Want to replay San Andreas

>want to replay San Andreas

>remember how shit framerate is on PS2 version
>remember how shit PC port is
>remember that PS4 version in EU PSN is 25FPS PAL and has upscaling issues
>remember that PS3 "remaster" is shitty mobile port that is even worse than PC one

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Then don't play it.

>remember how shit PC port is
Can you remind me?

>>remember how shit PC port is
What? I was playing it yesterday and it works just fine


Can't you explain it in your own words instead of using someone else's opinion?

So I guess you're playing it on the Xbox Hueg then

Watch the video you moron, it's not an opinion, it shows you videos you can compare side by side.

>evidence in the form of images and video
you are dumb as shit


Whatever shitiness the PC port has has long been fixed by mods


>download older PC version (aka not the Steam version)
>get fan patches
>Get desired mods
It's more trouble now since Rockstar fucked with the Steam version but it's perfectly feedable and less trouble than fixing some other PC versions

Xbox version was good.


Just mod the PC version you tripple nigger

>I can't replay this 13 year old game with shit graphics because a reflection is missing
Actually fucking kill yourselves.

Obviously OP is some kind of retard who cant use mods

Even if there wasn't a mod for this effects, it can't be really considered as a bad port.

What was the problem with the PC port? All I remember is that you needed 3 hands to fly a helicopter and that actually being able to aim made taking over gang territory stupid
>use AK-47
>aim into direction of next enemy wave
>as soon as they come within draw distance, give each one a headshot

>Being graphic whore

> mfw the underrated 2008 Xbox 360 version is actually flawless

You don't know a bad fucking port
Try Omnimusha 3 or the Silent Hills unpatched and complain to me about a few missing effects.
Try driving in Just Cause 1 with it's lack of analog support and complain to me about GTA SA as a bad port.

Tell that to op, not me. gta sa on pc is completely fine.

There have been mods that fix the PC porting issues for years

>Try driving in Just Cause 1 with it's lack of analog support and complain to me about GTA SA as a bad port.
I drove just fine in Just Cause 1 with WASD. I was maybe 15 at the time though.

Sorry meant to

>it's not shit because there's worse shit out there

How ever you choose to play it, you'll get to Zeros missions and put it the fuck down.

Aren't those optional?
And they're not even that hard

I would rather pick few times better framerate than some small graphical effects. And that evening bloom on ps2 is arguably even worse.

waaaaaaah my graphics(which are just blur lmoa)

I don't remember it being horrible either. Man I need to replay JC1, shit was fun and not as giant and boring as 2

>some small graphical effects
And a bunch of cars outright missing.

>better framerate
"""Better""" framerate in SA breaks stamina and oxygen completely, because they're hardcoded for 30FPS.

pc port shits itself at certain parts if you play at 60fps making you lose lot of progress if you dont save every minute

Just play the best version.

Yes,yes, good pcbro. Buy our shitty ports, give us your money. After all Rockstar games have always been about PC :)
Except not.

Yeah I don't understand the PTSD most guys seem to have for the RC missions in VC and SA
The only trouble was that one where you had to use a minigun to shoot down waves of RC planes, when playing that on PS2 with a friend we had to repeatedly enter the cheat to make all vehicles explode because it was hell to aim with the analog stick
I've had way bigger problems catching up to the plane going to Liberty City in that Dodo

Yeah, it gets the job done
But GTA SA had it two years before is what I'm saying

Nah, you're a dipshit.
Most of the game is perfectly intact with a fair amount of features above standard for a 2004 PC port.
You just ignore it because they made specific elements more PS2 and Xbox.

>buying GTA
lmaoing@your life

>Game about stealing shit
>Actually buys it
How much of a flaming faggot can you possibly be?
Ah, right, that'll do it.

>mfw thread wasn't about san andreas in a first place and it's just another platform war bait

Actual SA discussion then; Is the FOLLOW THE TRAIN CJ just a meme that got out of hand or do most people really have a problem with that mission? I mean, all you need to do is not hug the train so Smoke can actually hit the dudes on top

For me the hardest mission was a pilot school.
Damn train is usual mission.

The issue is that Smoke will often just not shoot even when he's perfectly in range to do so, and when he DOES actually shoot he will sometimes just miss 95% of the time, so the meme is about Smoke telling you that all you had to do was follow the train despite you doing it perfectly and it being him that fucked everything up.

I've replayed the game about 10 times and I never experienced that
The thing that he does is what every NPC in the game does, do short bursts of like 4 shots with absolutely terrible aim. So you stay next to one of the faggots until he dies instead of driving all over the place

the bright sun ruined vice city for me