So how did Dishonored 2 fare compared to the first one?
So how did Dishonored 2 fare compared to the first one?
It was more of the same. I liked it.
Better than the first in pretty much every way, except PC optimization
I can almost agree...
Except the story in 2 sounds to me "too much "girl powa"" bullshit
And the story in the first, i though it was "deeper"
Everything wrong with modern games in one place.
While it didn't do too much different mechanically, the level design is top notch and easily surpasses the original
This. It's great except for the poor optimization.
The gameplay mechanics late game are really neat.
>too much "girl powa"
You need to get out more dude
Objectively wrong.
Corvo is Garrett
Any questions?
More of the same. The voice acting lines were bland. The performance was shit. Otherwise pretty good
Game was pretty fun, nothing glaringly wrong provided it decides it's just going to run like shit on your PC.
Gameplay isn't as smooth and doesn't "flow" as well as in Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches but you won't notice it unless you played them like an autist like I did
a step up from the first game in everything except for the last level.
High chaos last level of Dishonored 1 was top tier and the last level of 2 was bland, especially when compared to the time crack and the mechanical house level.
although it was pretty great that the Queen's secret room was still there and was a giant shortcut that wasn't hinted at or pointed to at all and the only way to know it was there was by playing the first one and wondering if it is still around.
>Best level design in the last 10 years
>Powers are fun
>Stealth is improved
>Locations are more varied
>More choices in approach
>Delilah AGAIN
>Outsider is boring
>Not a lot of supernatural elements
>Corvo is half baked, it's obvious they wanted Emily to be the protagonist (makes more sense thematically)
Does Corvo get Daud's timestop blink combo in 2?
What was the difference on high Chaos? I did the DLC on high(ish) chaos because it fit with shanking Daud in the base game.
But in the basegame I just did low chaos and then ghost and I only looked up the different endings as videos.
Just a fuckton more lads to cut down?
Oh god is that a human being animating like femshep from ass erect? Jesus christ keep the mask on.
High chaos has the island at night during a storm and every member of the rebellion is trying to kill eachother in a giant free for all and there are 50 different ways things can go down depending on your actions and almost all of them are acknowledged, like one guy will take a potshot at another guy barricaded in a tower and miss, but you can shoot him at the same time and he will think he did it, and have dialogue with his men about what a great shot he is.
it is amazing.
>Daud's timestop blink
Yes, sort of. It's going to seem like a really nitpicky thing, but it's Corvo's blink with timestop involved. Daud's blink is an instant teleport whereas Corvo's there's a noticeable travel time.
It upsets the flow a little, especially when it comes to precision platforming involving ledges. Also the horrendous "double jump" shit is back instead of Daud's smooth high jump.
It's alright, just like the first one.
It's weird to see them be ambitious with level design and making you figure things out yourself but keep shit in the game like teleporting and wallhack vision.
Make up your mind whether the game is for casuals or not.
Casuals play with the lethal powers and run around with dark vision.
But underneath everything is a very solid stealth game with really smart level design.
no it didn't faggot
story in both is basic ass revenge story with no depth what so ever. you could replace emily with a dude and it wouldn't make any difference. Otherwise the gameplay is great so it's worth playing
Well the casuals are having more fun than I am painstakingly quick-loading my way through this shit game.
>Calls people casuals
>Can't even play the game properly without savescumming
O I am laffin
A fun thing I did in Dishonored Knife of Dunwall/Brigmore Witches was "perfect runs".
All it was is that I'd start at the beginning of the level, and try to get through as fast/efficiently/savagely as possible, almost like a speedrun where you have to kill everybody.
I'd end up resetting when discovered but I'd have already worked out a good route up to where I'm discovered so I load, do it all again, and do something differently where I'm discovered.
I found something deeply satisfying about doing this so sign me up for the autism bucks senpai
playing the game stealthily with no powers is the most fun
Are you really going to pretend that you ironman it with no problems?
Fuck I'll be sure to check that out sometime. It's a shame that low chaos' end was truly pitiful. Havelock just falls apart as a character. But it's obviously the 'harder' way to play the game.
How well does it run after the patches? Doom didn't run very good on my rig, but Prey did perfectly.
I just got to clockwork mansion and lost all drive to play, please motivate me Sup Forums
Absolutely. It isn't hard if you are patient.
That level is one of the standouts in my opinion. I'm pretty burned out on it too, the game is ridiculously overrated.
I reckon you're a liar.
