ITT Reasons Sony and Microsoft will lose E3
ITT Reasons Sony and Microsoft will lose E3
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3 of those are already out at E3 you faggot.
Mario Rabbits game obviously
EA will announce Skate 4.
This is literally shilling
>not posting this one
The FE Warriors one looks like shit, needs to have a character on there. Monster Hunter also looks out of place with that small and ugly dragon.
I just want the MHGX during the E3 presentation and have it a worldwide release.
The only thing I could possibly give a shit about with Microsoft nowadays is Banjo-Kazooie being revived, but I really doubt that'll happen.
Only thing I'd care for from Sony is KH3 footage.
God the XC2 protag looks so goddamn fucking stupid. I really hate his design., and I hate that the models look straight out of Sword Art Online and Tales of Berseria.
Make a better one then. Ugly or not those are big games coming to the Switch
How about you remove the games which are already out and then I might be inclined to agree with you
Not him but, tried my best famalam, it's a bit shit but whatever
FE looks like a shitty mobile game
That is actually a very solid year one lineup
What the fuck is this losing/winning shit about E3. God nintenkids make me sick.
T. pc-cuck
Nothing anymore. It's meaningless now.
Ever since Sony won for Shenmue, which is now looking like it's going to be another 3.3 debacle.
Most of these are Nintendo; just think of what's cooking 3rd party now that the Switch has proven a success.
>just think of what's cooking 3rd party now
Some ports and maybe a few games that won't be out for 2 years.
>Most of these are Nintendo; just think of what's cooking 3rd party now that the Switch has proven a success.
Resident Evil remake for 60$
>rump roasted Pc-cucks being "ironic" about ports
It takes 3 years to make a game from scratch, 2 years to make a sequel using the same assets, and 6 months to a year to make a port. How the fuck else are these alleged third parties that just jumped on going to shit out a game any time soon?
Why would they show Zelda or MK8 at E3 this year? Even ARMS probably wouldn't get too much screen time if we're being quite honest,
since it releases one day after E3, and we've already had our ARMS Direct. And if I put personal preference into this, I think Splatoon is shit, and Super Mario 3D World was the only good 3D Mario game
Mario Kart came out 3 years ago, and won't be at this year's E3.
Arms looks like shit.
Mario will be good.
Splatoon 2 looks as mediocre as the first game and only appeals to pedos.
Zelda has been at the past 4 fucking E3's, safe to say it won't be at this one.
>Splatoon 2 looks as mediocre as the first game and only appeals to pedos.
>inb4 "not an argument"
I don't argue with people who won't listen and don't know what they're talking about.
> Arms looks like shit.
Having played it, the game is gorgeous and a lot of fun.
The last two look so goddam bland and generic
I'm kinda disappointed about the artstyle of Xeno2, but as long as the gameplay and story is on par with the first I'm fine with it honestly
how the hell do you " lose " E3,
are you a child?
btw is the switch actually selling well? I hear it is...but why? But did the wii u fail but not the switch? I don't understand. I mean it doesn't even have a big launch exclusive game....I went to the store to buy zelda and a switch but then I was shocked when I realized zelda was on wii u also so i just bought zelda wii u and went home.
From Software to announce Mech Warrior coming on multiplat (Switch included) and new Souls-like game (probably timed exclusive for PS4). They may have another surprise, but it could actually count as these 2 games announced.
I think what he means is that if a company has the "best"/most announcements then they win.
But honestly, there will be announcements from every company that please and maybe disappoint fans then Sup Forums shitposters will use any negative things against the opposing fans .
Sup Forums will be a fucking mess after this year's e3
They are going to make Lost Kingdoms 3 for Switch
Literally how new.
No company 'wins' E3. Especially Nintendo considering that they haven't even bothered to show up to the place in the last few years. I hope that they have a slew of really amazing games, but I fucking know better. I have a WiiU with less than six games, including Breath of the Wild. It feels bad. The WiiU will probably be the last Nintendo product that I purchase.
Armored Core. MechWarrior is a Microsoft IP.
