Are you planning to buy Dana's game?

Are you planning to buy Dana's game?

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>Generic Weebshit JRPG #386426
lol no

Yup. Didnt like Seven at all but its Ys so fuck it, might as well buy it.


>came second to Feena in popularity poll


that's a 10/10 character design for you

I'm buy Ricotta's game yes.

>shoving overpowered mary sue into Adol's game

The japs are actually all loving it for once on Amazon so it has to be good.

Is there a way to play Memories of Celceta on PC?

Not without a lot of bugs, glitches and wonky interface errors.

Day one pirate baby

Why do they make Adol look like more of a fag with every game?

Dana is a cute

cleared celceta pc and only encounter one bug in that water temple boss and only if you use 60fps mod

I'm going to wait for reviews in case they ruined yet another game

What is there to ruin anyway? Is there a scene where you play as Adol and rape girls in it? That's the only reason I'd see them censor the game.

I'll wait until it's on sale. Don't like how NISA and Falcom just fucked over Xseed like that.

Their censoring is only one of their many problems.
They are terrible a localization and will change entire character just to make terrible jokes.
They can also add tons of bugs and crash simply because of how terrible their programmers are.

XSeed are a bunch of nu-male cunts anyway.

What game is this?

Have to adapt to survive in the shrinking Japanese market.

It's the new Legend of Heroes game.

Lucky Star

>They are terrible a localization and will change entire character just to make terrible jokes.
Got a recent example? I played Operation Babel and didn't notice anything like that. I did notice 2 instances of typos, but that's about it. Absolutely no meme and a correct translation.
>They can also add tons of bugs and crash simply because of how terrible their programmers are.
Never happened to me on their most recent game (Babel) and I played it around 40 hours.
The only game that crashed for me was Firefly Diary and it only happened once in 12 hours of play.

new Ys.

I refuse to support the edgy nu Adol

Preorder the game to get his armor.

When will this Kingdom Hearts Ys Edition (party system) stop and we can have GOOD solo player Ys?

Buying it just for the sake of it. Hope it'll have different weapons cosmetic.

Fucking Falcom.

Nigga looked like an adventure before who needed to protect himself. Now he looks like some kid on his first adventure.

Yes. Supporting NISA is better than supporting xshit.

Still beats NISA which censors their own weebshit pandering games to try to make weebshit pander to sjws like a bunch of retards that don't know their own audience.

>Supporting NISA is better than supporting xshit.

o Bad string handling leading to complete crash against specific bosses (AT1, MK2) / major part of the extra dungeon enemies (MK1). MK2's crash is rather easy to avoid, though.
o MK1: Unnecessary and flagrant name changes to a variety of playable main characters.
o MK2: Lack of testing in the extra chapter leads to crashes when doing certain tasks if Ulrika is the main character instead of Raze: Student handbook and Job post usage crash the game.

o Typographical errors, missing words, and shaky sentences, mistranslation of important game terms, inconsistently-adapted names
o Localization introduced or exposed game-crashing bugs in the game.
o NISA marketed the game based on Sex Appeal, when, in fact, AT2 was intended to be a more serious and thoughtful game, with less emphasis on cheap hooks and a greater focus on the plot, than Ar Tonelico Elemia
o In order to fit English voice acting onto the disc, they cut approximately half of the Japanese voice-acted scenes, leaving many important plot points lacking appropriate impact.

o Typographical errors and untranslated text in various spots on top of their "translation" not even being remotely close to the japanese track and english voice track, what little there is, not even matching the text in some areas.
o Binary Field (DLC episodes) scam where they put out each chapter separate then a few days after a bundle pack which didn't work if you had downloaded the first episode.

o Neptunia 1 would crash on the dungeon leaderboard screen if it couldn't upload your score while you were on PSN for whatever reason.

o Very questionable localization quality. (bad translation, unfunny jokes/lines added to several dialogues which changed the characters personalities at times)

>have to preorder the game to make Adol not look like an edgy faggot
No thanks

I mean chronologically he's younger in the right two pics because Celceta and Dana take place before Napishtim and Seven but I'm not sure Falcom would bring back his old armor even if they moved forward in the timeline

o Very questionable localization quality. (bad translation, unfunny jokes/lines added to several dialogues which changed the characters personalities at times)
o Didn't tell the gamers idol events DLC would not be included, then, when brought to attention, denied any and all knowledge of such DLC.
o Freezing issues with some DLC.

