Bloodborne 2

Will bloodborne 2 be announced at E3? And will it ever be able to reach the original's level of awesomeness? Or will we only get Code Vein to satiate our blood thirst?

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I'll prefer a Demon's Souls remaster for ps4

>Will bloodborne 2 be announced at E3? And will it ever be able to reach the original's 29,9fps?

I'd rather have something closer to DeS, really. Or rather, entirely new IP made by the same team.
If something like that is released, I would like a "infinite mode" like chalice dungeons were, but preferably with little more variety in the layout, but random loot and enemies were pretty cool and chalices are one of the most fun things in BB for me.

Overall, I would like to have one game with archstones with vastly different areas behind them along with randomly generated archstone-levels, like CDs.
I would also like to have a better spear, that doesn't trick into a gun.

No, so no to the second question and no to the third.
From makes new Armored Core, some new souls-like(or actually not) game and something "not in their style" and fuck I hope it's Tenchu

Why do you want the same game with negligible quality of life tweaks? Are you unaware that the gothic/lovecraftian safari of the original game covered everything in that aesthetic genre?

hopefully only code vein, there is no need for more bloodborne

I want Blame! Souls more than anything desu

>doesn't want bloodborne sequel
>wants an armoured core sequel
Hypocrisy much

Well, I think Bloodborne 2 is the most likely game to come out of Fromsoft, but personally I'd enjoy a new ''soul-like'' game, outside of DeS, DaS and Bloodborne.

Anyone else in the alpha?

>bloodborne and code vein
>being similar
How high are you, negroid? Code Vein is a shitty MonHun clone.

"bb2" could make the same jump DaS made from DeS.
>not as cryptic, easier to get into
>more weapons and armor
>refillable blood flasks, less grinding
>quantity ► quality in the worst case

>wants an armoured core sequel
I didn't even said that you dumb nigger
Bloodborne is good just as it is, From are much better when they're always making something new, just look at PS1 and PS2 titles that aren't King's Field. Fucker

I know you're baiting but code vein, while from the God eater team, which is definitely a MonHun clone, has been repeatedly directly described by the devs as not in the same vein as God Eater/MonHun/Toukiden.

I'd be suprised if it ended up like those. They're after the Souls-ish audience.

Yeah, it's very similar aesthetics to Bloodborne, they clearly want to ''appeal'' to their fans ; especially when you consider their protagonist is a vampire. Though I'm not excluding that it could be a decent game.

It's going to be armored core 6 niggers.

I'd say that a shit logo, but then I remember the lengths Witcher 3 went to in order to hide the fact it had three in the title.

Queen frankly I'm not really interested after playing the first one.

Despite being sold the idea of some incredible game that's a real challenge, I came up against something that possessed no challenge, was painfully linear, had no story, no music outside of boss fights, your hand is held every step of the way, there are a ridiculously small amount of personal choices you can make for a so-called RPG.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days.


>Will bloodborne 2 be announced at E3?
No way to know.

>And will it ever be able to reach the original's level of awesomeness?
Hard to say. They really don't need to change much in the way of gameplay. I mainly wonder where the hell they could/would go with the story and setting.

>Or will we only get Code Vein to satiate our blood thirst?
>anime shit
Into the trash it goes.

Only console warriors want Bloodborne 2, a sequel is completely unwarranted and would probably suck. t. someone who actually played and mostly enjoyed Bloodborne

You're everywhere

Its real. I have no source, but just typing this will bring butt hurt.

I mean it would probably not be as great, but I kinda miss having a Fromsoft soul-like game.

That's what new IPs are for.

It will be a spiritual sequel at best. A literal BB2 doesn't make sense, but of course they're going to make another gothic fantasy soulslike.

I don't think fromsoft wants to keep making soulslike games. Besides not every game needs a bloody sequel

I think a second one is unlikely, but I'm afraid they also don't make a new soul-like title, because Fromsoft wants to innovate.

A happy surprise though, would be a new King's Field. The fourth one was cozy, but not all that great ; I feel like they could make something amazing now though

So how hard is Bloodborne?

I think the only thing where BB fell overly short was the multiplayer aspects. I'm not a huge Souls PVP fanatic, but the invasions, co-op, soapstones etc aer a huge driving dynamic of the Souls games.

Bloodborne fell woefully short here; 3 awkward covenants that were entirely meaningless and served no purpose. Covenants are a great idea, and a massive part of the game to me and many others.