I mean I remember talking that way when I was 12 years old, but this place has rules stating you have to be at least 16
That's 18, kid. Get the fuck out.
(you) here, my bad I meant armored core. I always write it wrong.
I'm in a similar situation. So don't you wonder why the Switch is selling so much? I don't get it. It's hardly different from WII U. I feel like branding/marketing might just matter the most. All the normies and women suddenly think the switch is cute or something and start buying it. It's the only explaination.
>just think what's cooking 3rd party now that the Switch has a proven success.
Two stellar games in the next 7 years. While Nintendo does fuck all.
>now that the Switch has a proven success.
>it has succeeded for really no reason, random success has fallen into Nintendos lap. Kek bless'em.
Do you think that they are GOING to show Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart? Or are you speaking only of Splatoon?
>Port of a mediocre game
>Might be good for one playthrough
>Good game
1.5/5 congrats
Because Consoles are dead as a platform.
>I don't argue with people who won't listen
Then why did you respond? What point is there in replying if you have no intention of striking up a conversation?
Obv they will show BOTW since it has major DLC like Difficulty Setting and Map Feature coming.
fyi; you will probably have the ability to change in game character attire.
Unfortunately you may have to put up with a retarded character model for the first few hours of play. hopefully not the other hundred.
>Hard mode is considered major DLC nowadays
>3 of those are already out at E3 you faggot.
I think you mean two.
Only Zelda and Mario Kart 8 are out.
The Switch is really easy to get here. Nearly every store has had more than one just sitting about for the last month or so. No one is touchiing them. It reminds me of the WiiU scalpers. Serves them right.
so Nintendo is just running a major shill program with all this news about Switch selling out and Nintendos stocking soaring to original WII levels?
Sony and M$ dont need Nintendo to lose E3.
>nintendo doesn't even put in a simple difficulty slider that just changes number values
>1 difficulty fits all folks heh, the 8 year old girl and 30 year old man are the same.
If you can fix the 2 of Xenoblade 2 being cut off at the top it'd be great
Nintendo is doomed.
MS does since MS is being raped by Sony atm. I own a xbone but luckily I only bought it for fall out 4 and bethesda favored the console so we got mods like half a year earlier than ps4. It's really the only thing the Xbone has ever had in its favor in this console generation.
The WiiU was in damn near the same position as the Switch. Initial sales were high and it seemed that it was going to hit Wii levels of success, but it never happened. I can't say for sure that the Switch will have the same fate, but it is really hard not to draw parallels between the two. Look at Ebay right now. Scalpers have shit loads of them. Exactly like the WiiU.
>nintendo in 2017 still doesn't let you rebind controls
>I just want to sprint by toggling the joystick, none of this take my finger off the camera stick just to hold the sprint button jewry so i cant even look around while sprinting
We talk about e3 here. Not console war.
>babby's first racing game
>suppeh cuhrayzee '''''fighting''''' game >:D
>platforming trash rehash
>discount Cowadoody for little Timmy
>Ubishit cheap knockoff with Zelda flavour
Us adult gamers can't work up a boner for shallow dumb fun Nintenkiddieshit though, unlike you Nint0ddlers.
Go to eBay and first thing I see is a scalper with a stack of 25 Switch consoles as the photo for his listing
I want to cuddle with Mikan!
Based user
You already posted this before bro
Keep eating Nintendo's shit OP.
>Mario Kart 8
Was the worst of the bunch back when they released it on the Wii U, don't know why they decided to LITERALLY rehash it.
Going to die real quick besides waifufags desperately CPRing it with awful generals that will contribute further to Sup Forums's downfall, no required waggling = shit gameplay
>Mario Odyssey
Besides meme screenshots of Mario with actual people I know nothing about this game's playstyle, that googly-eyed hat looks dumb as fuck though. Will probably be upper-mediocre.
>Splatoon 2
See ARMS, minus the waggling part.
Has been out, and single-handedly carrying the Switch's sales for some ungodly reason, since launch.
