Is the STALKER franchise actually good? Or is it just overhyped shit by russian chavs...

Is the STALKER franchise actually good? Or is it just overhyped shit by russian chavs? I've never played a single STALKER game.

I'm on the fence of buying the entire bundle and I don't know if I will enjoy it. I didn't like Fallout New Vegas and this looks really similar.

Should I get it or nah?

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Yes they're very good and probably dirt cheap at this point. Comparing this to fallout trash is an insult.

>like Fallout New Vegas and this looks really similar.

It's really nothing like Fallout outside of being set in an irradiated place with mutants. It's like a buggier, more atmospheric Far Cry.

Shit by themselves but with mods they are great.

try call of chernobyl

Highly suggested, go for it

Forgot to add, start with SoC and grab the Complete mod. Some faggot is probably gonna come in here and say you shouldn't play with mods your first playthrough but he's a retard. The vanilla balance and shooting mechanics are absolutely fucked and you literally won't have any fun without the mod.

Definitely worth a playthrough with or without mods, don't listen to the elitists that say "no mods" for your first run because that might be your only run if you don't become a huge fan.

I'd recommend all 3 to anyone that asks, especially as above user mentioned, the price is probably right.

they're pretty good and there really isn't much like it out there
clear sky is pretty broken though, you can get through it if you're determined.

Kill yourself.

worst post ever

Get it and play it in release order
visit stalker general on /vg/ to know which mods are good on first playthrough

Massively overrated. Good atmosphere, though.

>visit stalker general on /vg/

The series is just something special, not many games like it. Worth a try, especially since those games are cheap as shit by now.

worst post ever

Rough diamonds. The first two games need patches, the Zone Reclamation Project and Sky Reclamation Project respectively.
Good hunting, Stalker.

>Shit by themselves
you're shit

You should play it with mods, but Complte is shite.
I've heard Zone Reclamation Project is good. I played with L.U.R.K. personally, but you should do some research about kind of experience you want.

I really liked SoC and I didn't bother with any mods at all. Very satisfying gunplay once you understand it and get past the starting area. Trying Clear Sky now, but it's a real bitch so far. Everything seems way more lethal than it was in SoC. Bandits are twoshotting me from a hundred meters with Makarovs, and I'm somehow expected to take out 15 of these guys in one place when all I've got is my own Makarov and a double-barrel shotgun.

The turf war in the swamp is basically an extended version of the first mission in SoC when you clear out the bandit hangout with absolutely shit weapons. Just follow Clear Sky squads, stay in cover and let them do the fighting. Also make sure to install the latest version of the Sky Reclamation project since the faction war feature for the other factions is absolutely broken without it.

I played without mods my first playthrough and couldn't get enough of the game. I had a blast and was super immersed. It's difficult to explain how the different mechanics and creatures of the world come together to make you feel comfy in the wrecked ship to getting spooked at what appear to be footsteps in the swamp water...

>I didn't like Fallout New Vegas and this looks really similar.

>The vanilla balance and shooting mechanics are absolutely fucked
did you never make it out of cordon or something

I've been reading/watching a lot of "first timer" opinions lately and it seems like the inverse difficulty is what throws people the most.

The do the first mission in Zaton to clear the bandits from the car park and get their asses handed to them because they think the game is like Far Cry and you can just run in with your shitty pistol and win the day.

You can't really just stand behind half a wall and have a shootout. You need to crouch and lean and continually relocate.

Its not really a "simple" shooter, you need to use your brain.

absolute communist garbage, stay well away from it. Buy Fallout NV instead.

>Buy Fallout NV instead.
Absolute capitalistic garbage. Stay well away from it. Buy Shadow of Chernobyl instead

We've had 24/7 STALKER threads for 10 years now, non stop, and for a good reason. Yes, they're fucking great; I've personally put 1000s of hours into all 3 STALKER games, with and without mods, and still get an itch to return to the Zone.

Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

>Complete mod
kys and go back to 2008.

Way to be a total ignorant casual as well. Vanilla is great, but obviously you Complete morons don't know jack shit about anything.

it's really easy to figure out for yourself by just downloading stand-alone Lost Alpha

>You should play it with mods, but Complte is shite.
>goes to recommend fucking LURK the very next sentence
you are both literal cancer. Do a double-suicide.

>don't listen to the elitists that say "no mods" for your first run because that might be your only run if you don't become a huge fan.
it's no elitism. It's basic logical starting method of any game series out there. The vanilla games have been long ago patched to perfectly enjoyable states, and they have their own balances and atmospheres that any and all mods will ruin.

