Youtuber has a child

>youtuber has a child

>youtuber is a child

>thread isn't about video games

>video game youtuber is an adult male with an (asian) wife and 2 cats but no kids

Youtubers can play video games, you fucking plebbitor. They constitute much of video game culture, anyway.

>retard posts off-topic

What the actual fuck is up with his hair

>Youtuber gets a wife/girlfriend and shoves her into every video

They do the same thing with their kids, too.

it's a wig for a comedy skit

It's called a wig you autist.

hey there big guy, that's my wife(male) you're talking about

>youtuber breaks up with girlfriend

>streamer has a wife

>youtuber eats his girlfriend's hospital food

Sage and report for off-topic e-celeb garbage
Check my dubs

lmao what the fuck is sage


So close.

>youtuber replies to commenters
I know they want to build a fan base, but this looks so bush league.

>user gets dubs

Excuse me for not knowing who this literal who is and assuming, based on the only two pictures in this thread, that that was his hair.

>youtuber has wife and kids
>keeps them separate from it all

Yes Sips


Sup Forums doesn't have non-0 dubs you fucking morons

Fucking newfags.

What happened to Epic Name Bro? He hasn't uploaded much to youtube in years

like his vids though

>youtuber abuses his kids for views so bad that he loses custody of two of them

He had a show on Adult Swim, a popular show. He's also been influential in the alt-right movement, so I'm surprised you don't know him.

>youtuber has a large family
>youtuber got wealthy from youtube/merch/adverts
>youtuber has a qt wife
>youtuber throws it all away on some 19 y/o instagram model

More importantly, what happened to AlphaOmegaSin?

>Sup Forums doesn't have non-0 dubs
Oh yeah, then how do you explain these dubs?

>Literal who

Not sure how fucking a young model is "throwing away" anything

>youtuber has children
>you can hear them crying in the background during his videos

This and Moms are the only 2 sketches that are legit funny

>thread about youtubers
>nobody is talking about THE BEST youtuber Barbie

>youtubers son is called poopfeast420

Don't watch Adult Swim and I'm not alt-right and only loosely keep up with it.

I do recognize the pic on the left, but still wouldn't have known who he was.

But fine, not a literal who.

>youtuber gets a tv show cancelled after 1 (one) season

Do you think the 3D artist who made that girl fapped to her tits the entire time

>He's also been influential in the alt-right movement
orly that's nice, reddit :)

>their fanbase becomes one of the biggest embarrassments on the planet

oh r/mde, what a sight

>american youtuber: so guys a friend of mine is having health issues plz plz donate to his gofundme so he can afford treatment

Check these dubs though.

>throwing away a wife and family and possibly your reputation for a different pussy
Do you have any sense of reality?

>youtuber shames you because you won't pay for his healthcare

Who is this guy you're talking about?

>streamer's stupid dog won't shut up and he just lets it bark

>Youtuber kills his family

Irate Gamer.

This is the modern age user, sanctity of marriage don't mean shit
These days you should be surprised if a marriage doesn't end in divorce

>youtuber promotes their kid's channel

>youtuber always claims to have big hands
>his hands aren't even big

>youtuber sings stupid shit in every video

fuck you northernlion

No clue. But just based on those facts and the way that poster worded it, it seems like quite a lot was thrown away just for a better looking vagina.

Already had a marriage and a divorce. If you don't believe in the sanctity of marriage, don't get married. Slay all the puss you want. But if you want to start a family, commit to it or else you're fucking your kids over.