This is a Nep. You DID play at least one of her games, right?

This is a Nep. You DID play at least one of her games, right?

Yes, it was the most mediocre piece of shit I have ever played.

Nep is boring, there are better girls

I don't play blatant weebshit garbage, thank you very much.

I've played all of them except Hyperdevotion. The self insert made me cringe so hard I never played it again.

I played all the mainline games and jerked off to her multiple times.

I bought them, but I never played them. One day....

>4GO not coming until Holiday 2017

are you guys ready for the most exciting speedrunning event?

i like the girl wearing a hat

Yes and I regret it every day.

No you don't

what the nep, i did

Now that's a good answer
What the hell?

be honest with me, how are the spin-offs? I'm interested in action unleashed, but the others.. are they good?

Okay maybe I overexaggerated but still, her games aren't very good.

I, like the retard i am, bought Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1. Holy shit. This is the worst game ive played for that price. Everything about it was obnoxious. I like absolutely nothing about it.

I cant believe you idiots tricked me into buying this shit. Must be shill threads, right?

Beat Re;Birth 1 the other day, have 2 and 3 ready to go along with the 3 on PS3 and VII on PS4.

>the guy who was wearing a Top Nep hat at AGDQ is doing a sega hard girls run

9:05AM Vanilla Neptunia


>game is called neptunia
>main character is called neptune
>main character's country-thing is called planeptune

that's nothing, there's a 2nd vanilla nep run below

and it's a race

and it's true end

and it's SEVEN hours long

yes user, every thread about a game you don't personally end up liking is a shill thread, I can't believe it took you this long to understand this common thing about Sup Forums
>how are the spin-offs?
You know how the main series is medciore? Turn that down a few notches, yeah towards the "bad" setting, you can still probably find some enjoyment out of them but be ready to hit refund button

I tried a nep game once. Boring unoriginal generic jrpg out the ass. But the girls were cute

teach me your ways, user

Wait, I just realized, they are running 4GO as well, fucking hell

2 hours for any% Nep V NG+

I beat the whole game in 3 and a half hours beating that game without NG+ when I tried. I had to get the normal ending though so I'm not sure if that counts since it cuts like half the game.

>it's real

Why would they do this? Why would anyone do this?


Which are worth playing and why?

all of them, because nep

Okay let me rephrase the questions then. What are these games and how do they fare gameplay wise compared to other games in its genre?

cute girls based around consoles and game companies with internet humor(no this isnt just the localization, japanese script is 2ch memes), mediocre gameplay
Basicly it's good enough if you aren't looking for something that would redefine the jrpg "genre" and just look for some dumb fun

Do bonuses from disks count if the character is set as partner?

I got to act 2 of ReV then I was gonna restart without all the extra characters but just never got back to it.

Also, I want to marry nepgear who is not a murderer in all but one timeline.

Also Peashy is a monster

They're all over the place in terms of quality. The Rebirth games and VII and Sega Hard Girls are a good place to start. Noire and TagMension are a love it or hate it types of games. The rest are garbage.

dont think so
She's a murderer in two timelines actually

None, because ironic weeb garbage.

Yes it was incredibly grindy, often boring and sometimes charming.
Didn't make me wanna play another.

Is nicoblog a safe place to get the Nep games from?

Wait what's the other timeline?

V2 normal ending


Dead, and I never bothered to get the true end.

Her usefulness falls off.

No cuz their bad

Does her cuteness?


>You DID play at least one of her games, right?

Yes. All the PS3 games, all the rebirth games on PC, U, Blanc vs Zombies, Neps vs SeHa (still trying to get the Platinum), and the abomination known as Noire's game


never, Pko is such a lovely little baby

Then I'm not worried. Yeah, I'd take her to bed.

I used to love it until I played that route where you have to kill all your friends in rebirth 2

>take her to bed.
To cuddle her to sleep after a day of playing and having fun? Surely you wouldn't lewd her, right? RIGHT?

but it was the best part in the entire series

Only a little.

Which Vita nep games should I play? I read an IGN review of PP for shits and the review was "STOP OBJECTIFYING WOMEN"

you monster
But I can't blame you, I had very impure toughts about her after I saw her 4GO outfit
>let's give a 5 year old a bikini top, what's the worst that could happen

That one.

Anybody here beat Cyberdimension nep? I haven't even started my copy.

depends on what you like:
Rebirth 1 to 3 - these are these remakes of the PS3 games. Rebirth 1 has the biggest difference from the original.
PP - Idolm@ster
U & Blanc vs Zombies - an action game, like a low budget Senran Kagura
Myperdevotion Noire - a boring SRPG where every fucking map has traps/gimmicks and enemies are immune to the traps/gimmicks
vs Sega Hard Girls - a standard Nep RPG

Still waiting for localization, but I do want to plow Noire's lonely knight pussy like no tomorrow

What about action U?

5, two good, two bad, and one meh. I like the series overall, but it isn't without faults.

Rebirth 2, V-II
Rebirth 1
Rebirth 3, Noire

it's in the list. Look harder

>Nepgear fag hating Rebirth 3
hm..... makes you think

He's not exactly wrong, gameplay wise it might be better than 2, even if only a bit, but story is all over the fucking place, not to say 2 doesn'thave story issues, Nepgear is pretty bad as a protagonist and Nepnep will always be better but RB3 just goes all the way into the retard zone

the zombie one is also better than U for what it's worth (although it did away with the clothes ripping)

U was very barebone, only reason to play it is on PC with nude mods

>everyone becomes an asshole, no one is likable
>1000 mp limit
>most makers are paid DLC
>EXE and MP are the same bar now
>Same annoying guard break gauge as the last three games.

Sorry to break your bubble, but Victory and it's remake were not good games.

>>most makers are paid DLC
RB3 has literally no paid DLC last I checked

I played rebirth 1 and thought it had some nice moments. Checked some videos of 2 and they discouraged me to play it. That other Noir was shit and my Lady Blanc was missing.

Blanc and the other CPUs are playable in Noire's game

I played a game of stellaris with her and a bunch of other characters from her game as portraits. does that count?

I also got a mod that auto turns other races into synthetics once they fall into your empire if you have the synthetic ascension, and a mod that lets you keep your old race portrait if you want. Soon the whole galaxy will be NEP.

None but I like these two characters and their designs from what little of them I know. Not interested enough of the rest to try though.

I am literally going to marry Uni!

You should. You'd love their personalities.

>complaining about SP and EXE being the same
I actually really liked that change because the game felt a bit more than EXE spam... but SP refilling items made the mechanic weaker and a simple "waste a turn to refill SP then use EXE again"

>Same annoying guard break gauge as the last three games
Not sure why even bothering about the guard gauge, it's entirely useless in RB 3

>most makers are paid DLC
All RB 3 DLCs bar for the Stella ones are free

If you like Neptune there is a good chance you will at least also like pic related

broccoli best girl

Puchiko a cute




Don't remind me, at least it's coming out this year.

I like Nepgear.

Sorry to hear that

Not a single one

what would you do?


Feed her eggplants

y-you too

Nepgear is literally me

I just beat rebirth 3. Should I move on to Victory 2 or play one of the spinoffs? Are the action games any good? I love action rpgs, but I don't know if these devs are competent enough to make a good one.


U and Blanc's game are musou more than action RPGs

>A jadf piece that isn't futa


they're literally senran kagura, in worse with swapped characters

same devs

you might as well play SK if that's what you want

Nep U also didn't have a whole lot going on event-wise, the Zombie game did have a few funny moments though

came here to say this