o Game-crashing bugs (rumor about a GameFAQs user fixing everything and mailed such solution/file to NISA. Still no official support nearly a year from release, nor token mention of any such thing.)
o PS3 overheating (Confirmed to be replicable by person who originally made the post)

o Name changing: Esty Erhart => Esty Dee (S T D = Sexual Transmission Disease, get it? XD)


o They fucked up the dlc characters so they don't have voices.
o They decided not to release all the dlc characters, but released the final character, majin hinako.
o Majin hinako unlocks item book collection slots because it assumes you have the other dlc characters.
o Downloading majin hinkao means you can't complete the collection book, effectively killing anyone going for 100%

o Game-crashing SKILLS (several Fire-based)
o OPENING stops abruptly
o Fuuka and Desco were free DLC for the first month after release in Japan and Asia. Day 1 paid DLC in USA and EU.
CPU melting bug at release

o DLC scam. Purchasing content one by one locks certain content needed for 100% completion. Purchasing as a bundle unlocks it all, for the low price of $50. NISA released vouchers for a limited time as apology.

>Dual audio
>Day 1 PC release alongside consoles
>Actually coming out this year
>Shitty dub
>p-p-pls buy our games, we're on the verge of bankruptcy ;_;
Eat shit, shill.

o Scrubbing minigame removed over 120 CGs removed. Basically censored extremely lazily. Excuses given over the years were many and varied, but some of them were "We wanted to appeal as much as possible to a wider demographic." "The vocal minority can't put a dent in our wallet." "We find this content creepy." "Unofficial ESRB rep indicated this title has potential for AO (it didn't)" "We found this content distasteful, so you don't want it anyways."
o Created new bugs and glitches not seen in the JP release
o Massive lag during regular battles
o Can fail an area load after a battle forcing you to restart from your previous save
o Released an LE which had bath sponges and a towel even though the bath minigame was removed which was a massive slap to the face which the LE sold poorly(still have copies of the LE on their site).

o Scrubbing minigame removed, over 120 CGs removed. See entry for Mugen Souls
o Elka introduced as the Hero of Water World when she's the hero of the Fire World
o Slumbering Boss battles cause freezes in Mugen Field

o Ending is not subbed when using Japanese. When asked about this, was told to use English instead

o Won't patch their Vita games for PSTV support, usually defers to Sony despite it being on them.

o Censored the Punishment Time minigame which has pink fog for every level of each minigame(Never goes away). JP version the pink fog goes away on later levels.
o Removed the voices for the punishment minigames.
o Shoddy translation. Changed "Punishment Time" to "Motivation Time" for the punishment minigame and made the dialogue less lewd.

not to mention NISA refuses to localize so many NIS visual novels for some reason or another as well as many of their games.

Also Criminal Girls 2 censorship as well. I'm sure there's also other shit not mentioned yet.

You don't buy the game to support the pub. You buy it because it's a good game. I'm not going to miss out on a game just because I don't like a specific publisher.

Ye, probably PC version. Or vita for travels. Haven't decided yet.

Vita has less content. Just like Tokyo Xanadu.

I don't mind buying good games, but I refuse to support a publisher that fucks over their fans over and over and over. I rather pirate it later on.

This no way I'm giving money for this bullshit.

Got some examples of more recent games?
Also the Criminal Girls translation is not "shoddy". Dialogue is not less lewd either, I can recognize the lewd voices they make when you're going to punish them and it was translated right.

Only real fuck ups I noticed from recent games were 2 typos in Operation Babel's menus. (Conjurer female blood type has WIZ translated as INT and there's a typo somewhere else during creation, but can't remember where it was)

Oh, PC it is then.

I didn't really like Celceta exploration thing
Is this going to be the same?

I haven't been keeping up with them these days. Tho in Danganronpa 2, there were like 7-8 times where the text would run off the screen and you can't read it. Pic related.

This is just shitty quality assurance shit. Kinda annoying.

>playing VNs on Vita

>not playing VNs on Vita

All the erotic VNs that got ported to the vita to have the erotic scenes anymore.

*don't have the erotic scenes anymore.

Oh, if it's an eroge VN then of course I'd play it on the PC. But stuff like Danganronpa, Steins;Gate and other VNs that don't have hentai scenes in the first place are pretty comfy on Vita.

I can't believe there are people who bought games like Monobeno -pure smile- which is basically a loli VN without the porn,

Not all VNs areeroge kid.

no I'm going to buy Adol's game