How do I get my gf to start playing video games

how do I get my gf to start playing video games

Why? Do you want your gf to get as degenerate as you are?

Grab the controller and start playing as normal.

nothing degenerate about video games

A better question for you would be: How do I stop my gf from playing with Chad's dick?

"hey can you do this thing in (game) while I take care of something?"

Kill Chad
Kill GF
Kill self

just make her suck your dick while you play why would you want to watch her scrub ass play, both should be doing what you're good for

More of him please

I wanna fug this guys boipussi hard as fuck

>both should be doing what you're good for
This, OP needs to find somebody who's dick he can suck with his gf

How do I get a gamer gf(male)

Easy, show some youtube whores or twitch whores and encourage her.

If she is a normal girl you can easily brainwash her.

If she is a tumblr tier landwhale then it's even easier, just spam some ww2 remade art of "We can do it" memes and shit, she'll spread her legs for video games.

Before anybody gets to carried away, you should know that she has a dick

I want to fuck her girlpusy!!


The dick only makes it better

Don't. Just play chess with her.

Is that really a guy? I don't see adam's apple.

Is that supposed to stop us?

see that thang dangling there?

Fucking degenerate shill. How does it feel to shill degeneracy?


Just Google it

says the faggot



>its the daily trap thread


yes... that is fucked up. too real.

this is the first man that gave me a hardon

haha le ironic homosexuality meme xD
simply ebin

idk just fuck her until she does

no Sup Forums just thinks everyone has a dick because they're paranoid/gay


Its a guy faggot

that is beacuse of his gay ass femminine face

body is meh



No, it's because 99% of the time everyone DOES have a dick, case in point: this thread
And let's not even talk about /gif/

That's a really cute nose.

well in this instance it is at least justified since there's very clearly a dick in

[[[She]]] is a woman (male), you shitlord

>it's a guy