I'd love to see them strengthen the presence of multiplayer possibilities (Not just cheesing bosses with summons), and make the PVP/Co-op/PVE options/dynamics more engaged in a multiplayer way.

Doesn't have to be direct PVP or whatnot. They're creative. But i feel BB just collapsed on that front; the multiplayer aspects were just pure garbage.

FromSoft already said all souls games are done forever and ever.


Wrong. They only stated that about Dark Souls-series, not souls in general

>This fag again.


Have you ever played a souls game before?

Your first souls game is typically pretty difficult.

Lol I went in blind and got plat on Bloodborne in TEN DAYS

Not played them before no. I mean is it the kind of difficulty you can spend time learning to actually get good at or is it bullshit mechanics or whatever

>is it the kind of difficulty you can spend time learning to actually get good at


You'll spend little time learning the mechanics, more time learning how to take on different situations.

It's only hard if you play stupidly


Demons souls is 5 hour trash with a handful of armour sets and the same wall textures for the entire map

Don't listen to the shills don't buy it it's short has mediocre music is extremely linear and the difficulty is some sort of inside joke I think because I got platinum in 10 days WITHOUT having played a souls game before

BB is the easiest of the bunch though

Never ever you shit eating PCbro

Mechanically it's very straight forward. The difficulty is more that even standard enemies pose a threat if you don't approach them carefully.

Alright I'm convinced, I'll buy it

Yeah why don't you head on back to your containment over at NeoGAF and stop jumping to conclusions whether or not something will never get a PC release on the flimsiest of evidence?

Here's what I wantsies for Burradobon 2:

>an underwater level with giant octopus monsters and steampunk submersibles and glass tunnels
>whales and octopi
>huge underground lakes deep underground
>more lore about other planets and suns and how they align and the gods that dwell on them
>more varied diseases/status conditions
>interconnectedness that actually makes sense and is useful for backtracking, not made unnecessary by teleports
>no teleports
>a railway that is in constant motion across the map rather than teleports
>NPcs that actually serve a purpose
>more sexy waifus

bring me armored core

> t.n.cuck
> DeS in 2017
fucking retrograds

> BB in 2017
kys cuck and learn how to play games

Demons' Souls had the best world and atmosphere though. Shame they couldn't continue with the IP.

>Leave us, slayer of Demons.
>This is a sanctuary for the lost and wretched.
>There is nothing here for you to pillage or plunder.
>Please, leave quietly.


>IP literally owned by Sony

There's a reason they made Dark Souls instead of Demon's Souls 2 when they wanted to go multiplat.

I've played every souls game besides 3 and personally I thought DaS2 was the easiest. Every fucking boss has lighting weakness and the only "hard" part about it is that "dude let's throw alot of enemies at you at once" bullshit.

But BB has faster combat which makes the gameplay more fun/satisfying to play.

>>an underwater level with giant octopus monsters and steampunk submersibles and glass tunnels

it's a shit idea hopefully you'll never work for FromSoftware

Besides Latria, DeS was rather shitty.
And the Astreea "fight" is dogshit.

You do know that several Sony-owned IPs have appeared on other platforms in the past, right?

DS3 is even faster (especially bosses)
killing midir is most satisfying shit desu

I totally agree with that user you're replying to. You brought this on yourself. First you shitpost about nogaems for years and then you expect not being called out when you beg for a PCport.

Seriously fuck PCniggers.

>I-i-it'll happen!!
Ok pcůck. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>Want to play Dark Souls then BB
>Own a PS4
>Can't play the first installment

Can I skip it

you're dogshit

take your precious demons' soul.

Don't you think they would've just made Demon's Souls 2 a multiplat game if it had been that easy?

> peekock
are you consolepleb or multilord?
We don't approve *platform_name*only fags opinions here, sorry.

it adds a lot to the enjoyment of the others, but they can still be fun without it. just read up/watch some lore videos



You mean the first two. Dark Souls is a sequel to Demons Souls they just had to change the name because of legal issues.
But yea you can skip them.

Yeah, because one game is definitely enough to not only remove the nogames label that you Sonyshitters been having for ages, but apparently warrants enough enough pride for you faggots to declare us cucks and act like you created the goldface and have a monopoly on it (it was created by PC gamers to shit on you, ironically).

Either way, it does not change the fact that sony-owned IPs have appeared on non-Sony consoles in the past, so either way your NEVER EVER spouting is unwarranted.


this 2bh Demon's Souls with the last archstone.

Those are the most retarded criticisms of demon's souls I've ever heard

Play it on your PC

>1 game = 0 games
Merely pretending?

