Well Sup Forums, season just ended. Let's see how you did.
>Highest rank
>Final rank
>Top 3 most played
>Solo or stack
Solo all the way
Overwatch rank
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't play shit games. Also what the fuck are you doing playing a team based game solo? Do you have brain problems?
Underage faggots like you should just kill themselves off of my board.
Prob my least favorite season
Symmetra and mercy only, literally
duo stack mostly, did some solo as well
>tfw I can actually read this
The human mind is a fucking fascinating thing
What voice lines do you use?
No mercy
Better than a hanzo one trick
>tfw the only hero I'm good with is Mei
Is there any hope for me?
You'll do great as long as you're on the enemy team.
I placed at like 2400 and got to like 2520 real quick in the last few days to see if i could do it. I don't really play ranked much. I can't remember who my top played was.
hope all your matches are 2 cp defense
Prob because you remember the pasta
I play Support Solo because every other role is always filled when I load into the character select screen.
highest 3340 or something. Current 3120.
Reinhardt, Genji, Soldier main.
>Highest rank
>Final rank
>Most played
Mercy, Lucio, Ana
I'm bad at video games.
Can you rank up using stacks, are queues not separate between solo and party?
>Highest rank
>Final rank
>Top 3 most played
>Solo or stack
I go about half and half soloing and duoing with my brother. Pretty sure if I didn't play with him I could break into diamond, but I couldn't see myself ever getting much higher than that.
you tend to get matched against people queueing in the same size groups as you. For the most part anyways.
It's not worth the stress and effort anyways, having fun with your brother means much more.
I know, if he dropped it tomorrow and went back to League I'd probably quit playing too.
4011, played a couple games on the last day because I decayed to masters
>Top 3
>Solo or stack
Solo, played with friends on a smurf.
I'm on mobile but 4343 season high
I main s76
>Highest Rank
>Final Rank
>Top 3
Solo, sometimes 2man
I've given up and won't be coming back. After 3 seasons of being stuck Gold-Plat I've discovered this game isn't worth my time. Too bad it took that long. Shame, had fun and met people but towards the end it was nothing but angst.
Everyone below gm why do you even bother playing this children video game?
Also I just play like the first week only and quit after it is clear that meta is still Ana, Lucio, Rein with 80% of the classes being PLS SWITCH OR I REPORT -tier.
>Highest rank
>Final rank
>Top 3 most played
>Solo or stack
Solo only
i fucking hate blizzard's forced 50 winrate
>Highest rank
whatever I got after passing 3000
>Final rank
>Top 3 most played
>Solo or stack
Solo all the way
>highest 1500
>lowest 1100
pretty juicy user, show previous seasons
how do you even start off in 1500
do you play with a controller or something?
I don't think I've ever been below 2500
You can actually read books that fast with proper learning.
It's called speed reading and my friend does it. Reads full books within 3 days like that.
Overwatch has lived TF2's lifespan in like a year. How's it feel that all you did was copy tf2 updates
>Overwatch has lived TF2's lifespan in like a year.
What did he mean by this?
Not that guy, but I never played fps growing up. Overwatch is pretty much my first fps game that I've put more than 30 mins into.
I got to 1994 as my highest, started at like 1700
how big are the books?
if I'm interested in the book I can reach 2-2.5 pages a minute
if I'm not really interested in it I often have trouble reaching 1-1.5 a page because my mind wanders and I have to "read" parts 2/3 times before I actually read it
Anyone else think that there should be MMR decay -- not just SR decay -- for those who don't play alot. I barely played this season and felt rusty as fuck, yet I'm still playing at GM.
>I never played fps growing up
how did you not play one of the biggest genres of games
how old are you
when did your family get a pc?
Not him, but I didn't play FPS until 2010 onwards with the exception of Goldeneye due to growing up with Nintendo consoles.
I didnt enjoy fps games as a child. Still not a big fan but I play overwatch with my friends.
I have always had a pc, just mostly played rpgs and shit like that.
I am probably older than you.
>2-2.5 pages a minute
he does around 400 words per minute. Which varies from book to book due to text size, etc.
He uses an e reader but he does have problems because of the refresh rate.
An actual great player. Very rare to see a person who can play some many heroes
Who /no skill/ here?
>tfw ranked decay
Fuck I was almost masters.
i did not play for months. only a few weeks when rare loot boxes would drop (and i got nothing).
whatever happened to that faggot? did he kill himself.
Fuck SR decay. I seriously hope Blizz does something about it this season but I'm not holding my breath.
nice smurf
what makes you think I'm a smurf?
>mercy mains
Really made me think
you think someone would smurf rein? DDDDDDDDDDDD
>Season 1
Didn't bother. It was garbage and the coin toss shit was aids
>Season 2
Got sick and couldn't play anymore and decayed, unlocked zen's bird skin and he became my favorite hero
>Season 3
Recovering from surgery and couldn't play anyone but Zen for most of that time.
according to google an average page is 250-300 words, which is also the average reading speed
I took my current book which had 11 words on first line & had 41 lines on a page. (including non full lines, so probably more like 30-35 full lines)
seeing mccree drop is kind of sad
Turboshitter reporting in
Elo hell is real
>Highest rank
>Final rank
4301 cause i stopped giving a shit on the dawn of the final day
>Top 3 most played
>Solo or stack
Solo 99.9%. duod with someone once, didn't find it very fun.