>Complete mods
wew lad


that thing is shit, and not the "game" you wanna start with anyway.

but you can get the STALKER feel out of it - if OP will like it, then go straight for CoP

>Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.
I always, always take the military base on for their ak74s. Rest of the game becomes a doddle.

>then go straight for CoP
jesus fuck, you keep spewing worse and worse bullshit every second.

the first quarter of the game's a doddle in the first place, unless you've only played Cowadooteh for your whole life. And then you get the Rapid AK, and the Zone's history

Without Capitalism, you would still be playing Tetris on your Tzar Boy Red smdh

What's with complete mod? I've been replaying SoC with it for awhile now, but I haven't noticed anything wildly different.

What's up with all these straight up retarded recommendations ITT?
>use complete mod
>start with LA and then CoP

OP listen to this guy and play the games with their Starter packs.

ive googled it and literally get nothing but massively conflicting information, it says its just a graphics overhaul mod but people claim it massively lowers the difficulty by making enemies have lower vision ranges and everyone can take more damage before dying


This is disappointing. I was just about to go North, but now I don't feel like continuing.

its interesting when i read things like this but then people who have actually played both vanilla and with complete and say it changes absolutely none of the gameplay mechanics so i can only assume its the same faggot going around claiming the same thing because he hates mods

I have played the SoC and CoP extensively, the only mod I really need is one where the health packs become healing over time instead of instant.

or maybe a bunch of idiots dont have a clue what theyre talking about because they started out with complete

>call of chernobyl

What the fuck is this thread? OP, get Shadow of Cherbobyl, install ZRP mod, turn off crosshair, pick master difficulty anf enjoy the game.

go fucking kill yourself, retard

Play with Zone Reclamation Project. Do not play with the Complete mod for your first playthrough

>babbys first post-apocalyptic vidya

He's right, going straight for CoP is bad advice.

SoC is the better game, CoP is more open and could be really boring for a newcomer, you play it only if you liked SoC and want more of that Stalker feel. It also has things that are missing in SoC so you don't want to play CoP or CS before SoC.
You should still play CS before CoP though.

If you imply that only CoP is worth it, you're wrong.

Yes, they are very good but not for everyone. Fallout is not even near the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience.

have you ever considered that your way might not be the best way to enjoy the game for everyone?

>try dayz of rust
Fuck off with this meme mod.

It seems you didn't read to the end

>Steam reviews of SoC unironically suggest to play the game for the first time with Complete as it fixes all bugs and still keeps the game vanilla

It's an extremely overhyped, massively flawed FPS with bizarre RPG mechanics thrown it. Atmosphere is good, occasionally. Worth trying, just don't set your expectations too high. Don't repeat my mistakes.

>play CS with Faction War mod
>kill enemy group
>loot bodies
>allied NPC comes to me "hey that was my loot!"
>dialog options are yes/no/attack
>get into fight with NPC for saying "no"

fuck you fucking baby dick asshole

Most people play heavely modded versions of them so they say they're good. But in realitt they are pretty broken messes with a cool atmosphere.

get stalker shadow of Chernobyl

installed Zone Reclamation Project

set to master difficulty (this is because higher the difficulty, the more damage everyone takes, and at the start of the game, the bad weapons you have + the enemies bullet sponge-ness actually makes it harder than the max difficulty)

turn off crosshairs


when youre done with the that, play AMK if you want maximum stalker mode

complete is not good, it's graphics overhall is fantastic but the gameplay changes are not GOOD

you can actually merge AMK and complete though.

Don't play vanilla, start with some pack of recommended mods. Vanilla is heavily unpolished and the combat balance is retarded.

Either way, don't expect anything genious about it. I hated it on release, mostly because devs hyped it up as a completely different game. Gave it a chance some years later, loved it. This game might be the best when it comes to cool unscripted shit happening to you and it's also a pretty solid shootan overall.

combat balance is perfectly fine though, starting weapons are junk yeh but moment you get to garbage youre fine.

>russian chavs

>tfw no sequel based on the Fukushima disaster.
Why hasn't anybody fucking picked up the reigns to Stalker yet? I've been eternally itching to play a new Stalker game and see the butthurt of Japs.

I don't understand why people keep saying this. I played SoC on master just fine when I was completely new to the series.

chances are its people who DONT play on master

people think that master means enemies have more health and do more damage

when its everyone has less health , you and the enemies.