>declare us cuck
Actually, all that portbegging is the reason why we call you PC "cucks".

It's entirely true u cuck

Lmao dude just stop it's embarrassing maybe when u grow up and get ur first job you might be able to afford a second hand console you poorfag shithead

Fuck you negroid

Why do people keep posting that fan made "Blooooorne" logo?

>Wanting to pay for playing Demon's Souls online
If you want to play Demon's Souls as if it's new again. Then just campaign for everyone to start a new character and all start playing on specifically December the 1st or whenever and you'll get an alive community again. It worked in the past it'll likely work again.

Putting Demon's Souls behind the PS+ paywall is beyond disgusting. Fucking neo-Sony and their neo-Sony apologists.

>Demon's souls is 5 hours long
>entirely true
get the fuck out

It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the ShitStation 4 I won't buy it.

Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:

Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).

THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.

As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.

Sometimes I want a cross between bloodborne and diablo. It'd be cool if I could do runs with my friends for bloodborne, but the whole reason for runs is the loot grind. I can't see how that'd fit into a souls context since souls is all about very special loot with story tie ins.

very infrequently

the last sony owned ip to be released on pc was twisted metal over a decade ago

That's not the definition of a cuck, though. Cucked would be if the PS4 got a bunch of PC exclusives, or vice versa, the exclusives are like wives in that regard, and the platform getting the ports are the bulls, while the ones losing the exclusive are the cucks. And last I checked, the PC gets more ports from the PS4 than the PS4 gets from the PC, so really it's the Sonydiots who are the cucks.

But hey, at least you guys have Bloodborne, which is too loyal and pure to ever cuck you.
On the contrary, it's because I have a job I managed to build this $2000 rig while you obviously live in the hood and have to survive on a shitty console with only one good exclusive worth obsessing over simply because it's the only justification for you owning the console in the first place. But I guess you go by the assumption that every PC user is a BR monkey who live where consoles are so overinflated in price that they are hardly worth it or something.

>look mom I posted it again
You're not important. 60 million sold let that sink in.

You're cucked because while we Sonybulls play the games you want you have to watch like a cuckold.

No, you're cucked because you only have one game to play forever and ever and ever until PS5 is released while we have literally thousands of games to play. The only reason you seem to think we like watching your shitty games is because you found a shitty petition and assumed every single PC user ever signed it by default because it makes us collectively look pathetic so you can claim a false sense of superiority.

So salt

honestly who the hell cares

>We don't care about this game at all!
>Let me show how little I care by making desperate claims that it will definetly get a pc port!

>Reading comprehension

>DS3 is even faster (especially bosses)
Lul no it's not

HOWLING at the absolute state of pc cuckolds begging for Bloodborne to pc

The difference is, I don't give a shit about your thousands of games. I stopped caring about PC games since the Lord of Destruction expansion.

>your shitty games
Why would you want it on PC then if it's so shitty?

The next bloodborne will have a witch finder theme

The player enters a city similar to the city of the first game where the enemies are searching for witches, you are searching for a man who was pretty much the catalyst that caused the insane mess the city is in but knows how to stop it.

There aren't many weird monsters in this game but about half way through there is a massive plot twist which will allow for your favourite space spiders to return into the game

The game also includes more dialogue, unlike in the first game where some randoms say the odd word or two. instead in 2 you have to hunt down different characters to ask for information, though some characters may deceive you and lead you away from what you're looking for. You're kind of like a detective, but you need to find the truth to successfully save the city.

This detective side of the game is optional so you can spend the game like a traditional souls game but you won't get the true ending. You can also listen to all the wrong people and accidentally get one of the fucked up endings. So you will need to pay close attention to what people say, who they are and who they associate with, reading into the lore will also guide you to the true ending.
The wrong people will lead you to a leader of a cult that worships the amygdala. He claims to know how to save the city but is pretty much just using you to fulfill the cults goal.

Tl;dr it's a normal souls type game with an optional detective-like game mechanic

Honestly you need to rethink your life


wtf is the source on the Phantom Wail bs floating around Sup Forums?

>This game will definetly get a port, look at these games released 10 years ago that got a port!
>N-not that I care about it, of course. I'm not a c-cuck.

DS3 was well polished - they removed flaws BB used to have - like no respec, variety of weapons, more epic bosses.. that all leaded to a replayability. Now imagine what will they achieve with that level of knowledge in BB2. I just hope Miyazaki is still in charge, cuz if not.. fuck that man

You just confirmed for having shit taste, buddy. That's it.