Refunding a Completed Game

Do developers need protection if you beat their game and get a refund?

Other urls found in this thread: blast gameplay

Don't make games less than 2hrs long cost money.

$2.27 and you refunded it? cmon man. you spend more than that on your lunch.

>rent game
>beat it in 3 days
>it only costs you $2

Frankly if you beat the game in just 2 hours you deserve a refund. The game is shit.

lunch is essential, devs just need to make a long last appealing game.

I don't get this

Sup Forums on piracy:
>Hell yeah pirate games bro fuck Denuvo

Sup Forums on refunds:
>Whoa whoa, this is taking it a little far, don't you think?

All power to you senpai, but still I don't see how you were expecting a massive game at less than 3Quid

If you're attitude towards piracy is anything besides "I can't afford it, but I want to play it" you are a faggot. If you feel you need to flaunt that you refunded a game after beating it, you are also a faggot.


Maybe make a good game people want to keep. personally I never went through the effort of buying something through steam only to return it. If I was that unsure I would just pirate it in the first place.

What if you were sure about it but the game turned out to be worse than your expectations?

My attitude is "fuck Bethesda"

refund it then? I'm just saying I personally never went in with the expectation that I'm just going to refund.

Nobody expects to use pepper spray or their CCW, but when you gotta use it, you gotta use it.

The only thing they need to do is make a GOOD game, how long it is is completely irrelevant unless you're a massive fucking faggot who makes up imaginary "rules" that all games should follow.

>B-but *insert old game* is beatable in under 2 hours!!!1

being such a pathetic loser you buy a game on sale just to refund it so you can post a pathetic picture on Sup Forums for 10 replies

Sup dev behind Fullblast - hows your game selling?

t. shovelware dev

>bump my shit thread with this pathetic bait

Make me another game to refund, Indiewagecuck

please don't sage, it's rude

if you can't even be fucked to make your game longer than an hour then you deserve to have this shit happen

Inb4 Toddposting

good life choice.

Then why would the devs care if that value of money is so small according to you?

OP is too retarded to pirate games so he has to buy them on Steam and then refund them.
Just imagine this loser.
Imagine what a loser cuck you have to be to still buy games on Steam just to do the same you could do easier and faster with pirating.

I think that user included that with
> long last appealing

Refunds are far more damaging to the developer/publisher than piracy.

Piracy doesn't cost anything. Sure you could try to argue that they lose sales because of piracy, but technically there's literally not a single difference (for the devs/publisher anyway) between pirating a game and never playing it at all. In both cases there's simply no sale. Refunds are damaging because they're not free. At the very least, there's an administrative cost to returning the money to the customer, which means that it's objectively worse than not getting any money in the first place. They're actively losing money, after all.

Still, I think refunds are an important consumer right and that, if you make a game that people want to refund after playing it for one hour, you deserve do deal with the consequences. This unfortunately means that short but good games might get unfairly penalized, but when the only alternatives are to either have no refunds at all or to have some sort of artificial gatekeeping system about when you deserve a refund, I think that's a small price to pay.

And considering that there are many shitty indie devs who make low-effort games in the knowledge that some morons will still buy them, to unload them in shitty indie bundles, or even to passively make money off autists collecting Steam cards (a problem Valve has already acknowledged), I definitely think it's important to send a message, whether directly or (through refunds) indirectly, that being a shitter and exploiting the system isn't without risks.

>Movie for 1,5hours and costs $10
>Well worth the money
>Game for less than 2 hours and costs $2
>automatically shit

The movie industry is full of jews and normal people all know it's a scam.

It's like Sup Forums isn't one person.
Imagine that.

A shit movie isn't worth $2.

A shit game isn't worth $2.

>Movie for 1,5hours and costs $10
>Well worth the money
It's not you massive retard.

Or they could make an achievement that's "play for three hours"

"beatable" as in speedrun-able with a very detailed guide while skipping all cutscenes

If a game can be finished in 2 hours on a blind run (minus joke endings like in Nier), you deserve a refund.

>If a game can be finished in 2 hours on a blind run (minus joke endings like in Nier), you deserve a refund.
You are a retard.

>a product that costs millions to make and has a cast and crew of at least a few dozen professionals costs more than a product one crusty hipster threw together in an afternoon at basically no expense
>this is strange and unusual

only a child will think of doing this, or a manchild really.

