What is Sup Forums doing when Thad is finally released in 18 months?
What is Sup Forums doing when Thad is finally released in 18 months?
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>Implying he won't just immediately get thrown right back in
>230 lbs
Didn't realise he was such a fat bastard
>Posting on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums when this retard got vanned
>Completely forgot about him but now he's getting out
How the time flies.
speaking of Sup Forums criminals...Is lexplorer still in prison?
>implying he's not going to get arrested again because they didn't find his third USB drive buried in his backyard
Are they going to restrict his internet access again? Because if yes he wont even make it off the prison parking lot before he starts tweeting again.
I'm sorry if I am such a newfag but can you give me the rundown on this guy?
No. Praise thad
Pedo gets arrested for bragging about CP, gets out of prison, immediately brags about his second USB full of CP the police hadn't found yet, gets arrested again
Somewhat infamous vlogger who frequented Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Got stung for CP possession and got himself a 5 year stretch.
Someone post that document of his arrest that had the folder paths to his CP.
What video game is this?
Laughing when he gets thrown right back in.
His waifu bows down to him. In contact with Sup Forums weebs. Rules his prison cell with an iron first. Owns thumb drives with CP hidden globally. Said to possess 60- IQ points, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ancient Sup Forums shitposts tell of a black guy who will descend upon Sup Forums and bring an era of lolicon and unprecedented CP posting.
>that absolute garbage taste in waifus
He deserved it
God this picture cracks me up, that fucking lazy eye.
black people on Sup Forums are even dumber than normal
>Rules his prison cell with an iron first
He's attempted suicide twice.
He got caught because of literal bragging about CP on facebook not here
>Retard saves images from Sup Forums to flash drive
>Goes to jail for years and has his life ruined because he'll be forever branded
I know he was an idiot but come on it's not like he killed someone or robbed someone. Why are these sentences so harsh for a victimless crime? Are other countries as retarded as America when it comes to the law?
Unfortunately the real pedos (jews) manage to circumvent this system while pushing for tougher laws.
I don't think thad has much of a life that could get ruined
Did he get BLEACHED?
>Are other countries as retarded as America when it comes to the law?
I always get a hearty chuckle at the naiveté of my European and American comrades who think they have shit laws or other societal issues. With love,Russia.
Faggot cheated on his waifu. This is what he gets.
The kids in the pictures are victims and he's getting off on their tears
>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.
Couldn't handle the bants.
So, who took the picture?
He tried to plea insanity
>"Hey guys, they didn't find my third hdd!"
John Titor
Most kids involved in this are just raised to believe it's normal, it's not like they're violently raped and tied down. There are no tears.
>5 years in jail for having a picture
Explain this bullshit, Americans
I used to laugh about this. It's not so funny if it happens to yourself.
Russia is perfect.
With no jews or blacks, your society has reached apex of human development. Your girls are pure and traditional, gays don't exist and the cops do their job instead of sucking off minorities. What more can you ask for?
>a picture
300-350 pictures and videos
>gays don't exist
>things/don't click/cp/cp
I wonder if they let him take his waifu picture in jail with him
>no jews or minorities
lol wut?
>a picture
Try several tbs of actual children. This disgusting faggot got what was coming when he couldn't just step away from the computer. I wonder if he was repping his waifu in jail
Probably a less corrupt government, even relative to the American government
I think the main reason he got hit over the head was because of the bragging. It's one thing to have an involuntary personal problem like pedophilia that you struggle with and let get out of control, and another to act like a smug asshole about it on Facebook. That and when he was caught he couldn't even male things easy and fess up, mind you the best option is to always stay quiet and ask for a lawyer, but he knew he was fucked, why lie to the cop's face if he was going to speak at all?
I'm sure the judge didn't even consider going easy on him.
You get arrested for watching anime porn in South Korea.
Don't know about other countries.
>It's been nearly five years since Thad was jailed
He's either become hard as nails or a prison bitch.
>Thad comes up to you and says you're his waifu now
>what do
What if he doesn't care about anime anymore. Jail might have been the best red pill for him
How fucking dumb is this guy? If I had something that could actually put me in jail, the last thing I would do is publicly speak about it.
He deserves the jail time desu.
Fuck off pedo
Thad probably got taught a lot from the older pedo prisoners. He's gonna be actually dangerous now
SK is unironically run by feminazis, cultists, and feminazi cultists.
He's actually autistic in the actual sense.
Did he make the porn? If not then he did nothing wrong. You don't arrest people for having footage of 9/11
No he won't. The cops have intentionally left a hard drive planted somewhere and they'll magically find it a couple of days after his release.
Lolifags and pedos forever btfo by the law
Just yesterday a 9- or 10-year old boy was forced into the cop van for reading Hamlet on the street, how that's for a good society?
Another recent story: 4 pupils from the school where I teach physics have been asked to visit police dpt because they "liked" images of anti-governmental nature, and 1 for "liking" a post with a young-looking animu girl. Perfect enough?
Who are all christians. God bless usa
Send him a steam friend invite
Shit, does he know about the yandere sim shit and Persona 5?
I don't know, ask me 18 months from now.
This, however, is something you can bank on.
You're only helping his point user.
>get searched by police for CP
>they find nothing
>immediately goes on twitter and brags about how they didn't find his second hard drive
why are pedophiles literally dumber than pot dealing niggers?
Sounds like fake news. Stop reading cnn.
Maybe under obongo, but they aren't corrupt anymore since the current president don't tolerate facism
How much buttfuggin do you think he got?
It violates the dignity of the kids being abused
The cultists practice shamanism, they're not christians. It's more similar to shinto.
Oh, you are one of those.. Right, right.
Off yourself with haste
>sk is run by cultists and feminazis
>Oh and they're christians
NO way proof now! Jesus wuz a gud boi!
Just read on religion in sk
I'm sure someone will say this bullshit.
>Implying some random black guy saving images of Sup Forums us going to do any of this
So you're saying they're morally excluded from societal norms because a bunch of sick, twisted fucks made them get naked for a camera?
lmao it's just pixels dude.
It's just 0's and 1's :^)
Pedos literally produce it for (you)s
Actual pedos fuck off
While christianity is practiced more in SK, the president, who was recently impeached and imprisoned, had connections to shamanism.
>Actual pedophile
Kill yourself.
He won't be allowed back on the internet will he?
Ah yes, the reddit asspull.
>School Days waifu
yeah he got off easy desu
Why can't we go back to the traditional times when little girls were married off to us for our pleasure? Hate this libcucked sjw society. It's literally biology
>18 videos about Dragonball Evolution
What did he meme by this?
Can't someone be mad at victimless crime having harsh sentences without being a pedophile? I'm just scared some small technicality in some random law that hurts no one in any way will land me in jail one day just b because I live in America
>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.
You can write letters to inmates, right? Has anyone tried to write him something?
>One was a publicly televised event
>Another is user talking out his ass
Yea I wonder which one he is gonna ask about. God damn the people who use Sup Forums are stupid as fuck
Yeah, having pictures of kids on the drive is merely a technicality
why wouldn't you? His only crime is having digital photos he likely got for free on Sup Forums. Literally nothing and his life is over
is that the guy from Nostalgia Critic
Women loves bad boys so I'm sure he got dozens of marriage proposals since girls are vapid retards
>Anyone who wants actual pedophiles to fuck off is Reddit
Guess moot was Reddit back when he made /l/.
>I was hoarding pictures of children being exploited and having sex
>Merely a technicality!
>16. Also located on the usb flash drive was a copy of MCMICHAEL's resume.