Why did the competition shit the bed?

Why did the competition shit the bed?

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>Microsoft turned everyone away from the Xbone at the reveal
>Nintendo thought if they slap the Wii name on their new fisher price toy it would sell like hot cakes
>Sony released a new PlayStation like they always do

>Microsoft: Hey let's put some stupid features nobody wants into our next console, these sheep will buy it anyway!
>Nintendo: Even though everybody stopped giving a fuck about the Wii in 2010 lets make our next console another Wii but with a shitty expensive tablet that doesn't really do anything
>Playstation: Hey I'm pretty sure the other 2 guys are retarded, lets just make a normal console and do a little bit of banter at e3

>Microsoft: we're competing with Apple now
>Nintendo: we're doing whatever we want
>Sony: we're doing what our customers want us to do

Xbox suffered the same thing Sony did last gen, hubris after being on top for so long. That plus Mattrick, who acted like a used car salesman, and the general out of touchness of the shareholders, led to them going full retard.

Now to be fair to MS, their ideas had SOME merit. The idea with the always online shit was to make a hybrid economy wherein discs and shit are still sold as they've always been but it operated more like Steam (all licenses to play, even with disc copies which all now include ONE Steam key are per account unless Family Sharing is set up). This sort of economy would allow them freedom to do things they wouldn't normally be able to do like the various built-in gamesharing/possible reselling of digital copies they were proposing.

This allows kills the used market, much like the PC's is dead because discs are just cheaper ways to obtain games digitally and I'm sure would be returned en masse. I don't particularly care too much about this because it's not like GameStop isn't a fucking racket to begin with and I rarely resell my games, but I can see why people would take issue with this.

So the main issues here are the always online (stupid fucking decision, even Steam has offline mode) because being out of touch, they assumed everywhere has amazing internet and out of arrogance shit on anyone who said otherwise, the death of the used market (not being able to relate to average joes who can't afford to buy new/keep their games forever) and people's (mouthbreathing plebs) overall reluctance to switch to the digital-focused marketplace like Steam (I honestly think this is inevitable, as sales of games this Gen are like 40-50% digital but they were out of touch to think they could make it so heavily digital so soon). Next I'll address the Kinect

sony's the bomb nigga

>Xbox "It's for TV basically and I guess it can also play some games, not many though'
>WiiU "It's a wii with a new controller. you're already bored of this gimmick but we're gonna act like you're not"
>PS4 "It plays video games"

FIFA and Cod

Your question implies that this is unusual.

PS1 sold more than the Wii. It outsold the N64 by 300% (meaning that for every N64 there were 3 PS1's in homes)

PS2 sold more than any console ever, including the DS (second best selling) which is a portable. It outsold the Gamecube by 750%

PS3 is the sole exception, being outsold by roughly 20% by the Wii. And seeing that everyone praised Wii's sales, PS3's 83million number isn't bad all things considered. It's still more than any Nintendo homeconsole ever except for the Wii obviously.

PS4 is currently outselling the WiiU by ~480% but that'll always grow since the WiiU is dead.

The Kinect is another example as to where it makes some sort of sense but it's still a dumb decision overall.
The overall issue with the Kinect was they wanted to force it down your throat for a number of reasons. First, it gives them something over consoles don't have. Second, it justifies all the R&D costs on the original Kinect. Third, it basically puts a gun to the head of developers to include exclusive features for the Kinect in their games (which again separates their versions of multiplats from the crowd) because during the 360 days, developers wouldn't bother with Kinect features for the most part because they'd argue not enough people owned one. By making a Kinect come with every console, that argument was gone. Lastly, you get into all the tinfoil (but not necessarily ridiculous) theories about the NSA, and limiting who is watching stuff (this would be another out of touch decision).

The Kinect brought with it two major issues. The first one was mandatory attachment (second stupidest decision behind ALWAYS ONLINE). As much as people want to believe it was for tinfoil reasons, the real reason was they wanted to once again circumvent the used market (having Kinect-less Xbones for sale would kill the value of the system as a whole). This also ties into the second big mistake which was how it affected pricing. After bleeding money on hardware for 2 gens, MS decided to make money on hardware which is fine enough on its own but not when creating Kinect 2.0 cost so much (rumoured to be $100 - $150 a unit at the start). This meant they had to gimp the actual console to fit an acceptable price point (which is why the ps4 shits on it specs-wise) and dedicate some of its sparse resources to supporting the Kinect which left it noticeably underpowered despite launching at a $500 price point (should have been $400, but again hubris) which Sony EASILY undercut by selling the trash PS cam separately (and they were still able to make money per console sale).