Literally all movies have going for them is the massive con of "you can only see it early in a theater!" it's like early access

Name 5 games which are not even two hours long and are worth their money.

And also can be beaten in less than 2 hours totally blind and no guide without quarter feeding like in MAME either.

t. failed indie dev

Imagine the pathetic loser OP taking those screenshots and then putting it together in Paint.
While he drools like a massive retard he is when thinking about how he will troll Sup Forums.

Insulting everyone who disagrees with you is not a very effective strategy for marketing your game, Full Blast dev.

More like Full Assblasted dev amirite :^)

Fightan games
Puzzle games
ReZ Infinite

Are you sad retard people aren't taking your pathetic bait?
Better refund another shitty game you bought on sale because you are a poor looser living with your parents. Did mommy give you her credit card because you are too retarded to pirate?

Make a game that appeals to people who don't want to refund your game.

>Do developers need protection
No. I can think of plenty of times consumers needed protection from shit developers.

I can only think of niche indie games that blamed the games failure on "fake returns".

For the vast majority of people its not worth the effort to rush through a game to beat it in under 2 hours and get a refund.
Only a handful of young kids who have the free time and think beating games is more important then enjoying them will actually go through the trouble.

It's extremely profitable for a company to lie about a games content or release it broken.
It's not worth the time or trouble of most people to scam the system for a $10 game.

Consumers need protection, not developers.

I'm going to buy your game 10 times and refund them all.


>Fightan games

Character endings, bonus modes, online VS content

>Puzzle games

Depends on the game, even Tetris on Gameboy is technically infinite and others will unlock other modes, new rooms to play, have head to head modes, etc

The best protection would probably be a game that cant be beaten in 2 hours.


>>only a child will think of doing this, or a manchild really
>you must be a manchild/child if you use your consumer rights!

Must be an American poster


Only corporate slaves and indie drama-queens think developer's rights are more important than consumer's rights.

I've only refunded one shitty port on steam a year ago, I don't bother with terrible $2 game anyway.

But the 2 hour refund is a fantastic shit test for these artzy nu-male indie devs since it vastly reduces the rancid low garbage and non-games that were being constantly shoveled on steam.

What's the last fightan game you've seen with more than 2 hours of story content?

I have done that to a few games, one that comes to mind was that indieshit one about game development or something and was like 15 euro.

I refunded that shit and will always do it to similar games that don't last 2 hours. No, shitty indie developers do not need protection, steam needs to hit them harder and stop allowing them to release shit games like this.

Why did the retarded OP even include the achievements?
He didn't even get 50%, what was that loser trying to show?

>But the 2 hour refund is a fantastic shit test for these artzy nu-male indie devs since it vastly reduces the rancid low garbage and non-games that were being constantly shoveled on steam.

Soul Calibur 2
Tekken 5
Tekken 6

God rest their souls

>tfw not so long ago garbage like this would be free on Newgrounds or Kongregate

Honestly, refunding is the only reasonable response here. Ever since indie "devs" discovered that they can just shovel their garbage onto Steam and get paid for it the whole scene has turned into cancer.

>what was that loser trying to show?
Probably the achievement showing he actually finished the game.

If you want to beat the game with every character, it will definitely take longer.

Besides, the game doesn't have to be longer than even an hour. You will want to keep a short game which is actually good to play it more.

The only reason you want to return a game after you finished it once if it has no replayability, which is true for most indie trash.

>>But the 2 hour refund is a fantastic shit test for these artzy nu-male indie devs since it vastly reduces the rancid low garbage and non-games that were being constantly shoveled on steam.

Glad you agree.
Indie cancer must be purged before it takes roots.

>I refunded that shit and will always do it to similar games that don't last 2 hours. No, shitty indie developers do not need protection, steam needs to hit them harder and stop allowing them to release shit games like this.
Why do you retard act as if you are superior?
You are too retarded to know if a game is shit before you buy it, idiots like you shouldn't deserve a refund. Maybe then you will learn to not buy shit games in the first place.

The game shouldn't be sold on Steam then if I should "know better".

There's obvious turds like Digital Homocide games, but then there's games like OP, which I wouldn't know were bad or good until I played them.