It's not too unreasonable if it's a second or third playthrough. The genre is only as hard as how much the AI's pretty basic routes can surprise you.
It's the best level
Not him but I platted the game on PS4. It's not that hard user
I'm not saying it's hard, just tedious. If I wanted to I could blink behind everyone and stab them but I want to play the game properly, but it's hard when the times I get detected and slaughter people before loading my save are infinitely more fun than playing it with stealth.
better in every way exept story and setting. I prefer the dark victorian setting. and the story was more interesting and involved. I wish they had been a bit more inovative with the story in 2. but all and all it was pretty good.
>ruining it all with shit performance
someone should be hanged for it
crack out yet?
I'm still fucking pissed that they dropped Billy Lush as the outsider
I don't think I'll ever get over that, the new guy sounds like he was trying to get through his lines as quickly as possible.
I enjoyed both my only real complaint is that whoever you play won't shut the fuck up
>a fucking Delilah, the worst character from the first game, returns yet again
I mean, D2 is a vast improvement gameplay-wise but holy shit did it shit the bed with a story.
Should've featured an entirely new cast of characters.
Should I avoid killing in first game?
>specifically make DLC where delilah is presented and killed off
>just to have her come back
>give her one of the nicest endings if you're playing non-lethal
Fuck Delilah
>Having a bad computer
>Having to steal the game
Fun fact, if you don't adjust the sensitivity settings to the 90th percentile, the game is almost unplayable on PS4 due to built in analog deadzones.
I'm talking legit half second delays when you move the stick.
then just play for fun mate, it's a goddamn video game and you should be doing what's fun, not doing it like a chore
shill please
>poorfag calling people shills
Still waiting for this guy to come back and finish any remaining witches.
My favorite game in about a decade. Story was lackluster but seriously, who plays Dishonored for the story? It's not like the first game had a brilliant one either.
I wish we got a DLC, is it possible they'll announce one at E3?
Did anyone that played Dishonored first try out Thief later on? It's such an amazing game. I played Thief first but I heard Dishonored is a watered down version. I wouldn't be surprised if Arkane took many inspirations from Thief.
I love the first two Thief games. The Dishonored games are a great successor to them, in my opinion.
Do they still hold up? I've been meaning to play Thief for some time.
I'd say Dishonored shares more in common with Deus Ex since it focuses on having multiple ways to play and isn't purely trying to be a stealth game like Thief
Thief and Dishonored are very different games at core level.
I don't know why people keep comparing them
Absolutely. Just get TFix for Thief: Gold and Tafferpatcher for Thief 2 and you're good to go.
Thanks, gonna get them today then.
Fucking lmao
Remember the teleport button in Thief? Remember turning on your wallhacks?
Wallhacks are unnecessary in both games.
The enemy always broadcasts where it is with pinpoint accuracy either way.
Just because the toolbox changed doesn't mean the game are dissimilar.
>if you ignore all the things that make it completely different they're actually pretty similar
You might be fucking retarded.
Calm down baby boy.
Yes, magic is not in thief the same way it is in Dishonored, give yourself a pat on the back for that observation.
We're talking about how the games play similarly.
>You could play as a girl, so it was girl power
No. This was never even remotely a theme while playing as Emily. Just because the women weren't submissive fuckdolls doesn't mean it was girl power, you fucking virgin
>We're talking about how the games play similarly.
They don't though. One is a stealth game where all the tension comes from the vulnerability of the player character to even a single guard
The other is a power fantasy with no tension where you can kill everyone easily but can impose stealth on yourself if you feel like a challenge
Better game in any way.
Its only problem is that some secondary characters are not as memorable than those in the Hound Pits.
I have to say I didn't encounter any problem on my PC version. I truly don't understand the bashing about it.
Self-imposed tension still results in the same outcome.
Are they still American accents?
>Girl powa
>Game manages to incorporate female characters without coming across as preachy or overly pc
People like you are why we have so many feminist extremists.
There is no tension because you're never vulnerable.
In Thief you use stealth because you have to if you want to survive. Not just because it's the playstyle that you felt like
Ok Sup Forums which character should I use for high choas and which should I do low choas with?
>the tension I felt was fake
okay bud
Good job playing on easy retard
I played on the hardest difficulty. If you add powers an equipment together there are like 15 things that are purely designed to fuck shit up. It's really not hard.
High chaos for Corvo because he already went through shit and he's probably fed up with people hurting his daughteru.
Low chaos for Emily because she's still a noob to the whole assassin thing and isn't as jaded.