can we do this again? we have better VOIP clients like discord.
Can we do this again? we have better VOIP clients like discord
what's that
The map would have to be modified to represent current state of boards..
>Sup Forums is smaller than Sup Forums
how old is this
Sup Forums needs to be it's own separate continent merged with reddit
yeah youre right, Sup Forums should be like Sup Forums
Found the assblasted lefty.
found r/thedonald
Do it like Civcraft if you do:
>If you kill someone while you have an Ender Pearl in your hotbar, you can "imprison" them in the End (this consumes coal, which would be made a rare resource)
>Allow griefing, however players can reinforce their creations with diamond, smooth stone and iron (this degrades every time it's "broken"
>It's up to players to police the server with prison pearls and alliances
>Find out which board reigns supreme
the mods always help out /mlp/ though and all the good boards have shit islands
I wouldn't hang around sweetie, Sup Forums is a bit problematic for your type.
For the love of God, if this happens again punish chat spamming. It was awful the first time around.
Sup Forums should be nearly X2 as big as Sup Forums
/mlp/ is shit on by anyone that it tries to engage in friendly relations with though, so they always end up being gay and raiding people until they smother out into irrelevancy
Would make it so that ingame chat outside of server notation would be scripted out
>"Im a fucking Sup Forumstard that is still buttblasted from april fools"
God damn get over it you fucking snowflakes.
m8 its pretty much universally agreed that /mlpol/ was a good thing. Redditfags got scared off by horse porn and Sup Forums got their claws into dozens of decent artists to draw propaganda.
Then again that user could have been one of the aforementioned redditfags.
>we have better VOIP clients like discord
>being better than Mumble or Teamspeak
Enjoy being sold online lmao
>Universally agreed it was a good thing
It was so bad that gookmoot had to break it apart before the end of the "event" no other board go broke apart.
>believing hiroshimoot does anything good for board culture
>the guy who implemented fucking /vip/
He couldn't handle the meme vortex he created and grew so afraid he pulled the plug.
>Sup Forums shit spilled over into Sup Forums in droves during the fusion.
You fuckers couldnt handle brony's for a day. And you call others snowflakes.
You mean the largest board also had the largest amount of normalfag cancer that needed purging? Yes, that is correct. That's why /mlpol/ was a good thing. It made those people who couldn't handle bronies go away, if only for a short while.
>most of the islands have an accurate representation
>joining a Sup Forums discord
On topic: I'd love to. It's been years since I playef this game. Although it won't be as good as then.
>largest board
>this thread
*one of the largest boards
That was a mistake on my part
forgot image
>Sup Forums that far away from the center of Sup Forums
Sup Forums deserves more
>Sup Forums has more traffic than Sup Forums
>when people state this fact on a related thread on Sup Forums this means that they are from Sup Forums
Is it this what you're implying?
>that filename
>didn't even deny it
Lmao Sup Forums replaced Sup Forums as the king of bringing new friends in.
Okay faggots, are we doing this shit or not?
Someone needs to host a server with according plugins and stuff.
What is Sup Forums supposed to be referencing, Morrowind?
>but not me teehee
Fuck off mate
Im on phone ^^