T. best games ever made

>t. best games ever made

almost forgot this

>t. shit taste

this is clearly bait

this is reddit: the picture

get some taste

Jesus what are you 12?
>Not listing Freespace 2
>Not listing Asteroids
>Not listing hide the sausage

get some taste aka play garbage jap games like zelda or visual novel like persona 5

You should replace best games ever made with "only games I've ever played"

>tfw you see completely normal popular games for once instead of obscure weebshit

>t. reddit

Are you underage?

nobody said anything about weeb shit you retard

>tfw the only games that keep me engaged now are hentai dress up sims

Replace Skyrim with RE4, add DMC3 and Persona 5 to the empty slots.

thats not what I said at all you dolt

ITT: Sup Forums spouts shit about universally loved games while praising weebshit

Literally who ITT is praising japanese games? Read all previous posts.

posting in a bait thread

no you fucking retard

OP pic reeks of redditor casual normie who just got into games

any list that doesn't feature an id software, looking glass, ion storm, westwood and ea dice (pre 2006) games is automatically disregarded