>Microsoft came out with a bunch of stupid features such as mandatory kinect, cds being bound to your console and your console needing 24/7 internet access to work.
>Nintendo released a new console with the Wii name with no games so everyone thought it dumb and just another Wii
>Sony bantered Microsoft to hell and back by saying they are basically not doing all the stupid shit Microsoft is doing. Their console was also stronger and $100 less.

Sony released another typical playstation that is stronger than their last which was the strongest and cheapest option.
The reason why it continues to do well is because people are probably buying the console their friends are playing.

Sony is ballin

>>Sony: we're doing what our customers want us to do

Except no games.

Kinect talk continued
Obviously no one views the Kinect 2 as being worth $150, so the console seemed incredibly overpriced compared to the cheaper/higher specs ps4. This just proves that MS was right in thinking no one would buy a Kinect separately and like the original, it'd receive a diminishing amount of support (like it does now).
The only winning move for MS regarding the Kinect was just not to play.

So between always online and Kinect 2 shit the E3 conference was doomed, this was only exacerbated by the SPORTS AND TV talk (out of touch decision in regards to e3 which isn't an event for casuals but did appeal to casuals, keep in mind a huge amount of people have had a ps4 almost solely for Netflix), which I'm sure would have been laughed at by us separately but it had very little to do with the Xbone failure as a whole, given Sony has once again copied someone else and brought that talk back.

Speaking of Sony, really the only thing they did right (because they had similar always online plans, Sony is notorious for overreaching with DRM after all) was let MS go first to test the always online waters and implement their strength, which is their marketing. Other than that, they just had to make a PC for your living room which is what they did. Simple.

>Worst console with worst online with worst control and worst UI is on top

Only on Bizarro Earth could this be possible.


Most of Sony's customers don't own a PC for playing AAA games on user.
Use some common sense before you resort to shitposting

Sorry I was distracted by all the games I can play in my steam library want to repeat that again.




>reading comprehension
Please do resume playing your indie trash

>Best specs console with best current-gen library but with worst online, worst controller and worst UI is on top
Fixed. All about the specs and library to people, user. Scorpio is looking to take out the specs part of that and hopefully the library advantage is next.

>4 years ago

holy jesus

Implying I don't, implying I didn't get a Ps4 for all the delicious web games

Spider-Man isn't even out yet.

>Switch "it plays video games with a gimmick that has two more gimmicks within it"

Apparently, people want a console with nogaems.

Pretty much this, Sony just kept loyal to their model and just did shit like they always did since it always worked for them, they didn't try to "improve" or "revolutionize" the industry.

When did I ever mention Nintendo? I didn't.
I only claimed that Sony's success and their lack of competition ended up shitting all over their consumers. And I'll defend this standpoint. The move from the PS3 to the PS4 was fucking awful, and neo-Sony keeps exploiting their modern consumers by raising the prices of PS+ and giving them absolute shit games for the instant games collection.

You can shit all over Nintendo or Microsoft all you want. But it doesn't really change the fact that Sony grew ballsy as fuck with their success and started to milk their consumers since they knew they could more than get away with it. And it's exactly what they did. But it's been to the detriment of their consumers.

>Microsoft shit the PR bed with the online/used game bullshit, the mandatory kinect at the beginning didn't help either.

>Nintendo was never going to be taken seriously as a core competitor with another system named after the Wii, which also caused marketing confusion

>Sony only system left by default.

Almost a shame, I prefer my Bone to my PS4, actually.

>Kept things loyal to their model

Yeah they saw universal hatred for the shitty camera and DRM of the Xbone and threw their own versions in the trash before their presentation.

>Microsoft: we're competing with Apple now
user, you're getting hysterical.

>being outsold by roughly 20% by the Wii
I wonder if they actually believe this kind of bullshit over at neoGAF. The PS3 didn't even outsell the 360.

>we're doing what our customers want us to do

>paid online
>no backwards compatibility
>no games

>we totally wanted this!

>Sony: we're doing what our customers want us to do
Apart from Bloodborne, it's taken until 2017 for this to actually happen.

