Nintendo will charge us at least $60 a year right?

Nintendo will charge us at least $60 a year right?

I mean this is Nintendo after all

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It's ok when Sony and Microsoft do it

It's confirmed to be 20.
Move on.


Already confirmed to less than $30 per year.

They sell a charging dock with simple HDMI out for 80 buckaronies. Why not.

By whom?

20 buckarinos friendo

Honestly the only reason I stuck with nintendo for so long was because they did NOT have all this extra paid content crap.
When I bought a game, I got the entire game, end of story.
It kinda sucks to not own a console since 2006, but it's also kinda nice that I don't have to spend ~$100 in order to get the full enjoyment of a lackluster game.

President of Nintendo. More specifically he said it'd be 2000-3000 yen per year.

>By whom?
The Pres himself
>2,000 - 3,000 yen

Fucking retard.

When where? They'd be stupid not to suck as much out of their customers as possible.

>When I bought a game, I got the entire game, end of story.
>Don't mind all physical DLCs

Google is your friend user

That doesn't confirm anything. It's like Xbox guys saying that the Bone will be always online and you should buy a 360 if you cannot go on. Now Nintendo has already upped production to 18,000,000 for the first year and they won't let that kind of money slip.

I presume you have a better/more recent source stating that the service will be more expensive then?

If not, fuck off with your theories. No one cares unless you can provide evidence.

>physical DLCs

The fuck is a physical dlc?

dumbasses never heard of amiibos?

That makes no sense. Stop being dumb

Amiibos are well after 2006, the fuck are you even trying to accomplish here?

It's ~$20 dollars in Nipland, so

3rd world faggot here. Do you guys think that they'll release eshop cards for switch?

cant wait for that abomination to launch so press can stop riding nintendo's dick

nintendo is fucking trash

playstation will floor the audience at e3, microsoft will try to sell another shit box full of lies and cancelled games

>and they won't let that kind of money slip
lol. This is a company that ignored cellphone games for years because they couldn't care less about it

You can already use eshop cards on the switch fag

It's smart business though. They are still the way cheaper alternative compared to MS and Sony and I can their service will probably not be much different than it is right now in terms of quality (but people will be fine with that because 'it's much cheaper than ms and Sony so we shouldn't expect as good of a service')

Sad but true

>It's like Xbox guys saying that the Bone will be always online and you should buy a 360 if you cannot go on.
No. It's not like that at all. Because that was actually true for the Xbox One when he said it.
It's just that after E3 the entire management behind the Xbox One were fired. And they changed everything. That's not the norm.

I doubt Nintendo will change their president out of nowhere in addition to swapping out the people in charge of the Switch.

So no. It's not equivalent at all.

>It's like Xbox guys saying that the Bone will be always online and you should buy a 360 if you cannot go on
What, it's the exact opposite. That's Microsoft doubling down on a bad thing as it blew up in their faces, then having to severely backtrack to save any sort of face. Always online wasn't a lie they made up for PR because they thought people would actually fucking want it but they didn't intend to give it to them.

Fucking google it you low effort manchild.