Hello. We're here to ruin Dark Souls pvp and force shitty memes

Hello. We're here to ruin Dark Souls pvp and force shitty memes.

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why was the father mask so popular anyway? the boost to equip load if negligible

Because it's fucking hilarious is why.

fucking this

Looks funny

I must've gotten into Dark Souls 1 when the memes stopped since I never got a giantdad player

When min maxing it can be a big help with lots of endurance

It's optimal. Which led to it being the mandatory helm for sad try-hards that everyone made fun of. Which led to it being the mandatory helm for memesters to wear ironically

nah, if anything you must've gotten into Dark Souls 1 before the memes started
giantdadfaggotry never stopped, it still lives

the giantdad build required to fit all the equipment without extra stat investment

Why did GiantDad use the Bandit for its base class?

Bandit let the build get as many levels as possible without going over level 99 or wasting any stat investments


no these memes manifested themselves out of the dank butthurt that was had by people who needed to git gud

it used to boost equip load by way more so you could ninjaroll with far heavier armor with far less stats, they nerfed it though.

same reason prisoners chain is used so frequently in low level in das3.

Free fucking stats.

That feel when you got mask of the son from pinwheel and it's the most useful helmet to get you through the entire game

>thinks the masks ruin pvp
>When dark beads exist in das1

You're fucking new, ay lad?

DS1 PvP was never good.

it also looks nice as hell if combined with silver knight set

It had the best pvp of any souls game, there was a good reason so many people were passionate about it for years

>that feeling of satisfaction when you invade someone's world and kill them
Is there any other vidya feeling that even comes close?

Demons souls with the scraping spear and acid cloud that actually worked.


Being invaded by multiple Invaders and killing them.

Get out of my house.

afraid of change. ds1 pvp is full of glitch crutches and a complete lack of balance.

Those were way too OP, there's no satisfaction in doing something with zero challenge especially when you have 99 full heals and the other guy probably is struggling with half grass.

Scraping spear did pretty meh damage. The only reason the scraping / acid build was fun is because it counters fags like you who just eat grass and turtle because after a bit there gear would all be broken and do basically no damage.

That feeling doesn't feel as satisfying to me in DaS3. In DaS and DaS2 you could be a true piece of shit and really fuck with people, and you didn't always have to even kill them to accomplish that. In 3 almost every invasion is just finding the host and rushing to kill them as fast as possible because there's nothing more you can do to them anyways usually.
Only fun I had was low level invading in the catacombs and luring people into falling down the bridge ladder, or breaking the bridge and watching them get fucked by skeletons

What glitches would that even be?

its inbalance is why it remains fun even now.
when everything is broken, everything reaches a state of chaotic balance, surely you shouldknow that by now.

do SL1 invasions with a Dark Hand.
Brings back all of that feeling.
Just punching the shit out of hosts with my iron flesh active is among the most fun ive had.


The feeling of smugness when an invader fucks up and rolls of a cliff like some sort of Looney Tunes character.

>ruin dark souls pvp

no mean feat...