arms japanese twitter confirmed hoops and also break the target for this week testpunch

what about the other three characters? maybe a stage or two?

I actually enjoyed volleyball a lot because I got good at it and always won
But I dont know about break the target that looks quite dumb

why is this game getting shilled so hard here? it doesn't seem like a game people that post here would enjoy, I really don't understand why this shit is posted on the board 24/7

Stop going into threads about games you dont like.

if you don't enjoy the game it must be shills
god forbid people enjoy and want to discuss an upcoming game

>it doesn't seem like a game people that post here would enjoy

Have you even seen twintelle´s ass
All the girl characters are popular actually

>Sup Forums loves 'hardcore' games and weeb shit
>for some reason a wii boxing 2.0 - western waifus edition is popular even though it has a nigger as a playable character
really makes you think

>Sup Forums is one person

I think you are an underage memer that unironically posts in threads about games he doesnt like.

>Sup Forums is one person

hey man at least you're getting (You)'s, how lucky are you? great posts

This isn't Sup Forums. Sup Forums loves niggers.

>look mom I said racism on Sup Forums! epic Sup Forums memes! Mom, where's my fidget spinner!

>though it has a nigger as a playable character
You are obviously not from this board, people here love "le thicc niggress ass"

i'm 23 and have been posting here since I was 14
posted daily on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /lit/ 24/7 since I found the site
ARMS is not a game Sup Forums used to like and i'm 99% sure people that post here aren't posting about it, shills are
>greentexting wrong
you gotta go back
only because it's being forced on this board
you ever see a thicc shitposting thread that's full of black girls on Sup Forums? didn't think so, dickhead

later this week, just like when they announced the three stages and volleyball for the first testpunch

Id never understand people like you
Even if shills were real who gives a fuck at least they are videogame threads and you could just criticizr the game with real arguments instead of just spouting >shills! shills!
Like seriously what the fuck, I dont like wester games for example so I dont bother to go into threads that do seem like they are marketing threads for western games, again who gives a single fuck

>been posting here since I was 14
We're supposed to take you seriously now because you were once an underage poster?

>who gives a fuck if this board is being used for nefarious purposes and a consequence of this is the board's culture gets subverted
fuck off
>thinking that's the point I was making
low iq subhuman detected
nice Sup Forums image btw, glad you browse the worst board on Sup Forums because that's where you belong

you're right dude everyone discussing ARMS is on Nintendo's payroll, literally everyone on Sup Forums dislikes it

man everyone is so different on Sup Forums now, it must have been a huge invasion and not people's opinions changing over the years. get fucked nostalgiafag

>posted daily on Sup Forums
Found the problem

Does anyone know if we will be able to filter out game modes at launch? I really loved 1v1 but V-Ball isnt my cup of tea, and I really disliked the 3 and 4 player free for alls.

What a sensitive little faggot you are. Getting pissy over some perceived boogeyman corrupting you're precious image board. All because some people are discussing a game you're not interested in. In a board meant for discussing games. I can certainly believe you've been posting on Sup Forums since you were underage.

Not sure. Sounds like you would just be better off heading into Ranked.

Did you see the main screen? Are you retarded?

Yea that might be what I end up doing. I think the new Hoops mode looks like alot of fun tho, and I did warm up to the 2v2 matches in the last couple of playtests.

Damn, you're pretty pathetic

>Literally EVERYTHING I don't like is some concentrated shill effort
You've been on Sup Forums too much and have way too high of an opinion of yourself. It's a brand new ip with unique gameplay from nintendo, it being talked about isn't fucking surprising. Also Sup Forums has never had a problem with brown girls, it's not the same thing as some shenigger

Leave the nintenbros alone they shill for themselves.

It's a Nintendo game, of course it's release would get shilled on this biased board 24/7

I love how you all think you're better than I because I'm 'triggered' by shilling yet you're giving me tons of upset (you)'s
really makes you think

>Switch owners have nothing to play so they pretend to be excited for literal shovelware

shill thread?|

how's life treating you? happy with everything?

i'm good thanks
Might go get a happy ending massage today to get rid of some stress then go get drunk
what about you?

How is it shovelware?

And (you) gave them right back.

Personal jabs now? Why so upset? This is the natural Sup Forums reaction to seeing the same shill shit posted over and over.

A lot of Nintendumbs seem to think that Arms is going to become the next epic esports game but in reality it's just a slightly more fleshed out Wii Sports Boxing for full price.

Can we have an ARMS thread without feeding shitposters?

Fuck him already, post
-favorite character
-favorite map
-favorite gamemode
-total score
-extra comments

So how is that shovelware?

You know with all the complaining about Sup Forums not discussing games enough and all the shit posting . you would think more people would be happy when people are actually trying to talk about a game.

nice green text

My biggest issue with this game is grinding for arms to get stronger.

yeah but he's a mature gamer and dislikes it, therefore it's shills

I'll be happy when Sup Forums has a coherent discussion about something other than Nintendo/Souls/Nier

I didn't know about this, do they level up or something?

