>another quagmire/linda handlock deck on ladder
nerf this shit
Another quagmire/linda handlock deck on ladder
>No Simpsons
What's up with that?
It's a weird choice, yeah.
They probably licensed every one of those shows combined for about 1/4th of what Simpsons would cost.
>no Francine
where is rick and mortu
>Peggy, the most unbearable character in KotH
>not Bobby, Dale, Boonhauer, or even Bill
>wanting a non-character over a character so bad that his show has become self-aware of what an awful character he is
He's a much better incarnation of this than Meg or Tim the bear thqhfam.
>mfw there's no Chrono Trigger Futrama ripoff
>mfw there's no KoTH Animal Crossing/Harvest Moon ripoff
At least KoTH online exists but even then I just want to sell propane and propane accessories or occasionally play as Dale having extermination rampages while getting cucked.
im waiting for that futurama tapped out replica
YES user FROM Sup Forums
Game is probably one of the most Jewish of it's ilk and unless there's a major change from the time it released the gameplay itself is pretty cancer as well.
Nice to see it's still relevant.
It's a tie between Luanne and Peggy for worst character. They're shit by themselves but funny as fuck with others, they have great episodes when paired with others but otherwise fuck them.
>Buckley is an angel
>Peggy plays Boggle
Don't know what you expected from a family guy card phone game. That's the unholy trinity right there of pay-to-win
Do you use the best combos Sup Forums?
Luane was at least just an idiot. Peggy is genuinely a garbage type of person. Although to be fair, Peggy's stupidity was more entertaining when bounced off other characters. Luane I never found remotely funny regardless of how they used her. She was basically just female season 1 Bobby, except Bobby at least developed and started getting a good line from time to time.
Lucky for most underrated KotH character. Tom Petty did a great job.
Cleveland can't even get in the game as a FG character in spite of having had his own show. Kek.
>There are apparently only five Mythic (max rarity) cards in the game
>Peggy Hill is one of them
Trash game
Is King of the Hill actually good? It pretty much doesn't exist in britain so I know nothing about it
It's simultaneously great and terrible
no there are plenty of mythics in the game, good luck getting any without paying real money. I played this shit for like 3 months, and only ever pulled 3
It's mostly irony core at this point
It's a tolerable animated sitcom compared to Family Guy or modern Simpsony
It's great, but be warned season 1 is fucking garbage and not representative of the rest of the series. Most of the characters were not developed into themselves yet.
Everything changed when the Dale Gribbles attacked
>one of the highest rarity thing per month if you're f2p
Pretty average for this type of shit.
>they make hank the rank 15 hero
>rank 14 is when you start facing pay2win fuckers every other match
>the grind
The Luanne Halloween episode where the pigman tries to kill her is funny. Manger babies with Hank as god during the superbowl is definitely one of those where she plays off someone else better.
The episode where Bobby got jealous that Hank liked to see Peggy naked but not him was cool though
Bobby's failed attempts to seduce him always make me chuckle
Is Hank's female driver's license an item? And if not, why?
>reddit and memey
its a great show why are you so mad?
>god isn't real
>haha mr poopy butthole!!! xD
>god isn't real
Why does that trigger you so much?
babby tier cynicism is an easy target to make fun of
>atheism is cynicism
I don't think you know what that word means.
thats like 1% of the humor
i think youre just legitemately autistic
This game actually looks really fun. This is only because I like KotH and Futurama.
I haven't played this in a while, I bet there has been a million and one updates
Christfags from Sup Forums