If i take nostalgia glasses off this game series actually sucks ass and unlike Crash Bandicoot it doesn't stand the test of time
If i take nostalgia glasses off this game series actually sucks ass and unlike Crash Bandicoot it doesn't stand the...
You're probably right OP.
Does the first one at least hold up better than the other ones?
I only played them because Jak is hot and gets me off to my goatee tryhard fetish anyways.
The first one holds the best, but it's uncreative and short game, it was better back in 2001 because the graphics and openess blow minds, Super Mario 64 is miles better even though it's on previous gen
Not OP but Jak 1 is a really good platformer
Jak 2/3 are much worse since they've tried going full TPS from a simple platformer/puzzle games.
No, Precursor Legacy sucks.
2 and 3 have aged alright.
The aiming is terrible and the open world is not fun, Jak 2 and 3 are not that great
But they were definitely better than the first game though.
The settings felt like generic new super mario bros worlds and it controls like ass compared to the second and third game.
I know people here are going to be at my throats with this but Jak 1 really is the weakest entry.
I just played Jak II a few weeks ago with a friend. It held up very well. The running, jumping etc. all still felt very fluid and fun.
This thread probably isin't lying.
I'll just stick with the fond memories i have with all the games.
I actually had the opposite thing happen to me, when I was a young teen I preferred Ratchet n Clank to Jak n Daxter, but that flipped when I played both remastered collections on ps3.
I think a big part of it was just that I started to really enjoy games that were hard, which Jak 2, and to an lesser extent Jak 3 are.
It sucks that literally only the first game is good and afterwards it had to go all
It shows in sales too, Jak 2 and especially 3 and most less Jak X didn't sell as well as Jak 1, but all Crash games sold like hot cakes
Jak 1 is great, just replayed it like twice in the last two years. I also played Jak II & 3 last year and Jak II was one of the worst games I've ever played and 3 is better but not very good either.
I've played Jak 1 recently with the HD collection
'It was still good. Jak 2 and 3 on the other hand aged like milk. As for OP, I believe both Crash and Jak both suck, but Crash overall is more fun of the two.
Inb4 that one shitposter comes in here and defends the racing sections and awful open world GTA clone elements from the 2nd game.
2 is unironically my favorite, fight me
Not him but why do you think Crash sucks? The Naughty Dog games with Crash (their platformer trilogy) is pretty solid overall.
First one is a classic, legit 10/10 from me.
2 is good, not as good as 1, but still okay.
3 is 70% mini games that are only played once, 20% driving in the desert, 10% Jak gameplay.
I've replayed this series countless times and never had a problem with it
the only thing I thought aged terribly was the corny jokes and dialogue
but it still made me laugh because of how bad it was at times
I've never had a problem with the aiming and the second and third game still have my favourite sewer areas of any other game
I also love how the music was in Jak II's forest areas, as well as the mixture of Precursor artefacts with the forestry
the overall atmosphere was pretty amazing
fuck the racing sections, although I've played the series so many times that they're not so difficult now, but I still need to repeat them at least 3 times or something to get 1st place, which is unacceptable, with Errol always rubberbanding ahead and every other racer getting in your way and directing you off of the edge and being able to tap the wall and blow up
Speaking of racing, at least Jak X did only one thing it tried to do and did it well. is Not like 2 and 3 which are basically unconnected minigames or setpieces strung together with combat and driving in between the open world. Fucking Naughty Dog is actually embarrassed about Jak X (like the easter egg thing in Last of US) when it's a pretty fucking tight game mechanically and probably better than any game they made since (and it's an actual video game, not a movie).
Driving in desert sucked and escort missions with time gave me anxiety as a kid
I unironically enjoy driving in the Wasteland, but I hated Spargas
the temple in the Precursor Temple was my favourite part whenever I got to go there, but it wasn't in the game enough and the best areas get sealed off when you finish them the first time which I hate
Andy and Jason weren't making Uncharted though
>gain light eco power
>it's only used once in the whole game
yeah they're pretty useless, there should have been more puzzles or secret areas built around using those powers
but you can have a lot of fun with the infinite flight glitch, as well as freezing time which was useful in battles and so was the shield and regeneration
I'm not a fan of 3D platformers. They're inferior to 2D platformers. This is because none of them make use of having good level design or game mechanics, it never will. Some of them are alright, like Jak 1, SM64, Rayman 2. but they'll never be great for those two very important reasons.
>Not running around the hub city with frozen times and flights and just killing everyone as an angel of death
Come on now
>This is because none of them make use of having good level design or game mechanics, it never will.
Are you expecting 3D games to share the same design philosophies as 2D games or something?
There has to be a transition stage right. For all the 2D games to go 3D games nothing can stay the same. Yea, I was wrong in saying that none of them make use of good levels and game mechanics, but only some of them do it well. I know I'm backtracking, but let's just talk about Crash. No, I don't have time for this sorry man. Just understand that Crash isn't a good game. Take care.
Jak 2 was the best one
>I still need to repeat them at least 3 times or something to get 1st place, which is unacceptable
i agree, you definitely need to git gud
I can stay in 1st the entire race and suddenly someone will crash me off of the edge or you get smashed into the wall continuously for such a long time that your racer will catch fire and you need to restart
Jak 2 was actually a decent platformer and puzzle solver too. It just had a lot of action too. Imo the best
well shit maybe if you had some skill
So.... you didn't like it, and you think everyone should share your opinions.
First one is good but I agree with you for the rest of the series.
