Unwinnable boss battle

>unwinnable boss battle
>waste all your recovery items on him

>unwinnable boss battle

This was me with Defiled Amy in bloodborne, but I got the fuck after dying like 7 times.

>unwinnable boss battle
>you still have to survive and do enough damage to proceed
>the boss also has a good item on them you can steal, but it's entirely up to RNG if you succeed or not

>using your recovery items
>not saving them for end-game boss battles and dropping the game halfway through due to how frustrating the game is

>tfw used butterscotch pie on Toriel

Thank you Seath. Thank you From software.

>using items in Dark Souls

>unwinnable boss battle
>rewards you with an alternate story branch

what game

>defeat unwinnable boss
>battle starts again

every final fantasy ever

Name 3 games in which this happens instead of proceeding as though you lost

Not completely unwinable, but I only learned you were supposed to lose to the mansion's bitch in Dragon Age Origins and being dragged in prison after finishing the game.

>boss battle you were supposed to lose
>close to winning it
>boss does bullshit AOE attack where he kills your entire party off

>Boss battle that you're meant to lose
>Boss uses an unsurvivable attack
>Survive it
>Boss has actual AI and a secret, harder fight beyond that one attack
t. Warped Savior in Etrian Odyssey 4

chrono trigger

>seath the scaleless
It gets thrown around a lot but fucking bullshit artificial difficulty

The ending of Rune Factory 3
I had like 100 puddins

>unwinnable boss battle
>waste all your recovery items on him

Resident Evil 6 is almost completely like that.

>You beat the boss and kill him

>Later in the game, you play the same fight from the boss's perspective, and kill the player character

Which one really happened?

>beat boss and kill him
>this does not lead to a good end
>get transported to the past
>go mad and become evil
>the evil corrupts you, your form changes
>you become the boss
>a hero begins to get in the way of your plans
>the hero kills you