What would you like to see in the next souls game?


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Hmm well, personally I didnt play past the first one on the first map because it was too hard and boring and i know the other two are the same thing but I have a few good ideas to improve that.

I would like to see an easy mode. Dying in just 2 or 3 hits is too hard and it should be more realistic and be like 5-10 hits.
If not an easy mode then I want there to be an "auto play" mode where I can just set the controller down and let the game get past the part I'm stuck on or just to see the story unfold.
Speaking of, i think there should also be a really good and interesting plot with interesting characters. The combat could be lessened to have more room for plot and character development.
These are just a few ideas I had that would make the game more accessible and appealing to less "hardcore" gamers.

Here's your reply

>Let's fantasize about things that won't happen

let it die already
or wait 10 years and then beg for a sequel like Prime fans

there are no more Souls games, until Bamco decides to milk the name and From allows someone else to develop a spiritual sequel.
And it would probably suck

Don't need another one.
But for the sake of the thread, I'd like to see a souls game with the map design of DS1 (and better) with the combat from DS3

For it to not be made. A shit series does not deserve sequels.

0/10 bait

Now answering to OP, if I were to make another Souls (supposing I cant make a new game) I would make a prequel, taking place in the war with dragons.

I would try to rely less on fanservice and try to explore and expand the lore.

More weapon variety, new places and make rolling cost more stamina so you cant roflspam it.

Make it a moba.

So a DS1 remaster.

I'd buy the shit out of that.

Oh god, just kill yourself.

lol big man babies scared their "exclusive and hardcore" super secret video game might be more accessible and appealing to more gamers lol oh noooo the horror of other people possibly enjoying the same thing as you lol

Bloodborne 2 and maybe another souls game in like 10 years when it will be garbage and noone will care.

An actually finished DS1 like they meant it to be done. Of course i doubt miyazaki has any interest in doing it and the lore probably changed between games so some stuff wouldn't make sense anymore

>because it was too hard and boring

Stopped reading right there


just get gud
what's so hard about locking on to the guy doing the long telegraphed attack animation and holding your shield up until he's done?

Already said that dks3 was the last one
See you in dark ninjas or dead mechas, or dragon bloods or whatever their new game will be called

bring back world tendency
make ng+ interesting
add end game content

Needs more of an atmosphere of terror. I think lots of large enemies with bullshit attack patterns would help with that. Most of the difficulty in 3 and BB was in getting swarmed by mobs.

The world also needs to be more interconnected, I'm talking some sort of labyrinth where all areas connect to each other somehow.

You're gonna be waiting a while, and even then it's not going to be developed by From. Miyazaki has made it clear they're fucking sick of Dark Souls for the past year in every interview, the DLCs for 3 seem like they were just ticking off requirements on their contract so they never have to touch the series again.

Sheath, fashion customisation, unique animations and actions, more non linear interconnected scenery. More weapons and armours that are unique to a playthrough - no predefined loot and no more then third of total loot in one playthrough. More moves, stances. Less statism - especially no bullshit enemies that you are tired to see, enemies must have their ecosystem. Meaningful path branches that made parts of game accessible or not for a duration of playthrough. Fucking adequate and fair AI that don't hit through walls and each other, have different patterns and super rare moves (and rare encounters). Everything must not be the same for other players - but not completely random. It would be cool to make stories about what boss is the hardest turn to true via boss patterns and characteristics variations.

All I want out of future From games is a dodge that feels as good as bloodbornes.
Rolling is retarded, it looks and feels stupid as fuck.

60 fps on consoles

I don't want a remaster of DaS, I want a director's cut of all soulsborne games.

It'll make them more money than what they spend. Just tell Miyazaki to finish DaS, keep the graphics, engine, animation and everything, just add the big chunks that are missing, like the questline with the knight of Astora, Priscilla being the level up waifu, Andre pushing the statue in Firelink shrine, and finish the second half of the game.

Then let Tanimura make DaS2 from the beginning so every level is as good as the DLC, without a gigantic downgrade for polygons and lighting.

Then let Miyazaki finish BB and make two DLC like it was planned from the beginning.

And finally let Miyazaki and Tanimura make DaS3 the way it was meant to be (it may be the best souls game and the least unfinished, but it's still painfully obvious the game was supposed to have way more shortcuts and interconnectivity)

I desperately want more depth to covenants, which is unfortunately the opposite direction they're going with it it seems.