Helix (female)
DNA Lab, of the 3 in the demo
I dont remember, probably 78, I kept switching lobbies
Pro controller >>>> Motion, at least until niggers get good at the latter. Then we're fucked.

They said something about it in the nintendo direct. You collect arms to power up existing ones.

Fallout New Vegas

There you go, be happy, be free!

As much as I think ARMS looks very meh from a gameplay perspective, too much effort has been put into it for it to be shovelware. A good example of shovelware is 1, 2 switch which clearly had no budget and was just cranked out to make the memecons appealing to casuals

make your own thread about a game you like, hotshot

>mfw people bump this thread while complaining about shills, keeping it alive and on the first page
>mfw they are the shills

You seriously sound underage with your stupid memes

I haven't played New Vegas in a while, thanks user. I'll take my leave now

So you fucks can't be assed to try a free demo?

direct showed us that they do 10 more damage than normal arms

>Spring Man/Min Min
>Spring Man's stage
>1v1v1 (without a retard ninjara that focuses on 1 person then gets fucked up by the Mechanica/Master Mummy they left standing)
>there needs to be a cooldown of grabs and dodges, blocking also needs to be more responsive

DNA lab
1v1 with 1v1v1 a close second
who knows
I just want to see what the belt man does. also motion>standard

>Ninten(Insert childish name calling)

>Worst one yet was Nintenpeepeepoopoo or some shit when a sonyfanboy got assblasted in a Nintendo thread yesterday when he brought up the PS4

Are sonyfanboys sure they're not underage? Most of this childish name calling shit is coming from them.

I don't even own a sony console nintenchild.

>can't even make a post without namecalling
>doesn't deny hes underage

sure you don't buddy

wasn't that extra damage because you equipped the same ARMS on both hands?

>b-bbbut SONY!!!!!!!!

Why would I even attempt to deny something that would fuel your confirmation bias.

-favorite character
>springman with mechanica a close second
-favorite map
-favorite gamemode
any of the fighting ones
-extra comments
slapamander is the best glove


Here you go, not even denying it

Thanks for bumping this thread btw, 0.02 cents are deposited into your account

Ah yes, the reddit asspull.

I... really wanted to like it. But V-ball kinda sucked and free for all was just asking to get ganked. 2v2 is asking for disconnects.

And 1v1 is just alright. Yeah, it's neat, there's some strategy but the controls aren't that great.

It's like a wonkier Gundam Vs. with motion controls.

I don't really like that you habe to hold the left stick to defend when you have 2 buttons for the ultimate


post invalidated

>motion controls
>blames your shit connection on the game


There he goes!

Ah yes, the so mad you want to give me a super (you) instead of a regular you.

I played with standard controls, should I have been playing with motion controls?

Can we have an actual conversation about the game where you tell me what you think or is this just going to be shitposting?

It was too hot in my room for motion controls

>tfw can't play for days

Tried the demo and thought it was a bit mediocre for what all the fanboys were saying about it.
Literally just Wii Sports Boxing with a few different characters and stages.

>tell me what you think
Why would I?
>not owning an air-con


>Nintenbro confirmation bias: the image

Yeah sure. Only sony retards will call you names.

POST YOUR RANK. Also I doubt you played Wii boxing, because this game is completely different except for the boxing, and even so the boxing is different

So you're not denying it?

I share your partician stats
but fuck you dummy

>Literally just

Its literally not

>thought it looks really boring and meh
>gave it a try at the testpunsh
>instantly got hooked
this is really fun, think I'll buy it, but will test again next weekend

>how to spot someone who hasn't played either or both games: the post

I understand

>if i call it confirmation bias it stop beign the truth

sasuga, mongoloid-kun

ikr?? just bought my switch yesterday to play the so called ARMS! it was so shit I literallt sold my switch this morning, playing Horizon: Zero Dawn on my PS4™ Pro© now, I really missed good games for a day hahahaha

>space posting
back to l.eddit

Have you even played Wii boxing? Jesus this got to be the most incorrect post I've read all day. YOU CANT EVEN FUCKING MOVE IN WII BOXING

Testing out stuff in warm-up mode.
There's no way you can do the dodging seen in the Helix trailer with motion. Either it was sped up, or that was done with sticks.

No U

You need a life....You've been here since you were 14 LOL

t. actually underaged

Go ahead and give me a (you) now cause it's obviously the same person.

Why does this game trigger sony ponies so much?

Are they afraid?

I will admit that ARMS = Splatoon + MH is basically Japan domination confirmed

well yeah it was a trailer to emphasize his abilities. even on controller its not as fast. shit its not even really useful against a person with a working brain. he starts to wiggle get up close and grab.

>hehe ill jump out of the way before they grab me

I want Spring Man to hug me!