Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver

Who hyped?

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Looks like shit desu senpai

Glad I can play a MH game with an actual controller.
Never got a chance to really play Gen, so I'm looking forward to it.
I still need to get back to finishing up 4U though, my friend keeps giving me shit that I haven't done Caravaneer's Challenge and the Master's Test.

>hyped for the same fucking game again
>hyped for a underpowered system that will get forgotten by everyone other than the drones


>Mad as fuck

I would be hyped but I didn't enjoy XX. Wish it was 5 already. Might get it anyway cus I pirated X and XX and playing in HD might be enough to make me care again.

>dragon with a fucking jetpack strapped to it's back
>more anime hunter arts that defy laws of gravity and physics

what the fuck happened to MH

There is a big difference between playing MH on a fucking 240p uncomfy 3ds with shit pixel density and playing it at a much better resolution with a proper controller

You're a moron, MH was never about realism

It actually looks worse on the Switch than it does on the 3DS because of the game originally being made for the latter.

The Switch shows all the ugly textures, low-count models, lack of ambient occlussion, no tessellation etc.

But with the 3DS the resolution is so low that it hides all those flaws.

No it doesn't, it looks worlds better on the Switch. Fuck off.

>Not that big of a fan of Generations
>Still thinking of buying it to play more MH plus it's finally on the TV again
Fucking you Capcom for making me buy more MH games!

>This delusion

When and where can I order the console bundle? Ordering the console from Japan should be cheaper than just getting one in UK

I think I'll be hyped when we get a release date. Untill then it's just meh.

I'm not buying the same game again, but for $500+ this time.

>implying you imported MHXX from Japan

As someone who's only played MH Tri, will I enjoy this new iteration? I enjoyed the fuck out of Tri on the wii when it still had servers btw

>implying 75% content in XX isn't in Gen already

I lol'd.

Monster Hunter has always been ugly as sin. Graphics are not it's focus. The only time they focused on any visual fidelity was with markets who don't give a shit about MH.

That's just the trailer not actual in game graphics

Played the game already, so not me.
MH5 when?

which one is which
they both look awful

Welcome to how Monster Hunter games work.
First you get the base version, then the ultimate version.

Besides, the fact that MHXX has transmog is reason enough to get it. That was one of the biggest problems of the game for all these years. Many of hundreds of cool armor sets but you'll only ever see a few in use by other people.


says the series that has spontaneous flexing after item consumption as a in game reason for item cooldown

I know how MH games work better than you do. Don't you worry about me.
>Besides, the fact that MHXX has transmog is reason enough to get it.
Not for $500.
I'll wait for MH5 on PS4.

Does anyone here have a girlfriend? I'm a single guy but I kinda want a gf. Do you love with your gf or do you just "date". I'm worried I'll never find a girl I really like who also really likes me so I'll just get desperate and settle.

I doubt that. I probably have more hours in 3U and 4U alone than you in all MHs combined.

And if you think MH5 will be on PS4 you're a moron not even worth talking to, so enjoy your day.


>want to get 3DS version because of profile transfer from Generations
>want to get Switch version because of better graphical fidelity


There will never ever be another MH game on a Sony console...will there.

I have hunter fatigue. I couldn't get through MHGen 3* village quests because the game got boring for me. I don't know why, I spent hundreds of hours on FU, PTurd, 3U, and 4U. I still remember farming 140 double rajangs solo because no one could hame properly, and when they did, the first rajang toppled on the opposite side of the fucking trap. This went on 2 more times, until we finally got a successful run, then our LBG left. So I soloed rajangs, but the runs were pretty long, almost 30 minutes each. Then I dropped the game because I wasn't getting any good relics.

MH Gen came out a year later, and I didn't feel like slogging through all the village quests anymore. I wish they let you do complete character equipment transfers.

Ahhh, I real reason emerges.



never ever coming to consoles friendo. Switch doesn't count since it is a goofy hybrid.

there there user. at least you'll have Frontier. PBBBBBTHHHAHAHAHAHA

Does PSTV count?

>MH was never about realism

Uhhh.... You know you can transfer (with homebrew/piracy) your Gens save to X then to XX?

I'm pretty sure you can transfer from 3DS X directly to Switch XX.

Exactly. It never was.

5 is going to be Westernized open world garbage with QTEs, less weapons, and less monsters. I believe you mean "Monster Hunter Portable 5" which will be the true sequel to 4U made by the original team.

Finally I get to play MH with a normal controller again.
Multiplayer between 3DS and Switch makes me happy too, because the friend I always play MH with isn't sure if he's getting a Switch or not.
Now I just need to know if I can import my old Generations save to the Switch version.

You sure you're not the one being mad right now? So much you can't even type properly.
Anyhow, that's what I said from the beginning, it's not worth buying a console for a single game. Not even MonHun. Switch has literally zero worthwhile exclusives for me.
Are all nintenbros oblivious to the fact that the series started on the PS? No reason it couldn't go back there in future. Especially considering Capcom's plans to appeal to a wider audience in the west.

So you're implying that a normal human can hold his breath underwater for extended periods of time while fighting and taking hits from a monster that's the size of a skyscraper?


>literally a seething sonyroach

Are you fucking stupid XXbabby?
Tri was AN attempt at a realistic MH and it would've payed off if it weren't for Poo3rd

Is that it? Some engraving on the irrelevant dock? I hope thats not the standard for the Switch LEs.


If they get rid of all the boring gathering quests from the 3ds version I'm buying it.

>muh realism
monster hunters are decedents of supersoldiers who fought in what was basically the Finno-Korean hyperwar
Them pulling off anime as fuck shit is perfectly acceptable in the lore

I don't get why so many people hate PTurd. It did 3rd gen completely right by not adding underwater.

