Comfy neet Monday

Who /neet/ masterrace here?

>not having a giant fucking heatsink the size of your head

good job

>all this shit

>not living in a country where they basically shovel money your way (nordic countries)
>add to that living with mommy so no living expenses

neetlife is pretty neat

It memorial day hoe :)
Wagies get the day off

Autismbux. As a Dutchman I get about 1100 euros a month for being a retard.

>mfw my nordic neet friend makes more money than me on neetbux when i'm working two jobs


Please answer me this honestly.
Why is being a neet not considered a bad thing among you?
You know it slowly kills you inside.

We already know that. There's no need to mention it.

But that's only like for 1 year, right? What happens after that?

What? How?


Depends on how unfit for work you are. I've been deemed 100% unfit so I will receive neetbux my entire life.

The 1 year is usually for newcomers, they'll be tested after that period of time and if they're deemed unfit for work again they'll be on disability income their entire life.

Because if you have no self motivation and self control you just end up falling into cripling depression.

How are you unfit for work? You literally have to be braindead with no motor functions not to be able to do anything.

How did you get deemed unfit for life?

Neet for 1 year here
I got diagnosed with a deadly disease and I refuse to work anymore until I die

You become detached from reality and you fall into a hole you can't escape out of. Trust me, I was a NEET for several years and if it weren't for external forces pushing me into a new chapter of my life I would still be a NEET today, and I'd be much unhappier for it.

Autism bros. You're born with it and can't be cured. My medical exam took about 5 minutes. You do need to be diagnosed though, usually in the mental ward for a couple of weeks.

I used to know one guy who was on lifetime governmental support money because he had autism.
I'm not kidding, he was 35 something years old and was making excuses about how famous people and rock stars and scientists and shit accomplished big things even though they had autism, as if trying to make excuses for himself.
He was a depressed mess with no sense of purpose and dabbled in photography but never made money off of it.
His girlfriend was a good friend of mine, she left him a few years ago, she was the only good thing in his life. I wonder how he's doing now.

But if you have autism can't they be like hey, go work with farm animals and clean the stables or some shit. Or like, do stuff behind a computer.

So you asmit you're a nigger welfare queen?

lol, congrats

>not wanting free money

You sound like the nigger here.

Shh don't destroy /r9k/'s narrative

Are you actually autistic or did you fake it?

One of my friends get autism bux because he has like crippling agoraphobia, but he's actually pretty fucked up and doesn't leave his house. He's a burger and he said he gets like 850 a month

I've been neet for a couple and those were the best years of my life. Not having to worry about anything and just doing my own shit does not lead to depression.