I haven't spent a single cent on a movie in 15 years m8

Lot of mobile games fit into the short game but no real replay for me. Ridiculous fishing is fantastic, pinout is the best pinball, heck I even liked Mario run, but even stepping up to the 3ds you got neat little games like Gunman Clive and Gunvolt

>The only reason you want to return a game after you finished it once if it has no replayability, which is true for most indie trash.

I'd say this a problem with games release today in general. They've stopped being as replayable as they were during the PS2/Xbox era

>which I wouldn't know were bad or good until I played them.
Or you could check reviews and youtube gameplays like everyone who isn't a total idiot. blast gameplay
so hard

Are you seriously saying that a pinball game has no replay value and you don't want to play it again a few times in the future?

That's a garbage comparison considering most mobile games are free, or at least "freemium" to give you plenty of time to try the game before deciding whether it's worth anything.

If the OP's game was free, we wouldn't even be having this discussion to begin with.

Then maybe don't put mobile phone games on Steam?

>If the OP's game was free, we wouldn't even be having this discussion to begin with.
Then the autistic loser would just buy another game on sale in the hope to troll Sup Forums while masturbating over the thread.

Pinout is a pinball style game where the goal is to keep going up before the time runs out, not just try to maximize score on a normal table. The music kicks ass and I dropped a few bucks to unlock the ability to start from levels you've reached, the alternative is starting from the bottom every time.

Alright I just checked out some footage and I'm still not sure if it's bad or good

Good work, ace.

Origin lets you play for 24 hours before a refund and it was long before Steam even had such an option. Notice how the whining began only when Steam implemented it. That's because only indie shits complain about it

How would that even work if you didn't make a shitty 2 hour long indie game?

What game are you checking out? Did you look up gameplay footage?

Fullblast - the one you linked. I mean good lord, pay attention.

When you are such a poor looser you have to buy a game on sale even if you indent to refund it just to troll Sup Forums.
look like boring shovelware at first sight

With luck, maybe he'll buy a game that isn't shit so he wouldn't have to refund it.

>look like boring shovelware at first sight

Well I guess OP had every right to refund it

Thanks for proving my point, ace.

I didn't link it, but looks like a standard shoot em up to me. I'm not knowledgeable enough in the genre to know what separates the good ones from the bad ones outside things like control issues. You should find warning forever, it's a free shooter from forever ago where you fight boss ships that evolve based entirely on how you beat the last one.

The point is you stupid cuck that you can see the game sucks without buying or playing it and posting about how retarded you are on Sup Forums.

>I didn't link it, but looks like a standard shoot em up to me

Maybe thats what OP wanted but was even disappointed with those low standards?

>The point is you stupid cuck that you can see the game sucks without buying or playing it

Explain the No Man's Sky audience then

OP wanted to make a pathetic picture and a pathetic thread on Sup Forums so he can masturbate to it.
Everyone who isn't retarded knew NMS is going to be shit long before it released.

Better yet, make a good game that I'm willing to replay several times even if it's relatively short.

>Everyone who isn't retarded knew NMS is going to be shit long before it released.

I don't think it's about being retarded or not - because the game sold a TON to a lot of people who tricked by the hype. There's always a game that gets tons of fan hype and ends up a flop, and they've learned to not be those people.

>because the game sold a TON to a lot of people who tricked by the hype. There's always a game that gets tons of fan hype
because they are retards, the same retards who fund kickstarter shit, normal people are literal retards

>the same retards who fund kickstarter shit

Like Sup Forums and mighty number 9

If you abuse refunds they block you from using the feature. I refunded about 230 games since it was put in and they finally blocked me from refunding anything.

That's a symptom of video games as a whole these days

I'd prefer a short game with tons of ways to play it than a long one with only one real way to play it

>tfw making a shit game that requires 2 hours and 1 minute to finish

Screenshots of your email confirming that? Of the games you refunded?

If you were always below the 2 week, 2 hour threshold, that shouldn't even be possible by Valve to block you like that.

>old games were better
Games were always shit, you just grew up.

What are you talking about? All movies are free.

How could you abuse refunds? Did you just play games up to the 2 hour limit then refund? I only refund games I geniunely didn't like.

>skip the credits and refund