So it's nothing, then. Monster Hunter looks nice, but it's just a direct port so fucking yawn. Give me more than a single actual exclusive that's actually interesting because one game does not make a best-selling system lineup.
ITT Reasons Sony will win E3. Nintendo has been crap since the N64 days. The new Zelda sucks, no new Metroid game, no new F-Zero, no Starfox, Mario is beyond over saturated, no decent exclusives, console itself is weak as shit, cheap crappy hardware...tell me how again Nintendo is gonna "win" E3?
>mario is beyond over saturated
>first open 3D mario since sunshine
Good stuff mate
>Zelda has been at the past 4 fucking E3's
Only 2014 and 2016
>Blizzcon has a larger turn out than all of e3 combined
Blizzard superpower when?
>Took the time to shitpost each game
Well, at least you didn't go full autism and just write
>Shit, shit, shit shit
To laugh at him? I mean that's literally what he did.
>blizzcon tickets probably don't cost several thousands of dollars
Microsoft will probably fuck up and ONLY drop scorpio and no games. Sony may try doubling down on PSVR and fuck itself. Nintendo will focus the entire conference on Mario X Rabbids and will fuck up. In the end only Bethesda will succeed when they announce Skyrim Super Extra Enhanced Edition an Episodical Release.
mario x rabbids is at the ubisoft conference
and the nintendo show is obviously about sm odyssey, spla2n, xenoblade 2, fire emblem switch and then some unannounced titles like animal crossing or metroid
Nintendo will surprise everyone with the announcement of Kirby and Yoshi: Wave Rider
Get your haha far the fuck away from my Kirby.
>best racing game ever made
>best fighting game ever made
>best platforming game ever made
>best third person shooter game ever made
>best open world game ever made
go back to neogaf sonybro.
haha my friend just asked me if kirby ate a yoshi egg would he poop it out or would he become an egg himself
my friend was wondering if anyone had pictures of kirby eating yoshi eggs or becoming one hes so crazy haha
>Nintendo will win because of a Koei Tecmo Warriors game
Said no one ever. At least focus on the games that matter.
>pic related: this whole thread
You must be too young but Mario 64 was and still is the best 3d Mario game
>sony does weeb games
>people hate it
>nintendo does weeb games
>people love it
Not really. The actual Nintendo weeb games like Xenoblade Chronicles don't sell shit either. And Persona 5 did quite well actually.
It might be if it aged well, but the camera is total shit, and the DS version misses the point of why they included a control stick. If 64 had aged better, I might like it because the main problem I have with 3D Mario games is waiting.
I hope Nintendo has more up their sleeve. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see more footage of Mario Odyssey (Slatoon 2 and Arms are slowly getting my attention too) but for me E3 is about surprises. So hopefully Nintendo can bring a show winning/stopping surprise this year. Not holdning my breath though.
[spoilers]No, that rabbids shit doesn't count if it's real.[spoilers]
As long as Sony will have Grimdarkborne 2 they will win E3. Holy fuck the first one was so fucking good. One of the best games ever created
It wasn't even better than Dark Souls, though
I'm sold just because of MonHun. I loved 3 but skipped the other two since I refused to play them on a shitty handheld.
4U was pretty great but 3U was, so far, for me personally, the peak of MH.
Maybe XX on the Switch will beat that, we'll see.
Playing on the big TV with a real controller certainly helps.
Kill yourself
Will Anime Souls come to switch tho? :thinking:
>Nintendo has
>Microsoft has the Scorpio
>Sony has Death Stranding, GOW, TLOU2, Days Gone
>Plus Surprises from each
There's no way this E3 will be any but BASED.
I'd much prefer a new Souls-like over a sequel to Bloodborne. Bloodborne ended well. And didn't leave nearly as many things unanswered or unaddressed as the original Souls games.
A Bloodborne sequel would simultaneously be really exciting, as well as really disappointing.
They'll lose because like nintendo they also won't show shit worth caring about. This is E3 we're talking about after all
kek you wish
this is all before they show bloodborne 2