Aloy > Lara > weeb trash

Prove me wrong

>dat gap

hnnnnng. she would be perfect if she had a dick

Both Lara and 2B are more attractive than that (((woman)))


>she would be perfect if she had a dick
but she already is

wait, is aloy canonically a dickgirl?

Is there a piece of equipment that covers her face?

Thigh gap means loose vagina, learn anatomy.

well it is a tranny, mtf, with a dick
explains the face
so yes

what game

Horizon Zero Dawn, for PS4

Even regular trash is superior to Aloy

Fuck off and die HZD shill. Maybe I can understand not liking weeb artstyle but thinking this ugly cunt is better than lara gives you off so fucking hard you might as well have it written on your forehead.

aloy is in a game with shit-tier gameplay
lara is in games with objectively good gameplay(most of the time)

>any western waifu better than Lara Croft, and Aloy mcgee to top it off
Nigga, are you out of your goddamn noggin?

Based big booty Aloy workin the weebs into a bitchfit on the daily

Why does that creature look like every alien giraffe ever?
Are they a knockoff of something from one of the Darwin IV paintings or something?

I really hate that now name Lara Croft is shared by two completely different characters.

You prove yourself wrong with that image

There are people on Sup Forums who liked this game?

Yes, believe it or not but some people like things you don't and hate things you like

Crazy, huh?

All ways bothers me that her head is too big for body. I can see that they spent time modeling the head separate from the body resulting in some scaling issues. Same thing with lightning from final fantasy.

what about lara being fucked by horse?



>Mario is rebooted
>he's young, cocky, smug, but sensitive and progressive
>Game is just called Super Mario Bros
This is what they did to tomb raider

>Sonygroes thinking they've got the best bootygame

That's cute user.

For you.

Wait, seriously? Is that why everyone was calling Horizon SJW trash?

Sony is so desperate shilling such an old game after months of the release. What happened? PS4 isn't selling well anymore?

>Horizon: Zero Sales marketers are now editing Sup Forums memes into their images to try and make it look like we like their garbage game

it's just sad guys

give it up

I think op bought the game and want to talk about it, but there's no one to.

We called it SJW trash because it's a Feminist Action Game and you can get copyright banned if you post any image papa Sony doesn't like

awww how cute you're still angry about the game ;^)

I'm angry about being banned for posting images and getting Copyright infringement banned

Literature > Hermione > trash > Bella swan > Aloy > Lara > weeb trash

Than stop infringing on copyright, it's not that hard

So can we just admit all Horizon posters are marketers than

>unironically liking harry potter
>even calling it "literature"

Yes literally everybody who likes Horizon Zero Dawn is a marketer. In fact I'll go further and say everybody who has ever liked a video game and wanted to talk about it is also a marketer

Are you happy now?

There's nothing to prove here.
You delet that at once!

Why she's so cute?

everyday until we like it right?