Finally get used to the game

>finally get used to the game
>got bunch of cool weapons
>game ends
also can someone explain the story? what did he wish for? i missed it

>Im in a wasteland
>I want to leave but I cant
>Some people can help me leave but Ill have to work

There is few endings.

His wish depends on how you played the game.
For example, if you were a jew and saved up a lot of money, he wishes for infinite wealth.
Most of the wishes are basically a monkey paw deal, like he gets killed under the weight tons of golden coins if he gets wealth
I'm not sure if there's a good / true ending

True ending exists.
Jew ending is the most ending most people get on their first run. They're not even real gold, just nuts and bolts that looked like money to Strelok because of Zone magic

should check out call of chernobyl if you want extended sandbox

A lot of SoC's (back)story is told in journal/codex entries, with the final cherry on top being the Matrix Reloaded moment after using the decoder to open the Monolith base door. Actual history on the locations, factions, and Strelok's team aren't elaborated on until Clear Sky, showcasing the Strelok was kinda a fuck

>He doesn't know about the true C-Consciousness -ending
Lol, pleb. The wish granter (whatever the fuck was it called) endings are all "false" endings that end up killing you or something worse.

But who was strelok

You are the Chosen One and you are lost in russia


If you were paying attention and got the true ending you'd probably be even more confused.

There are only two true endings, from what I can remember:
a) You get linked to the system and become "one"with the Zone
b) You kill all the scientists
All the other endings are equally bad.

Is the Wish Granter that entity from the end of the book?

Nigger that's not the end of the game, try walking past it.
No. It doesn't actually grant any wishes, even.

>after the '86 disaster some scientists called C-consciousness start researching all kinds of weird shit in the Chernobyl NPP because no one cares what's going on there
>also in the the underground labs in Yantar and Dark Valley
>the Monolith is their private army of brainwashed stalkers
>there's also rumors about some extra-terrestial contact

If you get any of the endings where you wish for something you've been played by the C-consciousness and you've probably never found Strelok.


To be fair, the book and the game aren't completely similar. But it seemed to 'kinda' seem the same.

It's "kinda" the same except it's there only to distract people from scientists sitting in the next room.

dont you like just walk past the wish granter iirc?

the guy was just staring at the sun in my ending

Monolith did nothing wrong

Reload to a save before you entered the CNPP
Find Guide (he likes to wander around northern-central Cordon in my experience, especially by the old shack north of the railroad tracks)

Find Strelok's stash (hint: underground)

Read your fucking journal

The wish granter voice in the sarcophageous is the creepiest thing I've ever heard.

I would replay the game to get a different ending, but I gave up when I saw that I was getting 25-30 FPS on low-med settings and at 720p resolution...

on a Titan X Pascal.

Seems like you are bad if it took you that long to get used to the game.

aren't YOU Strelok?

u gotta find yoself nigga

He asks for the zone to disappear as in "This shit is bad and needs to be wiped from earth"

But the wishgranter is an asshole and makes the zone disapear for making him blind

You're dumb

Also you're a pleb because that's one of the five fake endings