>70 million players
where do they keep pulling these numbers from? I don't know a single person who still plays this crap.
70 million players
70 million people who have made a battle.net account and played it at some point.
These things practically never refer to actually active players.
This pretty much.
It's like how they brag about Overwatch having 30 million players despite the game being dead as fuck.
This. It's people who have a battle.net account, that's it.
But why? Wouldn't a game being mainstream, normie friendly, and therefore casual as fuck, not drive off anyone with an IQ above 50?
Boredom sets in because of how repetitive it becomes, and with something like Overwatch, it can set in immediately once you realize that there's no difference in any of the matches.
that 30 million for overwatch also counts people that touched the free to play weekends
You mean how it ever got so big in the first place? It never was as big as the numbers would make you think. It's people who, over the course of like 4 years now for Hearthstone, downloaded and tried the game at some point. The game is F2P, and being a Blizzard game, had a huge initial rush of players trying it out when it came out. The people who initially didn't care saw it being advertised everywhere and topping all sorts of records, and thought "well I guess I should try it. It's free after all". And, ta da, you have millions of players trying it out just to see what the hype is about.
Blizzard games, by default, still, to this day, continue to reach this type of critical mass where people end up trying them just because they're so fucking hyped up everywhere. When you have games as big as Blizzard releases, you have people jumping in on the hypetrain just because of how big they already are.
Nobody playing that shit in Russia, it's too expensive.
slavshits just bot for gold to unlock stuff/play tournament.
It's anyone who ever tried the game. Blizzard is afraid and need to assert their dominance in the card game sphere.
will be dead within this year
I don't think so. Game is pretty different from Hearthstone and is backed by a known IP.
Gwent is same greed, but without Blizzard's rabid fan base.
Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
will still need people willing to play that boringfest, though
It's also not designed by a pizza delivery boy.
yeah it's potato farmers instead
how streamable is it, though? that's really where all the autism for hearthstone came form.
remember Shadowverse guys?
>roach trying to start a shitposting thread
It's free, so if you ever tried it you're a player
pretty streamable. The main thing is there's no major "get the interactivity" mode like arena. Nothing where you can involve viewers, so hearthstone will always be better for streaming, but gwent's still pretty streamable.
>prince skeletal of infinite value and demon lord of free wins
Fuck that shit
mechanically very good but you get 5 cards per packs which is fucking nothing. and all of them are bronze cards. gold and silver cards are the core of your deck yet it's so hard to get a single new one
scrap is rained upon you though, you get tons of scrap for doing anything. Easily enough to make silvers at least twice a day.
All of pic related and cod/fifa/gta are the most mainstream/popular games out there you spaz. This shouldn't surprise you, although a lot won't play anymore
Hearthstone is pretty big with normies desu. I know a bunch of coworkers who play it casually.
I guess I wasn't playing enough
Its actually dying.
Everyone tried it and had a little fun.
Then they got fucked by the SAME EXACT OP DECK repeatedly, got fucked by RNG repeatedly, and didn't feel like paying2win so we quit.
Fun story, I tried to teach my friend how to play this and he was absolutely retarded and couldn't even understand a basic concept like trading minions in your favor.
I have 6 accounts thanks to 'recruit a friend' promo. I haven't played HS in two months but I'm still part of statistics.
>league of legends still that high
People are still caring about this game?
still the most played moba in the world, if you exclude china.