Sup Forums humour

Can we have a Sup Forums humour thread ?


Try again


A skeleton walks into a bar and order a beer and a towel.

go on



>tfw Sup Forums now automatically strips exif data from all posts so something like this can never happen again

Feels bad man.

Don't want to expose shills now

if it makes you feel any better about a month ago a dude on Sup Forums posted a picture of a girl from facebook and people managed to reverse image search the image, doxx him and message the girl. it was all pretty funny till the thread got pruned

This will always be my favorite, Sony fans show their true colors

Oh yeah I remember that shit. He got it coming

Back in my days, this was called shitposting.


>console wars shitposting

What you can't handle the banter ?


>just shit flinging every day for years
If you're new, then you might find this funny somehow, but after seeing console wars for years I'm just tired of it all. You keep using the same arguments and shitposting tactics that it's not even original anymore.


Post something good instead of whining like a little bitch then

>Answer a question by providing my opinion
>You're a little bitch
Alright then. I'm sure my posts will do a lot of good to this place when there's thousands of shitposters shitposting 24/7. I don't even come to this board as often as I used to because of faggots like you that find console wars and other memes funny. Enjoy wallowing in your own shit, user.

Don't complain if you're not gonna do anything about it

Am I suposed to find this funny?

kek. That's the most retarded argument I've ever heard. You shitposters will try to find any excuse to justify your actions.

Lmao shut up you lil sperglord.

Woah! This thread is so funny! :D



This is top tier humour. Fuck off.


He's absolutely right.

But he was still here to make that post.

And so am I, to make this one.

You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.

This is the only funny post in this thread.

I've had fun on here, but that was years ago.

This image isn't even true, it's entirely possible to have interesting conversations with people on Sup Forums. Easier on slower boards than Sup Forums, but still possible.

>started browsing around 9 years ago
>Was a normie teenager with plenty of friends
>9 years later, I struggle to interact with anyone
>Find it hard to keep my cynical, elitist opinions to myself during conversation
>Inability to enjoy most things
>have become the depressing personification of this god forsaken board


>>Find it hard to keep my cynical, elitist opinions to myself during conversation
>>Inability to enjoy most things
Should've never trusted cynical anons on here desu and tried to form your own opinions. They've made you one of them now. I've been here for 7-8 years and I still enjoy most vidya, even some western AAA games which Sup Forums would call absolute trash.

I actually don't browse Sup Forums all that much any more. I used to spend most of my day on it, would stop playing games early to browse, etc. Now its probably less than 30 mins a day most days. This has been true for about 6 months and I am still an asshole.

I think ive contracted autism.

I definitely had fun here at some point, got some great game recommendations too but I honestly don't remember how long ago that was.

This place kills the soul.





>screenshots this dumb shit
>doesn't screenshot the thread itself
Fuck whoever does this.


I miss old screenshots

i don't get it...

this is good

do you have an archive link