>Elo hell is real
no it isn't
I don't play casual normie games competitively when I could instead play a lot of other, better games.
Highest: low masters
Final: something around 2700
Yes it is
>tfw decided to pretty much only play genji this season
>best I could do was stay in diamond
overall could have been worse.
doesn't this just prove that you are shit and belong in that rank?
>Highest rank
>Final rank
>Top 3 most played
Torb exclusive
>Solo or stack
Group with a symmetra and a mei. We're the cancer trio.
Will someone help me get to dismond next season? I'm a Rein main sick of being in gold. I'm better than this, I know it. I'll reward you handsomely.
Someone show me undeniable statistical proof that the "competitive mode" has better matchmaking than Quickplay
Because that's the defense shitters use when you ask why they play the cancer that is ranked, they're just too pussy to admit they want tacky golden guns.
that's the joke
It is. There's so many people jammed in the gold bracket. They need a wipe.
i ain't good, but i'm having a good time!
He means OV had the same ammount of new content in a year as TF2 had in its lifetime.
>It is. There's so many people jammed in the gold bracket
Like it should be. It's the "average rank", before that 70% of players were plat or something like that.
any studies on retention?
They probably assigned small teams to do different years of tf2 updates rofl
90% solo, 10% duo games
People who say supports get less SR just need to git gud.
It varies , but remember that I'm only talking about my friend here and I have little knowledge on the subject unlike like he does. Do some looking around and you will find plenty of sources on speed reading though. It not only saves time on reading but also lets you enjoy more books
>20 hours on Ana
>"pffffft all these people who complain about solo support being hard"
Nigga. Ana is THE solo carry support.
It's Mercy and Lucio mains who complain about that shit.
Solo mostly, nothing below 60 win percentage on top four.
Stick to what you're good at folks
i was only able to solo q carry with her up to something like rank 150 or 160. all supports, no matter the player, are really only as good as the rest of the team but not necessarily in th weakest chain link sense.
also can confirm felt lower sr gains and higher sr losses after the mid season patch to on fire and sr rating relation as a top 500 ana player.
I'm and I always laugh at people who say one needs to play DPS, Tracer and Genji specifically, to climb. Made it all the way from gold to GM maining Mercy, 100% solo queue. The few times I teamed up with a friend only brought my SR down.
There's no Elo hell, you don't need to "hard carry" as DPS, you're just bad.
I forgot how to aim with him so I don't use him much.
>Elo hell
Nope. I'd call masters or high diamond elo hell. Gold is a joke. When I got my smurf I crawled out of it playing whatever I wanted, even attack torb. I was disappointed too because I wanted to dick around in that range some more, but I was high diamond after like 10 games because it was impossible to lose.
Isnt it hard being a Mercy main in GM? There are so many Mercy mains in GM that you sometimes get multiple in one team.
I put in the absolute minimum amount of effort on the final day of the season Sup Forums. Did I do okay?
Also when is Ana going to to a proper nerf? I mean I know we don't know but, she needs a kick in the pants and a fall down the stairs. She does everything all the supports do but better. And worse she has access to all of it at the same time where else other supports have access to some of their mechanics.
This Is my first sesons games.
What have I done wrong?
>the only character I'm noticeably above average with is Pharah
>Pharah sucks dick unless you're queued with a healer who'll suck YOUR dick
It's amazing how quickly she goes from "somewhat less useful than Soldier" to "god-tier unstoppable killing force" if you've got a Mercy, or even just a Zen orb
Too bad support players don't look up in this game
There are no more mercy mains in GM than other ranks (actually there are fewer), also I almost exclusively play Lucio in CP. If someone else already picked Mercy I switch to Lucio in Payload/2CP no problem, the literal Mercy 1tricks are the real problem.
Yes, Mercy/Lucio/Rein are 99% about positioning and game sense, mechanical skill is secondary.
Lucio is all about wallsurfing, he is a real battle healer
If you are playing him as a healer you are wasting your time, Mercy and Ana heal much more
Lucio has moments where he can shine as a battle healer, but if you're trying to be DSPStanky with him every game, you're no different from all those guys stuck in Diamond who have GOD mechanics but the game sense of a toast.
What kinda illness
considering i was 2700 last season, pretty fuckin proud of myself. 100% solo queue.
Gold Nova 2
the sheer amount of salt i encountered from both teams could have extinguished the sun. i never said anything but always kept voice chat on but i cant blame them. i was in the wrong for being a dirty one tricker. was a fuckin fun season though.
Not really. It's been all but proven by high end players that at the end of the day the game isn't really about picks and that you can potentially win even with the most cancerous comps.
>Highest rank
>Final rank
>Top 3 most played
Dva/Rein/Winston. Stopped playing Rein after a while because I was doing bad with him, started using Lucio more near the end,
>Solo or stack
Solo 90% of the time. Occasionally duo.
It was alright. Was a silver shitter last season so at least I'm improving. Broke into plat and just hovered around there until I got a huge losing streak bringing be back to the 2100s. Was able to bring it back to the 2400-2500 range but ran out of time before I could climb more.
Found myself having more success when I just mained Dva/Winston/Lucio rather than filling so I think I'll just stick to that next season.
Global Elite
Solo always
I uninstalled the game for two weeks after dropping from something like 2975 to 2680, then I done nothing but win yesterday straight to 3007 and now I never have to play that clusterfuck again.
i can climb out of gold and into high master within the space of a day. git gud retard