Do you support piracy Sup Forums?

Do you support piracy Sup Forums?

Only if it's Ubisoft.

Only single player games

Only when it has denuvo

Yeah, what about it you fucking loser?

I seeded the cracked version of Cemu for almost 4 hours like a real piratebro.

Only if Sup Forums likes the game

Only if i am poor

Only if it has loli

Absolutely. Piracy is healthy to the industry and to consumers.

Against exclusivity, yes absolutely.

This is old OP, no one cares about Zelda. Flavour of the month. pls canada rules

How can you support piracy when it is free?
You image is not about piracy but emulation.

Shit thread/10 OP is a failed poster.


I will support piracy for as long as companies continue to insist on holding games and intellectual properties hostage as platform exclusives.
No, I won't buy your console to play the games you're hoarding there, I'll just wait until they either get ported or get emulated.
It's an awful practice and I have a great deal of distaste for it. Nintendo is by far the worst culprit too.

>Devs and pubs spend more money on DRM instead of actually on the games
>DRM becomes more and more intrusive
>More focus on keeping thieves out than legit people in.

>Healthy to the industry and consumers.
Yeah. No.

No? How can you support piracy? I support emulation, but that's not piracy. Copying/distributing/downloading pirated games is piracy.

>emulation is not piracy

yeah bullshit. 90% of people who emulate play games they don't own.

Hey, be mad as much as you like faggot but emulation is not piracy.

kek nintendo scumbags must be boiling inside of their shells right now.

The sooner nintendoshit dies the better.

if everyone uses emulation to play games they don't own then its piracy and it's true that everyone does it.

what for? you're being pirate scum, nobody cares about you.

>if everyone uses emulation to play games they don't own then its piracy
But that's wrong you retarded turbo nigger.

Piracy is illegal.
Emulation is not.
I can play backups of games I legally own on an emulator and will be in no violation of the law whatsoever.
I can also play a game I got off a ROM site on legit hardware and it will be illegal (not that I give a fuck).

>I can play
>I can also play
>I am in no violation

wow, good job. you're literally nobody.

How is this legal?

Only when there is no demo

Because emulators aren't stealing or infringing on anything.
The clue is in the name: EMULATING

It is mimicking the hardware/software.
The emulator doesn't come bundled with games, people do that themselves -which is illegal-

It's the same situation that torrent clients are in.
Most people use torrents for downloading programs, music, movies and games for free which is illegal, but the torrent client itself isn't the thing to blame. Same with emulators.

Always try before you buy.

Yes but, you know, the working way.

This and if there's no easy way of getting it on PC.
If I own a multiplat game I own the game, no matter what platform.

The Legend of Zelda: Flavour of the Month is old news now, there is literally no need for CEMU anymore.

How it feels to be souless consumerist?

That's right. It would only be illegal if they had somehow gotten their hands on the original coding of the WiiU and were using that to make development of this emulator proceed at incredibly fast speeds compared to others. It would be even more illegal if they were getting funding to do so, and then hiding it by keeping the system closed source for vague and historically asinine reasons.

I beat Breath of the Wild on CEMU, is there any reason to get a Switch now?

by playing pirated games?


only for good games

When it's something like Ubisoft trash, I just skip those games, my hard drive space has more dignity than that

What's the problem? When the emu works well I will just buy the actual games from the store and emulate them.

Problem is that, op is autistic buyfag

good goy

piracy is wrong but i still do it beacuse i can.

you would not pirate your waifu would you?

Yes, I'm a huge piracist myself.

>Get paid 30k a month
>Slow down production in order to get more money
Patreon was a mistake.

Super Mario Odyssey? ARMS?

Their money has actually dropped from 43k since they slowed sown.

Reminder that the only valid excuse for privacy is if there is no buyable version available which sees the proceeds go back to the original companies.

So, for the most part, licensed games more than two generations ago. And even then you should always check to see if there is a version you can support.

Neither of those games are out, Nintenshill-kun

You don't need an excuse to pirate.

Prove me wrong.

Odyssey isn't out till Holiday and ARMS is Knack-tier shalloware.

Or if the company you're pirating from is an awful anti-consumer piece of shit whose done nothing but fuck over it's customers and fans for the past 3 years.

>My morals mean I don't have to abide by the law
Hello, millennial!

I support piracy by pirating the piracy software

>t-those suck anyway xd

>10 months later SwitchMU appears

>we shouldn't be able to try a game before buying it
You sir are a faggot, demos should be a thing(demos with final code)

And emulation isn't piracy

those are my only gripes, and i don't pirate games anymore.
I simply don't play the games until they are 10\15€ or less.

this + other jewholes like Bethesda, EA and Activision.

