn't need to be an explanation.

Nintendo fags never fail to set the bar lower do they

This. Mario is a human from some sort of toon-verse not unlike a Roger Rabbit sort of deal. New Donk City is in a universe closer to our own.

It's getting strange now, like when they retconned Paper Mario into being a separate being.

Nintendo's got to understand, we already accept these things, there's no need to explain the science behind mushrooms for instance.

Here's the rundown

>Mario universe is a product of the war
>Normal humans who survived the war living on very high buildings, above the clouds to protect themselves from dangerous creatures and radiation
>Humans who didn't move up, got changed by the harsh environment from the down and Mario was born from that
>Abandoned factory/facility, robots and the forest are the only surviving last remains of last civilization
>Food world is the result of ultra hot temperatures from the bomb, making the crystals grow faster than the usual and creating new kinds of chemicals.
>This paved the way for an entirely new life form made out of purely inorganic materials, the Forks
>The desert with ice growing is also the similar result of major temperate changes to the lower atmosphere
>Likewise the desert has mutated midget humans, wearing warm clothes and protection from the harsh sun and sub-zero winds

I'm not a fan of Nintendo though. Was just stating the obvious.

25% off yourself.
Italians and Icelanders are cool in my book

>retconned Paper Mario into being a separate being
wait what

Pretty much this. It's reason why Pixar makes all there human characters look funny and exaggerated (also to not invoke uncanny valley)

i really hope this is samefag and not a case of so many people this tight-assed.

Yeah, because we all know that the mushrooms are hallucinogens and Mario is just tripping his balls off in the toilet XD

Duh, you living under the rock buddy?

It's Mario and Luigi : Paper Jam

>25% off yourself

H-how user? Will it hurt?

lol cuz mayrio does the shrooms so he looks funny XD

It's a valid point though. Mario and company are fine by themselves but put them next to "realistic" people and it just looks cringy.

Do you think this mario ties into this at all? Maybe it was a failed attempt at genetically modifying a Mario that fit into the world seen in the op.

i view this as a similar thing to the halloween simpsons episode where homer enters the real world at the end. as in mario is human, but he enters like, a higher plane of reality

but i might be overthinking it

It's the Sonic 06 of the Mario games

OK fine but even if you want to whine about how it's not fucking weird, it still reeks of low budget, low effort, derivative 00's bullshit. SONIC DID THE SAME THING AND IT WAS WEIRD THEN. THE PRIMARY ASSOCIATION MOST PEOPLE HAVE TO THIS """""""""""STYLE""""""""""""""""" IS SONIC '06 OK FAGGOT??!

Wait, so this is really from the next game? This is some Sonic-tier shit. What are you doing, nintendo?

>This isn't a reference to the movie
I need my hyperrealistic Yoshi

If you speak french, just severing your vocal chords is enough. I don't know how to fix the french pig snorting though.
But as long as you don't do those, you still appear a human. Just keep away from mimes and stop lusting over baguettes and you're probably fine.

STFU YOU AUTISTIC FAGGOT its a fucking video game it doesn't need real logic or any explanation into why shit is the way it is you retard, the creators of the game can do whatever the fuck they want and there doesn't need to be a logical reason or explanation for anything they do because again its a fucking game.

>So is Mario not a human being?
No he's Italian.


Mario has traveled to a strange realm where the inhabitants have freakishly long, spindly bodies and tiny heads with tiny eyes.

I don't speak French but I do love croissants.

Op never played this games:
>Mario's Time Machine (1993)
>Mario is Missing! (1992)

Mario never was a human

t. nintenbro

How are there still people who don't realize the game is about Mario traveling to various unusual worlds and the realistic city is just one of them? The food world also has it's own aesthetic that doesn't match anything else but no one harps on that.

>New Donk City

Is this where Twintelle is confirmed to be from?

nop, he's.... ITALIAN xD........ ;^)

Careful guys the the nintenkiddies are here.

*Obligatory Italians are not human post

>So is Mario not a human being?
Sure he is. He just isn't from the same world. Humans are different where is he from.
I really don't get why it's such a big deal to people.

>It is fucked up and weird how Mario is a deformed, lone outcast compared to all other humans.
How so? He is different. Everyone already knew that.
Mario can jump like several meters and stuff.

I hate those things. Overall, the flaky dough is just awful

You mean this?

This. Mario is not a human. He IS some mutant freak, like all Italians but even more mutant

What makes you think they're human?
The all look the same, dress the same, act the same.
They're lifeforms no higher than goombas.

>this is what a japanese person thinks an american looks like

Italian are aliens being at this point

Height threads always make me feel super insecure about myself.

Hang on guys who says THEY are not the mutants?


Nah they're wrong, Americans are much fatter than this

Seriously why are you fags so damn fat. It's amazing, you even surpassed Mexico, the home of fatties.

Did you people freak out thismich when Bugs Bunny interacted with realistic humans in some of his cartoons?

No one is freaking out but some autists, disregard

Look out people we got a super special snowflake here.

>Humans are different where is he from.

He's a human being... from his dimension.

He's currently in another dimension in that picture.

Alternate universe Brooklyn

He is a fucking alien you neverending mongoloid. Play Mario World 2. Mario aint human.

how can yurop possibly still find this funny?

Could it be a parallel universe?

As an Italian I can confirm this

How tall are you user? i do

Is this a triggered murifat I see? Fat people are always funny to laugh at, a fat country even more so

who cares. this game will have the same typical dogshit controls/camera like every mario game.



>he thinks the citizens of New Donk City are humans
Did you not see the huge moon up in the sky next to the sun? Or the fact that everyone is in business suite? Or that there are only taxis?

It's a meta joke

Well, that's because of all the obese Mexicans rolling over the wall causing the scales to tip for America.


For the love of fuck you people are fucking retarded. The shitty American cartoon is not canon. Play Mario Land 2 and Super Mario World 2.
Mario is from a small Island Kingdom right next to the Mushroom Kingdom oddly called Mario Land.


user I have no idea what you're talking about. I was referring to that autist that makes all the SM64 videos.

fixed it for ya

Did they forget that it's basically poor people who make up most of the fat people here?

Well I dont fucking care fuck that guy he knows nothing.

aussiefags detect

This is the Sonic 06 of comparisons.


There have been several children movies with something like that like some Bugs Bunny movies

> What's the explanation the story will provide?
Is this what it's like, to sit at home and have no aspiration to create or explore or uncover facts about the world around you, to just play on the internet all day?

Thinly veiled excuse for a thread, I accept. But people delude themselves into thinking this actually matters. That it's worthy of investigation.

It's like post-modern art for losers. At least art historians and critics get paid or tenured or published for trying to make something deeper than it is. This shit is embarrassingly useless.

Mario and Luigi later get banished to Brooklyn by Bowser when they're young, too young to remember their origins.

That is, in the original timeline.


Hello nintenbro.

Shit opinion, I bet you voted for Trump too.

Jesus christ.
Please tell me that you're asian or 12 years old.


Is he wrong? It's such a pointless thing to discuss.

he's not the one whining, user.

looks like he has a huge nutsack

What does that mean? Go back and reread it.

28 years old. White.

Shit dude. I was really hoping you were gonna hit me with a 5'6 or something. I'm sorry user, don't let it get to you, I hope you're a cool guy.

>mfw my giantess/amazon fetish is almost impossible because fucking 6'3
We are all cursed in some way...