What makes Tri so realistic?

A true hunter does every quest in every rank before moving on

>crossplay announced
>no reason to buy it since you can play the 3ds version and still encounter switch users
RIP sales

they haven't
wait for 5

Not me because i already shoved 600+ hours on it and i see no reason to move on a switch because of pretty graphics. Which arent that impressive to begin with. Also looks that it runs at 30 fps fot whatever reason

Capcom is still going to be making games on the Switch. Have you seen the leaks? The PS4 MH5 will be as much of an MH as Ninja Theory's DmC was a proper DMC. Expect less content and casual garbage as the leaks have told us. I love you, user, so I'm preparing you for the worst. That game is going to be shitposted to hell by everyone. It's funny how that one Capcom employee said "fuck you" to Sony and told Nintendo about it, and SFV really fucked with employee morale.

Meanwhile the Switch will be getting the true MH5 in the form of MH5P. If MH5P does better than MH5, the series will forever be stuck with Nintendo.

>Are all nintenbros oblivious to the fact that the series started on the PS?

real MH fans don't give a fuck where the console is they just follow behind it. console war crybabbies though are stirring the pot by denying that Sony didn't botch it and Nintendo made it more successful than it has ever been in guise of BUT IT LOOKS LIKE TRASH ON SHITENDO PORTABLE CONSOLE PLS COME BACK TO PS4! The series only started as a testfire for the ps2 modem. It failed compared to stuff like SOCOM. The series went dormant until PSP where the handheld market where the co-op multiplayer was more at home pretty much saved the psp in moonland. It's handheld franchise whether you autists want to admit or not.

Is there no crossbuy to go with crossplay?
Why are Nintendo such jews?

how does crossplay mean there is no reason to buy it?

you buy it for the fact that it's a device with a pixel density vastly superior than the 3ds. You can actually SEE something.

You get to use a pro controller which is worlds better than playing on 3ds or n3dsxl

Why would you buy a Switch for Monster Hunter when you already have a DS?


Monster Hunter will come back. Just you wait... You won't be laughing then!

NOOO! They can't get away with this! They can't keep selling consoles! It's just a shitty looking port!

You posters are so fucking annoying

Why would you play it on 3DS if you own a switch?

The experience is not even comparable.
It was the same with 3U on the WiiU vs the 3DS version.

Playing it on the WiiU was infinitely superior.

[Steals your Max Potion in HD]

I'm not sure I can stomach playing XX after 300 hours of Gen. I skipped XX on 3DS because I was fed up with farming the fucking Deviants because it was the only gear worth using, and anything afterwards was pointless to hunt.

>he thinks greentext shitposting is an argument
I'm telling you, user. MH5 is going to be MH in name only.

You tell em, sonybro

The DS already has a decent library of games, is cheaper and isn't a shitty console/handheld hybrid which can't do anything well.

But in XX you get a whole 6 new deviants to grind!

Cool screenshot

Crit Eye+3/Elemental Crit Salamanders say 'hi'


What has that got to do with playing the best version XX?

>can't do anything well
>literally strongest handheld we have, best screen, best controls

Why even post
The 3DS is a piece of junk compared to the Switch.

>Expect less content and casual garbage as the leaks have told us.
You mean THOSE leaks? They had Sup Forums tier credibility. You seriously believed those?
>real MH fans don't give a fuck where the console is
You mean the series. And neither do I.
>they just follow behind it
But not blindly. I even bought a 3DS to play MH at 240p, but not just because of it. 3DS had plenty of other worthwhile exclusives too.
Switch is a barren wasteland with a single shining star of MH. Except it's not even an exclusive, and is available on 3DS already, and (Double) Cross is just Frontier-lite anyway. No way I'm throwing away that much money on a Mario-machine just for MH, I'm sorry.

What is this? An image for Altaroths?

You don't waste money on a console that has only 2 decent games to play

>This is the flagship
lmao, this is some goofy shit.
I kinda like it.

>3DS had plenty of other worthwhile exclusives too.
It really didn't.
The 3DS has MH, Pokémon, Kid Icarus and Bravely Default. Maybe Zelda ALBW.

That's literally it.
The Switch's first year lineup is already better than that

>10+ year old console has better library than a 3 month old console
No shit. Nice selective memory, user; the DS's launch line-up also had no games.

What is MH now?

>open world

Yeah unless Capcom is holding a gun to the mh devs heads that is one of the LAST things they'll do.

>That's literally it.
For you maybe. It had enough for me.

Switch objectively has no games, regardless of your personal tastes and preferences.

>for you maybe
>switch objectively....


I cant read , but pretty sure it says original devs would be able to do their own thing, western MH5 would be handled by another development house.

You have your open-world MH already, go download it losers.

List ten third party Switch exclusives. Let alone worthwhile exclusives.

DD2 never ever.

Why do they have to be third party?

>Being THIS mad switch is the next MH device

You'll own one eventually you cuck. Lol

>$300 console
>$60 AA gaem
>reused assets
>240p upscaled to 720p
>blocky low poly models
>blurry low res textures

I'd buy a Switch in a heartbeat if it gets a MonHun game...but not for this shit. Having seen how underpowered Switch is and how lazy Capcom could be, I'll just wait for the eventual MH5U on PS4/PC.

take it back

>MH5U on PS4/PC
>there are people this deluded on Sup Forums

I wish I could.

DDON never ever

>Systems been out for 2 months
>Name TEN exclusives with a 90+ rating on metacritic that I personally like as any games I don't like don't count

Simply fucking epic.