>thinking it would matter even if it did outsell the 360 or not

Say it with me


why did sony shit the bed?

XBOX 360 Worldwide sales in August last year
84million according to MS
The PS3 caught up real good in the last years of prev generation.


>expensive jew memory cards
>removed hmdi out so people would have to buy the vita tv instead


Do investors not know what a market cap is?

but I like my vita

>STILL with the nogaemz meme
What is Nioh, Uncharted 4, BB, Persona 5, Ratchet, TLG, Yakuza 0
>b-but weebshit
Fuck off, don't even try to say stupid shit like they're niche games.

Why would I upgrade when the only game there that I wanted was P5, which I got for $10 cheaper on PS3?

Somy learned from their mistake of making the PS3 more expensive than the competition at launch, only for Microsoft to make the very mistake they chided Sony for in the past by making the Xbone price too steep.

I guess it didn't help that Microsoft was too busy pushing motion control and entertainment functions before Phil Spencer took over. As for Nintendo they're too busy on forcing lame gimmicks like always which doesn't work out for their home consoles

>Playstation selling like crazy
>Switch selling out everywhere, no one can get their hands on one
>literally no one has an xbone

How does the west recover?

My brother's gone away for the week so I've nicked his VR headset
had a play last night, there's no real games but the atmospheric stuff like the safaris' is pretty neat
not neat enough to blow £399 on it though, not even close

I """played""" the oceanic voyage tour
that cured my fear of sea creatures REALLY quickly

>I guess it didn't help that Microsoft was too busy pushing motion control and entertainment functions before Phil Spencer took over.
That's just the thing, they didn't. The kinect had a sudden burst in popularity that lasted less than the guitar hero craze, there were no killer apps for it, yet they pushed it as an integral part of their new console, way after whatever momentum it had had died down. It's mind boggling that they even attempted this.
And I don't think they were trying to recoup R&D costs at all, the new kinect was very different from the 360's.

I don't know what that image is trying to prove other than showing how bitter nintenfags are

they've always had retarded cameras though, that was nothing new to the ps4. Do you not remember the eye toy? Or the PS3 camera?

PSVR, I assume you mean? If you/he has it, try rez. It's a pretty neat experience in VR, to say the least.

yeah PSVR
if it was anything else I'd be jacking off right now

To add to all of that, Microsoft also initially pushed the XBone as more of an entertainment system, and not just for vidyergaems, when that was not at all in demand.
The only crowd that would reliably buy an XBone were, of course, video game players, not people looking for an umpteenth blu-ray player. And that crowd was pushed away.

Microsoft shit the bed hard this generation, committing all of the mistakes Sony learned from, and then some.

It was supposed to be included.

more like
Sony: The other 2 are retarded. I just have to use them as stepping stones.

The camera was supposed to be included with all PS4s, and there is no way they didn't seriously consider the same DRM shit MS was doing. They were simply smart enough to pay attention to the gaming public, unlike Microsoft at the time.

Did you forget the PS3 camera being included in tons of bundles shortly after launch? Right after the price drop from the removal of PS2 BC? I'm just saying, it was dumb, but it's not like it's something new.

I would have bought a PS4 for five hundred and ninety nine US dollars if I never had to bother with ps+ ever.
People shit on the $599 price tag so damn much, but the PS4 honestly has it worse.

That completely ignores manufacturing costs and profits. The Wii was sold at a profit per system, whereas the PS3 was sold at a loss for hundreds of dollars throughout it's lifespan.

Also, Sony blew the entirety of their PS1 and PS2 profits in the first two years of the PS3 alone. The system never recouped it's massive investment.

The real issue isn't that it also has entertainment functions, it's that they were the very same ones the 360 and PS3 had. If i wanted to rent movies or stream music or whatever i didn't need to buy another box to do it. I still have a 360 i use to rent movies for my family.

I wish PS Move was more successful, it was well made. Too bad no one dared to experiment with it properly.

>>Sony: we're doing what our customers want us to do
Sony just fished up the old Microsoft audience.
Most actual PS3 fans hated it. A lot of games were even delayed in order to get PS4 ports. And almost all the games for the PS4 were indeed developed for the PS3.

Took them this long to get 4 games worth playing
Jeez Laweez

I actually agree. I think it was a bad idea to make it part of the PSVR setup though, the hardware is super old at this point, and it shows in the meh to mediocre quality tracking.