Anybody playing Gwent?

Anybody playing Gwent?

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How the fuck is such a shallow gameplay system going to prop up an entire game?

It was cute as a minigame but it has all the depth of a puddle.

Garbage p2w game, same as Hearthstone.

The Standalone game is much more complex than the minigame in The Witcher 3

The actual gwent game in the picture has way more cards and features. It's surprisingly fun even to lose, unlike the gwent in TW3

t. man who played closed beta for all of 1 hour

I am very lucky that i got a monster legendary for my main deck, seems like a fucking insane one too (pic related)

What do the different weather types do?, frost does 1 damage and eventually kills, fog seems to reduce everything to 1hp and i have never seen anyone use rain yet

The hound of the wild hunt with biting cold is really strong for a new player like me to use, you are playing 2 cards at once and increasing your chances at a better draw

>Garbage p2w game,
somewhat true, except that the core game is more fun.
oh and if you start playing right now in the open beta, you can probably keep up with the releases if you play a bit every day.
just like you could keep up with hearthstone way back when it launched

try the open beta now - TOTALLY different game from closed beta. It's addictive as fuck, its all i play for almost 4 days now, kinda hate it desu because its so addictive

I'm waiting for the single player.

i am still confused as to why they changed THAT MUCH.
it seems a little bit extreme.
but i appreciate it being a little bit more beginner friendly with stronger starter decks

me. Currently playing spy, discard and queens guard (my fav).
rate it

well it has to be a strong competitor to hearthstone - competition is always good, and it has a fair chance now i think

but they're shit. Compared to those you get for paying they're crap desu

kys weeb cuck

Too much math, makes my head ache.

>follow the meta and abuse OP cards or get constantly stomped
Now I remember why I don't play these kind of games

This pretty much sums it up.

Swim the biggest autist of them all shit out semi decent decks and spends 12 hours a day playing the game testing out every deck possible.

I rumbled up few cards and made my own deck and it was pretty fun the first 10 games but after you get at a higher level all the decks you play against are people copying swims decks.

Worst so far:

Buffing dwarfs

I swear to god i dont have the cards to counter this shit deck

play radovid, scorch and resets
all of wich are cards you get from the start or you get in the first 3 packs

>Play Closed Beta like crazy
>Have 120 hours before they even make something like rang
>After the ranglist update don have time because exams
>Only play once or twice a week
>Still 50 kegs after the Open Beta pathch
>One fucking legendary and 4 epics is all i get

T..Thx CdProject

It's actually not that terrible. I play shitty f2p nilfgaard spy/bounce deck and I regularly wreck cancerdecks like dwarves or queensguard.

>vicovaro medic absolutely destroys queensguard decks
Nilfs are fun, but when the other person has milled everything and drops RNR and drought in the first two rounds, it's an uphill battle that I can't be fucked fighting.

The game is in desperate need of new cards, like way more. Everybody has already figured out which decks are top tier for each faction.

Just play yugioh. The game was power creeped into oblivion in 2012 and now everything, no matter how batshit insane, can always lose to another deck because every archetype in the past few years has the potential to OTK or set 5 stun.

Its more fun than it sounds.

Haven't played almost since the closed beta had started. They changed a ton of stuff. Pretty much have to learn all the cards again now.

Isn't YuGiOh cancer? i WANNA PLAY

I have 800 scrap, but I don't know what to do.
Do I go back to reveal like in closed beta and have fun there, or keep going with wild hunt because I like it and most of the cards I got were for monsters.
So no, i'm not playing it because i'm poor and indecisive.

i got that put in premium :^)

works super good in my foglet deck

make a golden neutral duuuh

Why? I could make a bunch of silvers and bronze I need for both, and I already pulled prem Ragnarok and igni from a keg.

it sounded like you wanted to craft a golden.

No, I just have a ton of scrap and now everything takes so much I haven't made anything.

I wanted to try it, but for some reason I can't properly install GoG shit.