>brainlets in Stalker play on easy difficulty and willingly waste so much bullets on bullet sponge enemies

Human enemies are too bullet spongy, that's probably my biggest problem with it. I played with AMK mod and had a much better experience overall.

are you not reading about master difficulty? amk just ramps that up to 11

They're retards who haven't played the game. I remember the first time I played I could not get past the military outpost in the cordon until I switched to Master.

Bloodsuckers in AMK are extremely bullet spongy unless you engage them with your knife or grenades. I hated this so much.
Also, AMK has electro chimeras.

I don't remember that much about difficulties, most likely I played it on Hard and it still bothered me. Still AMK does more than that.

Either your not playing on Master difficulty and you aren't using armor piercing rounds on armored targets like the Ukrainian soldiers, other stalkers, duty guards and monolith guards. Or your still using the shit guns you found off bandits and havent made the effort to get some rubles and afford a decent smg.

>play CoC
>headshots are no instant kills anymore
Who thought this was a good idea? Even AP ammo is useless.

Are you sure you're hitting their head?

Stalker was one of the first real open world FPSes so it really was great at the time. It's since been surpassed by the Far Cry series.

Bloodsuckers in AMK only have sides of their head as vulnerable points.

what if there are people that ENJOY the bullet spongy enemies because that way they get to actually spend ammo and make the powerful guns have a point in the game

>farcry better than stalker

This is weak bait, bro.

>i'm retarded: the post
The only Far Cey game that could even hold a candle to Stalker would be Far Cry 2. Everything else is causal crap made by ubishit for faggot normie shekels.

Then I recommend Tom Clancy's The Division

They're very different though. Stalker is less of a sandbox and more of a traditional FPS with some looting and open areas thrown into it, more akin to to polish Chrome or their previous game, Venom: Codename Outbreak.

Yes, with 5.56x45 mm AP and 5.45x39 mm AP against exoskeletons.
Which is not an excuse because even in vanilla STALKER you can instantly kill every human enemy even with a Makarov.

it's good with mods

What are some good fun mods for STALKER? I have almost 500 hours in SoC, but I only played vanilla or AMK.

Fucking this.
Haven't seen a STALKAN' thread on Sup Forums in a long while, and what do I see when I check out the first one in ages? Fucking 2008 tier recommendations + literal sodomy.

We've been saying for years now to avoid Complete mods. Yes, it's a HUGE overhaul mod, and totally OBSOLETE this day and age.

The problem with internet is that it does not forget, and thus rookies like you get exposed to 10+ years old ignorant posts of the pasts.

>the only mod I really need is one where the health packs become healing over time instead of instant
user, that's the way it works without mods, too

but the makarov is complete shit and cant hit the broadside of a barn

Modding on first playthrough (except bugfixes) is fucking retarded and objectively a shit way to play games

Play the games vanilla and then look into mods

hence why zone reclamation project is the only acceptable mod for a new player

LITERALLY only fixes bugs, not any balance issues, no gameplay features, no graphics.

First play CS and CoP if you haven't.
Clear Sky Faction War mod is my favourite.
CoC is xbox hueg.
Misery is good for something completely different.
R.E.B.O.R.N. is good for participating in memes

the setting is cool but it has no real story and characters. it's a good game if you play games pretending they have a deep substance than what the game files offer

I wasn't exposed to any post. I decided to replay SoC and since I had already done it in Vanilla I just took the first decent one I saw. Wish I quit earlier and looked into the mod though, thought things were going too well.
This is what I get for not going into STALKER threads for years.

Mak, and pistols in general, have short as fuck reach, but they still do damage.

You are only allowed to have opinions on these games when you finish all three STALKER games with just the Makarov and without saving

Don't buy, nothing goes to the dev team because they're dead

STALKER is good for:
fighting against AI

STALKER is not good for:
character development
casual playthroughs
expecting a stable engine


>tfw shredding the entire Cordon military base in SoC with nothing more than a sawn-off and one grenade
I can't resist it, every time.


Not even that hard 2bph. I know shit must sound some elitist-tier impossible task to rookies though.

Why were the first person animations in this game so fucking bad? Like these are some of the worst in video games, period. The third person character animations were pretty damn good but in first person you have a huge ass meat thumb/broken wrist and you hold the guns like you're retarded, and also there were those horrid fucking reload animations.