what's the least-worth-the-effort quest in this game's history?
What's the least-worth-the-effort quest in this game's history?
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the free bottle of wine in stormwind
Deep Ocean, Vast Sea. Doing it isn't a necessity by a long shot and it's AWFUL.
mankirks wife
holy shit trying to find him in a low pop server with no allakhazam or wowhead was torture
was that the one with the underwater ruins in stranglethorn vale?
>the elite murlocs
this shit was always buggy on private servers and you would aggro from a mile away
what about The Hills Of Stranglethorn?
It also tends to be bugged on private servers such that you can get the fins from non-elite Murkgill murlocs (the area North of Grom'gol) without diving.
No, it's a quest in Darkshore in which you have to pick up some crates from inside murloc-infested ships. With vanilla/TBC breath timer it's a huge struggle to even find the crates in time, and chances are murlocs start respawning before you have cleared enough of them to access the crates.
what was the longest and most worth it quest?
flying in legion
oh god that one, no
The cata-era one with that overpowered orc who sacrifices himself to do something heroric or whatever in hillsbrad.
Pre-cata? That one that eventually leads to a reenacted battle where humans lost in a pretty terrible way vs the undead at that one town in eastern plaguelands.
BC ashbringer chain
The one where you have to collect 60 quillboar tusks or something.
Hardly. I'd even go as far as saying it's a "good" quest. You're likely to get most of the pages while questing and then buy or trade the rest. Even if you end up buying them, the quest reward pretty much covers the cost, so it's "free" experience.
I suppose it's a bit annoying if you are running out of bag space, but even on a fresh vanilla servers 10/12-slotters should be available and affordable at that point, making it not such a huge issue.
The Horde quest for Shredder Pages in Ashenvale shares similar problems but doesn't have auction house with almost guaranteed supply of pages inside the zone so it's worse by default as far as page-gathering quests go, too (+you can't count on having bags at that point, and Ashenvale isn't the kind of zone you kinda want to 100% unlike STV).
There are several Vanilla World of Warcraft quests that all fight for the top "Pointless" quest.
There are a few that make you travel from Eastern Plaguelands to Winterspring and back before the era of Portals.
There are some low drops in Westfall and Darkshore that equate to 1%
And then some quests that just weren't finished, some EPL and Winterspring where they just weren't finished.
The centaur clan rep quests in Desolace. They're incredibly time consuming, offer no interesting items, and offer significantly less exp than you'd get from just grinding random mobs.
More like free xp and rep for a short walk. Definitely worth it, especially for lowbies in SW.
Many of those high travel time quests can be integrated with other quests, offer high experience per active play time with the rest spent on flight path (Stealing Knowledge and its 4 follow-ups for Horde in Azshara come to my mind as a particularly good quest in that regard, and with mage TPs/portals it's extremely good experience in general) or the follow-ups make them worth it (for example, I think the Linken chain is worth doing even though it runs you across Kalimdor twice over). Although I suppose some of them are definitely not worth it.
what about the fishing quest at Ammen Ford where 9/10 fish schools end up in a murloc ambush?
Everything in Desolace, before any of the streamlining changes to questing in general.
water totem quest
>every class quest
The Green Hills of Stranglethorn pages 1 - 24
diet version: The one in splintertree post in Ashenvale where you need to trade in a specific gun to compelte a quest and people always jacked up the AH price to something ridiculous like 2g
It's essential, though (well, at least prior to WotLK, I guess you could do without healing stream and just get water totem from the equippable totem). That reminds me of Trial of the Sea-Lion, though, which is similar kind of awful and the benefits of aquatic form are less tangible.
>poison quest for rogue
whooops, i hope you skilled dem lockpicks :^)
Neck yourself m8, class quests were great.
Hunter epic bow quest is literally the most worth it quest in all of wow.
The longest quest is literally even Nessingwary quest in Vanilla/on Vanilla servers. Just because you WILL spend multiple hours ganking or being ganked while you do them.
>play on every vanilla private server
>roll a warrior every time
>get WW axe asap
>destroy every cunt trying to level in hillsbrad
alliance had free skillups at redridge, horde probably had a counterpart; what are you on about?
>running through stranglethorn so you can go to the barrens and then ashenvale for some demon training
I mean in retrospect the concept is amazing, like it felt like an actual journey that I mapped out and planned but it was such a fucking chore.
and honestly it's pretty cool when you think about going through "enemy" territory" for a quest but holy shit walking.
technically speaking they continue through the expansions so they're even longer.
>not leveling lockpicking
It's fucking free money just for rogues. And sometimes free gear, too. Not bothering to level it just tells people that you aren't worth playing with
You kinda have to get flight paths in Southern Kalimdor anyway so the travel time isn't really wasted.
has anyone ever finished this quest?
Hills of Straglethorn was a _fantastic_ way to integrate communication with other players within a zone and reinforce the fact that the Auction House exists and is actually populated by players and not by blizz themselves.