Autistic poorfag brs on Sup Forums have made me spiteful towards it. I will happily lose my ability to pirate just to see those faggots suffer.

i literally pirate everything i can
also seeding a bunch of torrents

Is 30k a month alot in patreon? How much of that do they actually get

here's my folder

>All those good games being pirated

why would I pirate bad games? I got taste and got too many games to play already to waste time with ubisoft's new open turd game or whatever

Emulation is different from piracy OP.

Memes aside this shit shouldn't be legal. Make as many emulators as you want but you shouldn't get 34k shekels a month for doing it.

I apologize for being a huge retard but could someone please spoonfeed me a download of the latest version of breath of the wild?

>tfw too lazy to pirate but too cheap to buy games

i pirate games and cba to play them

Arms looks like utter garbage. Jury is still out on the new Mario but 3D world bored the shit out of me so I don't have high hopes.

yes as long as it's against shitty companies like Nintendo

patreon only takes 5% from successfully process transactions.

then theres a small fee for transfering the money to your account which depends on how large the money is but its no bigger than actual bank transfer fees.

and then there are small additional fees depending on if you are outside the us or if you want to transfer to paypal.

all in all more than 90% of the money actually gets to you.

Yeah but thats true for anyone whos been a neet for a few years.

>pay money to pirate games.

now THAT'S retarded


>all in all more than 90% of the money actually gets to you
I wouldnt be so sure about it.

No, I would never pirate a game because it's just plain wrong.

Yes, fuck Neo-Nintendo

Giving money to people sight unseen with vague and non legally binding promises to deliver on a product and/or service at some undetermined time in the future has always been a mistake user.

Yeah. Yes.

>donating money for piracy
What the literal fuck? You might as well just buy the ficking games. Jesus flipping Christ.

>Patreon getting $1700 (5%) doing fuckall
And that's without "payment processing fees" and "payout fees"

You conveniently forgot Nintendo in that list bud.

>emulates multiplats that are on PC
Why are people so retarded?

you think thats a lot.
in many industries standard markup is 600%.
aka charge atleast 600% for the product than it actually cost to make.

patreon is considerably more tame than that.
steam for example gets 30% of all sales of everything.

Arms looks casual as fuck dude.

At the end of the day, piracy is simply a result of inadequate product pricing and general industry greed. People don't go and have a coffee and the walk out without paying, because the pricing is right and nobody feels ripped off. People do feel cheated when paying for a 60$ game that's a complete DRM infested mess, dependant on DLC to seem marginaly finished, and mediocre in all other areas.

Good games will never have a piracy problem, and shit games will because they're not worth the price. And this has been proven time and again.

>People don't go and have a coffee and the walk out without paying
Also because people can physically stop you from doing so. Piracy would be nowhere near as prevalent, not that it's actually that high on average, if you actually had to physically go around people to do it.

I wouldn't care if they didn't put fucking DRM in their emulator

Emulation is not piracy retard.
Even trigger happy Nintendo knows this, or they would have shut those fuckers down years ago.

Will I be able to mod weebshit and undo NoA censorship?

If you support piracy, you support poorfags and subhumans!
Stop doing that!

tell that to 90'.
>yfw you remember all that shady folks that were selling pirated games and probably was connected with organized crime
Online piracy - sharing - at last clean it but we are going back to it soon.

I don't think that's a lot, nowhere near.
I think that's more the average joe in a developed country could earn by himself.

> industries standard markup is 600%.
Hitler killed millions
>steam for example gets 30%
Those "soldiers" killing innocent are just obeying to their superiors.
>5% ooooooooow
Killing one or two people while others are killing many many more is just fine, FINE.

killing in general is fine.
i think genocide is a valid option to swiftly deal with issues without generating unwanted side-effects.
history has proven this time and time again.

agreed comrade

I have a WiiU with a bunch of legit purchased games, but would love a working emulator.
I bought a used Wii and 20 or so games for 100$ and the first thing I did was install homebrew to rip all the games to a usb hard drive and emulate them on my PC.

No, because I like being able to bitch about the market and like when games are being made to my tastes,

People who don't buy games literally have no right to complain about companies not pandering to them.

Only when the devs release an open source emulator. With CEMU you're not sure if they're using the leaked source code from the Wii U, which would be kind of scummy if they did.

>One game is a multiplat
It was in the Wii store and it was faster to just DL it since it was there.
Why are you so retarded to not get that?

No, I absolutely despise all pirates and think they're all third-world, leeching scum.

That said I pirate everything.

all these poorfags on my Sup Forums
i hope you all go homeless

Piracy? NO
Emulators? YES
I know the two usually go hand in hand but they don't have to.

emulation is just another word for pirating dude