Any good RPG on steam under 20 bucks?

Any good RPG on steam under 20 bucks?

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The first Witcher.

Who's she supposed to be?

Kamidori Alchemist Meister

This. It's also the best one.


Fallout 4

Actually Witcher 3 is considered the best one

The Last Remnant


I wish.

underrated af.

I wish

Sup Forums - I wish to be the little girl

no go to hell Todd

user, stop. You're making me blush.

You're generally not wrong but that girl is far from "little"


Men becoming girls is my fetish.

Several of the older Final fantasy games
Especially 3 and 4, since it's the DS remakes for those

by whom? PS4 players?

No mate. TW1 > 3 > > >2.

A few youtubers whose opinions I'd trust sooner than Sup Forums

Shane that artist died of cancer. He did some nice art for us

>that artist died of cancer. He did some nice art for us
Really makes you think

I want to sniff shitpost-chans sweaty feet!

Your opinion holds as much gravitas as anyone elses, so "no mate" is not an argument.

I chuckled.

Men becoming girls and getting mindbroken is my fetish.

>hangs out on Sup Forums
It was cancer that took him, wasn't it?

if you're that tight with money,
wait a couple months for the steam summer sale

>Those ranma doujins

My dik

he didnt die you numbdumb

>Far Harbor is $24.99
>Season pass is $29.99
You lose this time.

Y-yeah, a real Shane.

this desu. It's free, it's fun as fuck, and you have some decent fan service.

It's seriously like a 60-80 hour game that plays extremely well. Check it out OP

>normie ecelebs have a better opinion than longtime series fans who have probably also read the books