I liked how you had to commit at least a little bit to your covenant in the first one, as opposed to wearing it as a literal item. And I feel like there is some potential for some really great interplay mechanics, if they would just put some real effort into the system instead of making it only useful for getting the items associated with the covenant

>60 fps on consoles

How am I supposed to make a warrior girl without character creator user?
A dude dashing all over the place is less cute than a cute girl with big weapons.

dark souls trilogy that has a carry over save file between the 3 games, all equipment is compatible between each game, and your NG+ progress is always kept and increased every time you beat one.

Dark Souls 2 you can choose between scholar and normal version, and 1 and 3 have scholar style remixes you can choose as well.

Dark Souls biggest strength have always been the level design imo, which was close to perfect for the first half of DS1

I'd like to see some better anatomy on that shit drawing, user

>it ain't gonna suck itself you know

I don't care as long as the dragon form dosen't look like it spent a year in achzawitz.

You don't see her anyway and also can't tell thats a girl if you're wearing armor

So whats your point again?

It's psychological. If I can pick my character, I chose female even if it's a first person game like Prey or Dishonored 2.

I have a thing for cute girls with weapons.

I want them to stop

I'm at the point where I don't give a shit at all anymore, I still haven't played Dark Souls 3

They made too many in too short a time this is Asscreed tier of AT LEAST FUCKING TAKE ONE SINGLE YEAR OFF IT'S TOO MUCH FUCKING STOP

When the world rots, we set it afire. For the sake of the next world


it will never be as good as your first Dark Souls anyway, wether you started with DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3 or Bloodborne


If they're going to have coop, make it something that doesn't require anything and can be activated from the start.

Put an actual anti cheat system in

It's been a year, you donkey.

My first souls was DaS and I hated it so much I almost never gave the others a chance.

Dark Souls 2 runs at 60fps on PS4.


did you go back to 1 before playing others? Did you enjoy it in the end? So my point still stands right?

Removal of bullshit mechanics
No artificial difficulty
Proper OST
Playable port


No more big open empty areas
No bonfire teleport, at most like the first game (only a few bonfires late in the game)

That's all I really care about



A new setting would be cool, it doesn't even have to be medieval oriented.
Sci-fi or even fucking modern, you can do anything with the kind of obscure ;world is fucked' plotline.

A cartoony Souls game, in a setting similar to Adventure time, with lol so random shit in a bizarre interconnected world, that goes the bloodborne route of having a slow decent into madness in the second half.
Bloodborne gameplay and chalice dungeons as well, but with a healing system that is mix of estus and blood vials (enemies drop them, but you always start with a pré determine amount in the bonfires).
60fps and multi-plat preferably.

even in bloodborne rolling is a better mechanic, even if dash does looks better;

>wearing armor in souls games
I bet you also summon you fucking faggot

>bring back world tendency

>add end game content
Chalice Dungeons?

>Dark Souls 4, or DARK, stylised as D4RK

>reimagining of DS1
>An Ancient Evil awakens
>Chosen One now voiced
>Take a Co-Op Phantom through the World of Lordran to defeat Lord Gwyn
>Learn the secrets of Solaire, Gwyn's Firstborn
>An epic cinematic hardcore RPG experience, full of Meaningful Choices
>Pre-order now for exclusive Giant Dad set

Do you have autism?
It's called Fashion Souls for a reason you know

Started with DaS, dropped it at the second bell.
Played DaS2, finished it.
Played Bloodborne, finished it 15 times.
Played DaS3, finished it 17 times and still play it.
Played DaS again, had to force myself to finish it once, and dropped it after undead burg the second time.
Recently started playing DeS, it's fucking god tier.

I fucking despise DaS, despite it being my first. Every once in a while I want to replay it, every time I'm blown away by undead burg, and every time I drop it harder than a hot potato as soon as undead burg is over.

Don't you understand? No one wishes to go on.

I like how color-contrast wise it's so reminiscent of Dark Souls 1

Rolling is a little bit too good in Dark Souls 3.
Even 2 discouraged using shields because rolling became so easy but at least your equip weight and stamina actually mattered something.
Most players weren't just abusing roll i-frames all day erry day in DaS1 because it wasn't the best or easiest solution to every incoming threat.

