Games where you play as a villain?
Games where you play as a villain?
Other urls found in this thread:
poke'mon(animal abuse), Overlord, Dark Souls(if you choose to light the fire), GTA series(you're a literal thug), Bioshock infinite(you plunge a utopia into darkness)
any WWII game where you play as allies
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout New Vegas when you side with __NCR
Wolfenstein the New Order(You're destroying a utopia), COD WAW & WWII(You're destroying humanities last hope)
Prototype 1/2
Lords of shadow 2
Destroy all humans
Ultimate spider man as Venom
Blood Omen
Spider-man: Web of shadows(Symbiote path)
Payday 2
you play as a bank robber
Warcaft III
>Fallout 2
>God of War
>Deus Ex
Infamous 1/2
Elder Scrolls series, Star-wars: TOR(if you play as the republic)
t. Edgy 15 year old Sup Forumstard
>poke'mon(animal abuse)
No, really, knock this shit off. The joke stopped being funny right after people got sick of the "Mario doing mushrooms" bit.
>muh Sup Forums boogyman
GTA: San Andreas
The 50 Cent games
Prototype 2
Mafia 3
Watchdogs 2
The Suffering
The Franklin bits in GTA V
The Harlem Hellfighter bits in BF1
NBA games
I'm actually a Russian spy, sent here to spread the motherlands influence.
God of War 2, God of War 3.
>NBA games
Watch that edge, kiddo.
You play as the familiar to a witch who wants to take over the world and who actively has people killed, eaten alive and in one case raped, and you do all sorts of things for her, including but not limited to extorting people, stealing things, attacking innocents and more.
Age of Wonders 3
Hearts of Iron 4: you can literally play as Adolf Hitler. Or Stalin. Or Churchill...
Rainbow Six
literally spec ops: the line
>muh Sup Forums
Like clockwork
To be fair, in hindsight we would probably all be better off today if Germany had won.
Well you can play the heel teams.
I've always wondered if this guy ever gets recognized for this role.
>bad guy
no,no we're definitely better off with men dressing up as women and cutting off their dicks and shooting up with estrogen, with our governments mass importing savages who have less then a third graders education so they can leech off welfare, with pedophile activism.......say it with me "diversity is our strength"
>we would probably all be better off today if Germany had won.
Everybody always thinks that the Nazis would have spared them
only legit answer so far in this thread
people don't understand the difference between being a shithead and being a villain
>Implying Stalin wasn't a bad guy
Do you feel like a hero yet?
golly, I wonder who's behind this post. Every time.
Civilization. It's a series about immortal tyrants who wipe out indigenous people, completely destroy the original environment, and give their people no choice but to serve them for millennia.
Any game where you play as a heterosexual white male.
Persona 5, you literally go around and mind control people into doing things against their will.
>m-m-m-muh kike boogyman on a video games board
We really wouldn't.
For the people he killed, Stalin was the bad guy. I am not going to get into one of those discussions though and leave it at: it's subjective.
t. Schlomo Kikestein
>(((suspicions intensify)))
>implying (((they))) don't use the media to spread (((their influence)))
Whoa there guy, I legitimately wonder who's behind that post.
>being this much of a try hard
It's spiders, isn't it?
Armored Core because the majority of the time you're hired by a bunch of shady assholes.
I don't know about you but i'm neither a kike nor morally or genetically degenerate and i also wouldn't be a political dissident so yeah, i would be just fine in a unified European Military-Industrial Superstate.
But i guess i have to make do with a splintered European Caliphate instead.
We are not all handicapped gay jew trannies my friend
Star Wars: Force Unleashed where you control Darth Vader's secret apprentice. Tho he becomes a good guy later in the game.
you get to play as Vader at the first stage, too
Dungeon Keeper
desu everyone played as the Heat in 2010-14, and the Warriors in 2015-17 so yeah
including Half-Life?
The Sith are the good guys though.
The nazis weren't the only choice, pre WW1 europe was the best not some failed art students socialists utopia.
Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker
i think we've gone so far with this meme that i don't even think this is unironic anymore
I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes.
But I'm also a quarter native american, not that the nazi's would even know what that is, they probably thought they were wise ancient shamans or something, crazy nazis with their silly magic.
>being a boot-liking monarchist
Look at the UK and see how degenerate they've become, there is little doubt that a ww1-less Europe would've turned out the same.
yeah unless you're you know eastern european and targeted for genocide, retard
and you're an antisemite obviously so we wont' even go there
REEEEEEEE get out my vidya board and fuck off to Sup Forums
Dark Souls 1. You kill Gwyn, he defends his reign of the curse of the undead
>Look at the UK and see how degenerate they've become,
>The british monarchy is the only one you can have
>slavs, gypsies, kikes and retards
Fuck off Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov
retard unless you're german you were almost certainly considered genetically degenerate
and not "german american" they did not look kindly on mongrelized new worlders
Oh you could have something even worse like Sweden. Fascism is the only form of government that both makes sense and preserves the purity of each countries culture and ethnicity.
the nazis knew what native americans were you fucking mongoloid and they would have considered you literally a mongoloid fit for the ovens
kill yourself nigger hitler wanted to suck native american cock because they were considered aryans you fucking brainlet read a book
TES games where you always play as Azura's puppet and ruin everything for everyone.
>yeah unless you're you know eastern european and targeted for genocide, retard
Well yes, getting rid of the trash would objectively make the world a better place.
It hasn't been ironic in a decade. You get older but the teenagers are always here
According to this the nazi view o Natives was unclear
"In addition, the Nazis considered the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans to be Aryans"
But apparently the small amount of light that was shed on them was indeed a positive one, I think I'm in the clear.
only because they heard romaticized tales of the sioux. once they would have came and saw how native americans actually lived by that era, lol good luck with that
>germany winning ww2 would equal nazis killing every single person on earth except blonde blue eyed aryans
Any game where you play as a Murrican.
Getting rid of all slavic trash would make the world a better place
It's actually the opposite.People generally get more conservative with age whereas todays antifa and the like recruits in highschools and colleges.
Getting rid of Burger trash would make the world a better place.
See, slavs didn't instigate the Middle-eastern conflict, slavs didn't create the immigrant crisis, slavs don't suck saudi dick or finance terrorist organizations.
You do, you filthy Amerifat.
They're white
You're suggesting Sup Forums's demographics are now in the 40's? On Sup Forums?
Go to bed slobodan, you're drunk.
Any historical Grand Strategy
This world's shit. Literally no culture or ethnicity is worth preserving.
Nice argument, sand-nigger lover.
Preserving culture by burning it's books.
>polish man tries to rob bank with spoon
to his credit, the bank tellers did surrender but only because polish banks don't even have any money