It was never really intended for players to grind it out themselves, but instead use the help of the other players out in the world, without having them repeat the same "group up to kill an elite mob" quest types that have been the standard up until that point.
And besides, i kept that quest active for months just to guarantee i'd get some kind of page drop to flip on the AH. Payed for my level 40 riding and mount thanks to that quest.
You can also be the asshole that opens boxes for tips and give people garbage instead of good shit if it shows.
>wants to bitch about a low droprate quest in Ghostlands
>picks spinal dust instead of the fucking murloc spine one
one job
I've farmed this one for hours and never got a single one, idk what's the one you're talking about
>The centaur clan rep quests in Desolace. They're incredibly time consuming, offer no interesting items, and offer significantly less exp than you'd get from just grinding random mobs.
not just that, but the rep was completely useless as well. There were no vendors, recipes, or even faction specific items to take advantage of it (although it seemed obvious that something was originally planned to involve it). It was literally just "hey go make friends with this faction for no reason"
of course even with that in mind i still ground out the rep as far as i could just to say i did.
Gelkis clan for life
everyone who bitches about class quests and how they always gave shitty rewards never got their whirlwind axe.
>offer no interesting items
You mean the ones that gives the best arrows with no level requirement in the game? Twinks shell out their ass for those.
I remember literally nothing about the demon quests except that they were long and engaging and it blew my fucking mind when I got my very own gimmicky infernal at the end
Yepp people like him is what killed wow
>>running through stranglethorn so you can go to the barrens and then ashenvale for some demon training
Warlock was my first class, these quests were how I learned my way round the world. I still remember being lost in the barrens for the first time, hopelessly running down the gold road looking for some little fucking warlock camp off the beaten path. These were the experiences that made the game so great for me.
some quests in blasted lands in vanilla/TBC where you had to get 20 vulture gizzards and 20 boar spleens and 20 snake eyes or whatever it was. horrendous drop rate from everything in a crushingly depressing and boring zone
Salty scorpid venom
Split bone necklace
>Salty scorpid venom
This one was fun last time I did it. Me and 2 of my friends set up camp at the scorpions and killed every horde that came close and tagged too fast for ally to do shit. Not really worth it though if you don't love the game.
The old shimmerweed quest in dunmoroh was fucking horrible, especially on low pop servers. You would get railed down by casters and aggro fucking everything in the area, and so much of it would respawn behind you.
The murloc head quest in southshore was terrible, how the fuck can the drop rate on murloc heads not be 100%?
The sharpbeak quest in the hinterlands that sent you to the top of that troll base where everything was elite and grouped. The ONLY reason I ever got that completed was due to mage ice-barrier making you immune to being dazed off of your mount. Finally found a mage that just ran our group to the top periodically refreshing ice barrier on the way up. The reward was shit and the fucking bird dies in the story.
I could go on, there were tons of bad quests in vanilla. Most of it had to do with how unforgiving level disparity was. A mob two levels above you randomly crits you 4 times and you die.
I want to hear from you old nerds. When Burning Crusade came out, was it a severe break away from the base game? Because playing it now, there's such a clear division between vanilla starting zones/races and Blood Elves/Draenei, as well as between vanilla world and Outlands. Sweet Christ do I hate Outlands and making Belves and Draenei, these areas are such god awful shit.
Ony key quest chain for Alliance.
Just walking through SW as Alliance with Windsor was great, and then you get to watch a bunch of high level dragons eat all the lowbies that started following you as well.
The Bang a Gong quest line. Between all of the traveling, the raids, and the exploration, that has to be one of the longest quest chains in the game. Too bad they removed all of it in Cataclysm, though (Or was it sooner?). Some day I want to join a private server and participate in completing that quest chain, but it sure seems brutal.
Well TBC content has been untouched from release so it absolutely will show it's age compared to post-cata vanilla (you still can't fly in these zones) but from what I remember it was a bit smoother and more polished than pre-cata vanilla.
"Collect some berries in that shit LOL"
There must be at least three or four "let's search things into crap" quests up to MoP.
Seriously, i'll never get the american's boner for scat jokes.
>I want to hear from you old nerds. When Burning Crusade came out, was it a severe break away from the base game?
Sure but it was fresh content and a long time before real complaints started to surface... for the most part TBC was still a time where developers didn't know what the hell they were doing with stats... lots of classes were still getting spirit on their gear and all kinds of crazy shit was going on.
I played through Kara->gruuls>Mags>SSC and quit just like I always do. As someone who was exalted with the violet eye, I have no idea why anyone still playing would be interested in revisiting Karazhan, fuck that place man.
Speaking of developers that don't know what they're doing, the old Karazhan had like 4 or 5 bosses in the basement that had nothing but "of the bear/whale/boar/etc" loot. It was a strange time for sure... but I mean the game was never perfect to begin with.
tuber quest in outland SMV for the cipher of damnation chain
still in game and everything and boy howdy it's up there with some of the worst quests i've ever done
Battle of Darrowshire, I think?