That X1 framerate kek

Actually the option for true Co-op wouldn't be half bad honestly.
>2-3 players are allowed
>specific "co-op character" file is created, you can only co-op with your specific co-op partner(s) and you can only play this character if you are playing with your co-op partner(s)
>souls, inventory, and level are independant, however the players have a shared item storage at the bonfire, and can freely trade items between each other
>embers only boost health, phantoms can be summoned or invade even if you don't have an ember
>when summoning and invading you both are summoned together, and count as one slot. If one dies both dies
>when summoned if one dies both die
>when invading both they are treated as two separate invaders that take up one slot
>key items are shared, along with certain quest relevant items (the gift from the white birch giant, dragon stones, estus shards and undead bone shard)

So basically you'd sort of be two characters combined into one. In cutscenes it randomly selects one of the players to be the main part of the cutscene, however the other players will be standing by, just not be the main focus.

>Most of the difficulty in 3 and BB was in getting swarmed by mobs
You clearly never got past Cahthedral Ward then, the most challenging enemies in Bloodborne are "large enemies with bullshit attack patterns" exactly like you described.

Yeah but it's the worst one
I want Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne at 60fps

That's basically Let it Die

Make a modern King's Field first person and all and i'd love From forever.

Thanks, it's been a while since the last time I puked

First person is shit.

Viable build variety
Magic actually good
Invasions more likely to happen when playing solo
Don't build 60% of the whole game on references to past game

There, I just Made Dark Souls Great Again

Fuck you.

>cute girl with big weapons
Anime pls. Girl is for mage and rogue types.


Literally the opposite of this faggot I'd want it to not build off of FUCKING DS3 unless it has to do with the levels and maybe basic boss concepts. Its mechanics aren't built for how fast it is and you can tell from how they kludged in long distance low stam cost rolls and then added 5 billion roll catches to the point where I was pissed off at them less than a third of the way through, I got sick of getting suckerpunched without warning by aggroing enemies that I couldn't have known about beforehand, I hated almost every boss in the game to the point where I genuinely consider Oceiros to be far more annoying than Bed of Chaos ever thought about being, and the shit balance between playstyles did it no favors.

I want them to move on a new IP and stop making games that get shitter and shitter.

You mean better and better you subhuman fag

I don't want another Souls game.

I'd like them to take a whack at another first person dungeon crawler ala King's Field/Eternal Ring. Now that they have a bit of money, and can make games with somewhat fluid movement and controls, I think that would help their efforts at those kinds of games immensely.

we know that From is working on 3 games, one dark fantasy game, one armored core game and one that's "something weird"
also miyazaki has said that DaS3 was the end of the series, so no more souls games

So you telling me they want to go bankrupt?
Which normal person with taste in video games cares for any of these games?
They should stick to what they are good at and make Bloodborne 2

Ignorant slaves
How quickly you forget
He's actually my favorite boss thematically but the room could've done with being less cluttered, took a long while to get his fight down as there are only a couple openings that you can adequately punished
Reminded me of monster hunter in a good way
I do dislike the quick rolling on the whole though

>they should turn Souls into CoD

Shut the fuck up, queer.

>bring back world tendency

>so you're telling me they want to go bankrupt?
>going bankrupt after creating a fanbase
i bet that many people discovered the AC series after playing and liking DaS and BB

>retard damage
>can launch into charging combos with no warning that he can launch into which may or may not track you and basically can't be rolled out of due to fucked up timing
>fighting at midrange is just asking to die because of the patented DS3 enemy lunges/charges far enough to hit you even if you're out of effective range for your ranged attack
>spazzing out the entire second phase of the fight so that it's hard to tell when it's safe to attack him or not
>some of the worst hitboxes ever
He's a cool boss in concept but in practice he's a symbol of everything I hate about DS3. Shit, shit shit shit boss, I am not exaggerating when I say that I had more fun fighting Bed of Chaos and would gladly take DS2's bland bosses over this bullshit.

A built in difficulty modifier through the bonfire. You could kindle in the DS1 to give yourself more estus per area. Something like that. You make the bonfire brighter for an area by burning something and weakens the enemies, but makes them give less souls. Or dim the bonfire and makes the enemies stronger and more souls, etc.

Heck, bring back world tendency events as well. Certain NPCs or phantoms appear if the fire is brightest or darkest.

A mini randomizer to give playthroughs a little variety. This one room could have five hollow dregs on one playthrough, then three dregs and two archers the next, or two knights. Spice it up a little. Don't know if randomizing the items would break anything though. That will have to have a little more thought.