>Jak 2 and 3 on the other hand aged like milk
They didn't age at all, they were just bad to begin with. I played them as a kid and didn't like them then either, even though I liked the first one.
it's literally the other way around
the PS2 hardware allowed better graphics, sound, bigger level design and more possibilities, and a better story and better and more fluid gameplay
ND did all of those things better than with Crash which is completely normal with such a hardware change
those old Crash Bandicoot games are barely playable whereas Jak and Daxter if released today would only have worse graphics than current games, the rest could have been easily made in 2017 as well
Well the N Sane trilogy doesn't really change the Crash games other than graphics, the levels and gameplay are pretty much the same, but if you did that with Jak 2 and 3 it would still suck because the gameplay was shit to begin with and many of the missions just aren't fun and lack checkpoints
played all three recently for the first time and absolutely loved 1 and hated 2 and 3 was okay.
Am I the only one who liked all three?
Hello I am the best Jak game
Ratchet & Clank was a lot more fun. Jak & Daxter was always the 'cinematic' 'story-based' of the two, with inferior gameplay.
Welcome to Sup Forums
Wrong, its still good.
Kill yourself out of my board, retard.
The worst aspect of this game has got to be the """"open world""" element.
Literally the blandest, most empty and useless hub world I've ever experienced in a video game. It only serves as filler to pad the game when you walk from one mission to the other and let me tell you, those mission can be far apart as fuck. Nothing interesting, nothing worth exploring and nothing TO DO. Lazily scattering orbs and calling it a day is not indicative of good world design, you need more things in your world.
forgot to mention that I was talking about Jak II specifically m.
its still better than anything ND made after it
>those mission can be far apart as fuck.
That's why there are vehicles.
>nothing TO DO
There are missions all over the damn map, which make use of the space in the world.
Personally, I just like the atmosphere of Haven City. The music, the way it looks, the people, the guards. Ambient voice clips et al.
It's a nice reprieve and a good throughline for the conceit of the game's world.
Also all the vehicles were shit.
No faggot.
>That's why there are vehicles.
It's still a chore to drive 5 minutes between each mission.
>There are missions all over the damn map, which make use of the space in the world.
Those are mandatory missions that (mostly) do not utilise the space in the city at all, they take place elsewhere. You would go to the markers and they would lead you through a door/portal that leads you outside or under city. Again, the city lends nothing for the player to do and explore and serves as a boring stretch of land to walk between missions.
>5 minutes between each mission.
It's probably not even that long from the stadium to Krew's bar, and even if it were, that shit hardly ever happens.
Jak 3's desert, you could make a case for, but even then, it's really not a big deal.
>Those are mandatory missions
No, I'm talking about the 100% optional missions scattered around in the form of hologram signs (or Precursor statues in 3).
This is the exact opposite of the truth.
>100% optional missions scattered around in the form of hologram
That shit was lazily done and you know it.
How about sly cooper? It had good level design and used it well.
You were complaining about having nothing to do in the hub.
There are things to do in the hub.
Don't try moving that goalpost, now.
Jak 1 is meh at best.
Jak 2 and 3 are even worse.
Ironically Jak X Racing is the best game
We all know it's some pathetic Nintendocuck with no games making all these Jak,Crash,Last Guardian,Nioh,Bloodborne etc hate threads.
>Lazily scattering orbs and calling it a day is not indicative of good world design, you need more things in your world.
I never moved the goalpost, the lazy orb shit was already talked about in my first post. I liked the game but the open world aspect was trash.
Except that doesn't describe those missions at all.
Are you retarded? Did you play these games?
I beat it in a few hours but it's really enjoyable. That said, I like relaxing collectathons
The irony
Idk. My parents didn't let me have GTA so Ive spent probably 10 hours or so fucking around in that hub world. Good memories
most of those hologram missions were just scattering an orb somewhere and then you collect it
and that's bad because...?
Ratchet and Clank > Sly Cooper > Jak and Daxter
Sony PS2 furry mascots definitive ranking.
Go play Zelda again
I know.
I like the games regardless.
The orbs are usually there to mark the goal of the mission. You've got time trials, treasure hunts, and some other mission types in there.
They're meant to utilize the space in Haven City, as well as test your knowledge of the area, so traversing the city over the course of the game, getting to know it, actually benefits you in a tangible way.
Just 'cause you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.
see again you're the one asking me bub
go play bloodborne again :^)
not even that guy, just asking.
I picked up the first Jack and Daxter game a while ago, and while I was enjoying it at first, I started losing interest as soon as I reached the lava area and the snowy peak, now I don't really feel like playing it for some reason.
I also started playing the first Ratchet and Clank because most people seem to recommend it along 2 and 3, but it isn't really doing it for me, the gameplay is slower than Jak and the platforming isn't anything special, I hope it gets better on later planets.
>mfw Jak screaming "Hold on!" to Daxter right as I crash dive the bike down a bottomless pit
Frustration aside I absolutely loved the relentless and speedy action that especially Jak II had.
I feel like people who complain about II being too much of a "GTA ripoff" with the industrial city you have to keep going around didn't play the game very far as I found the mix of scifi and fantasy elements charming.
Maybe you're just not into 3D Platformers?
That said, at least try Ratchet 2 as it fixes a lot of the problems the first one had. If you still don't like it, then drop the series.
This is pretty much what always turned me off R&C in favor of this series. It's not like R&C did something wrong, just that it doesn't do a whole lot. I guess it was made for somewhat younger people if you compare the two.
After the first one, it all goes to crap.
Never owned a Ps2, recently bought a Ps3 + the Jak Collection (along with the other ps2 platformers).
I enjoyed it but why the fuck is the jumping in this game so heavy? It feels like as soon as you jump all forward momentum is killed. The rolling jump also goes too far horizontally for some platforming and what the fuck is with the double jump? I swear the input for it is way too fucking precise.