I've fought him as a caster, an archer/dex guy, and a str greathammer/axe user
It's been awhile but I only remember there being one move that I didn't think was fair, his instant charges just mean you basically have to always be out of his frontal arc. Then again I could've just taken long enough to beat him that I had him down really well.
World tendency would be cool if it was based on player activity and wouldn't lock you out of so many things
Pvp areas would become hellscapes due to all the bloodstains, and more co-op ish areas would look suited for adventurous jolly cooperation (the sun being a great addition/symbol if we're including covenant summons as a factor) I thought something like this was going to happen based on gundyr's arena shown in the prerelease bits of DS3 but it didn't obviously

From shouldl make another tenchu game. I remember thinknig Tenchu Z on xbox was pretty cool.
so have a souls game but ninja themed, but not Nioh. more like hey im jumping high, and now im sprinting and dashing, and running along a wall. and using ninjutsu,

>Demon's Soul - Shit
>Dark Souls - Decent
>Dark Souls 2 - Shit
>Dark Souls 3 - Shit
>Bloodborne - Shit

Why would you want another sequel?

Kys fag

>shits fucked up yo
>lit the fire.
>next game is set at an age where shits favor fucked up again even if you decide to let it go dark in the first game.
>guess what the third game is about

Look, if you want me to buy a new game it better be about actually preventing shit from hitting the fan or when shits really hitting the fan and there's no fixing, just a desperate struggle. Like; cities on fire with people fleeing, gods fighting eachother leveling everything in their wake, armies clashing with massive loss of life.

Because getting to the party at the wee hours of the age of fire got old by the second game.

I hate animes but like cute girls, no matter what weapons they have. Cute girls make great warriors, great mages, great priests, great stealthy assassins, great tanks, great necromancers.

Only time it's acceptable to play male is if you can make a giant green orc with light armor and two axes.

But objectively speaking, DaS is the worst soulsgame with DaS2. Bloodborne, DaS3 and DeS are great tho, sotfs is pretty nice.

DS3 but with fixed interconnectivity.

Here's a map I made because of my autism
>bonfire warping isn't initially unlocked
>you unlock after beating your first lord of cinder and along with the deacons of the deep
>elevator at Firelink Shrine takes you to High Wall
>the winged demon can take you from Undead Settlement back to High Wall
>Road of Sacrifices is now its own area with its own boss, made up of the part of Road of Sacrifices up until Halfway Fortress, and the area of Cathedral of the Deep right after you beat the Crystal Sage boss before you actually get to the real Cathedral Area
>Halfway Fortress onwards portion of Road of Sacrifices is now just Crucifixion Woods, and connects directly to Undead Settlement
>Farron Keep can now only be accessed by beating Crystal Sage
>Crucifixion Woods and Road of Sacrifices have a shortcut back to Firelink Shrine
>After Abyss Watchers/Deacons of the Deep you unlock a new area called "Boreal Valley", regardless of which you beat
>regardless of who whether you first get there from Farron Keep or Cathedral of the Deep, you need to beat Deacons of the Deep to access Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, and Abyss Watchers to access Irithyll Dungeon
>AoA DLC is accessed instead in the part of Irithyll of the Boreal Valley with the giant Gwynevere painting and some Silver Knights
>Catacombs of Carthus can be accessed from the start, but is intentionally difficult to access like the Catacombs from DS1
>Smouldering Lake can't be accessed until you beat your first lord of cinder
>Untended Graves can be directly returned to by a mirror-type thing
>Dreg Heap is directly accessed at Kiln of the First Flame, instead of the bonfire that teleports you there

Feel free to pick apart my autism.

big guys with swords
mysterious, deep voices
dragon on the bridge

>Second game is ab-
Second game is some dude goin "Nah fuck yo curse bitch imma punch a nigga till i fix this"
you literally dont give a mother fuck about the fire/dark/whatever, they had to add aldia to pop up and be like HEY IDIOTS HERES YOUR DUMB PLOT FROM DS1! WOOOoOoOoOo VAGUE SHIT ABOUT MANKIND! OoOOoOO.

meanwhile you give 0 shits and are the qt redheads murderhobo for all intense porpoises.

Stop making souls games, it's that easy. The concept was boring after 1 and only BB made it slightly interesting again.

There isn't going to be another one. DaS3 perfected the formula though. I wouldn't change the gameplay or mechanics at all from DaS3.

Holy fuck I wish this would happen. It sucks that the game was pushed out as a half-finished mess just because bamco wanted to release it before Skyrim. With up-to-date graphics and DaS3 gameplay/mechanics. I went back to play through it again and I was pretty blown away by how poorly the graphics aged. It also feels so much clunkier then I remember.

I wouldn't touch DaS1 if it went for DaS3 mechanics.

i think the industry has had enough of muh soulsmemes. Shouldve stopped at 2 and bb.