What's her end game? Is she a good girl or bad girl? Boop

What's her end game? Is she a good girl or bad girl? Boop.

Is Sombra Mexican?

Her end game is doing what she is doing now, bullying the fuck out of people.

Why do all Mexicans look alike?

Being my gf

Something about a big fuckoff conspiracy.

>overwatch threads
I haven't been on Sup Forums for 2 years, how come reddit is now tolerated?

No. She's cute. :)

>you will never fuck a qt Mexican girl
>she will never start speaking in Spanish the closer she gets to orgasm.

1. Overwatch is less than two years old.
2. Everyone likes Overwatch. Since Reddit falls into the category of Everyone, they like it too.

She is just desperate for the US citizenship.

>Tumblr Fortress lorefags

>reddit character design
>reddit tier casual
>reddit moba features
>reddit competitive esports shoehorning
>reddit microtransaction model
>reddit tier dialogue
>reddit playerbase
>"i-it's not reddit"

Is an open borders advocate who wants to assassinate Trump

Well now you just look silly.

New Genji skin looks awesome

Do you agree?

>new voice line
>hurt me mooooorrrreee

Your favorite game is also a reddit game user

But it's objectively true. The Sup Forums I used to browse used to shit on blatant casualization, moba garbage, jewish business practices and sjw pandering in games, as well as the competitive meme. Overwatch is all of those things.

Dude just stop, if someone likes something you don't then that's fine, there's no need to get teary about it

Why do both D.VA and Genji have better skins in HotS

What Sup Forums did you fucking browse m8.
The entire reason /vg/ exists is because this place had dozens of HoN and LoL threads going at the same time.

B-but where will I go to discuss video games, now that everyone left browsing this board is a casual numale shitter?

i dont believe they have a cohesive story to this game

just waifus and "cool badass" characters for 12 year olds and metzen
and a loose connection between everything

Say "reddit" over and over again until they stop enjoying it, also say "kino" as a word to describe your fav games so you look vry smart

For a site that hates buzzwords, it sure does love to use them!

>discrete math
>"Why is Overwatch talk on Sup Forums? This is for redditfags only."
Argument: Because Overwatch has mass appeal, thus it appeals to (virtually, with respect to gamers) everybody. Therefore it must also appeal to Sup Forums.
>Proof: Suppose x is an element of the set called 'everybody', while y is an element of the set called 'Sup Forums.' Sup Forums is a subset of everybody. Also suppose that all elements x like Overwatch.
>Since Sup Forums is a subset of everybody, by definition of subset, any element y is both in the set of Sup Forums and of everybody. It follows that since all elements of everybody likes Overwatch, all elements of Sup Forums must also like Overwatch.
>Therefore, since Sup Forums is a subset of everybody, Sup Forums must also like Overwatch.

Wow, you're really sensitive, user.



I never asserted Sup Forums likes Overwatch, I only asserted Reddit is a subset of people who like Overwatch.

You fail at your own math. Go back to middle school.

Her endgame is ultimate power through information via hacking and blackmailing, using powerful people and their influence as her pawns. A one woman illuminati

No, I'm not

Arguing about Reddit and condemning others of being a Reddit is the most Reddit thing one can do. Downvote me if I'm wrong

her endgame is being worst girl

>worst girl
So why bring her up? This thread isn't about D.va.

She just wants to be the one on top fine by me tbqh ;^) and is willing to do anything to get there.

She's a keeper, that's what she is.

Why hasnt this been done?

Whats Blizzards endgame with Overwatch?


A year from now, the only Blizzard game still played competitively will be SC1, and there's nothing Blizzard can do about it.

God, I've never wanted to race mix this bad in my life

I fell for the "qt Mexican girl" meme back in high school and I ended up having twins by the time we were juniors.

My life is good. Got an office job, she works part time as a receptionist at a hotel and my parents live near by to watch the kids.

Get you a Mexican qt. They're fertile as fuck.

She found out about the NWO and global conspiracy of power and instead of going full tinfoil and trying to expose it she decided to keep it a secret but try and put herself in charge of it all. After that she can be a NEET but never have to worry about money since society itself will be organised to deliver her whatever the fuck she wants whenever she wants it, without anyone else ever knowing it. Like pic related but with a less depressing end.

To make lots of money for minimal effort. It's working.

I'm fifty percent sure one of his emotes is an MGS2 reference.

She's a character that seems good on paper but is nearly useless in game.

I still don't understand her usefulness outside of hacking Roadhog, Reinhart, or any other character that relies on their special ability. But, you'll need to be in range of them in order to hack them, and hacking takes forever so if you do actually manage to hack them (which is unlikely because getting shot interrupts the hacking process) you'll probably die soon after.

The only time when hacking is actually viable is when you catch on lone straggler off guard, but there's literally no point in that because you could just kill them.

What a useless character.

But bullying is wrong!

I know it's not relevant, but Total Mayhem...Sombra is top tier.

This pretty much. Blizzard don't want to change her though, they keep saying she works as intended and people just don't know how to play her but really she is useless, why take a Sombra to get behind enemy lines and hack them and do a tiny bit of damage then teleport back when you could take a Genji or Tracer and get behind them and get a kill instead? Her intended use is completely useless when characters like those two can flat out kill the enemy whereas Sombra just causes annoyance and requires a team mate to help take down effectively. Her ult is useful if your team can get the enemy team grouped up but by that point you're already coordinating well enough you won't even need her ult because you're playing so well.

Well, this is more of a reddit game than overwatch.

>Call sombra worst girl
>Post the disgusting plastic gook
>Not only is she a horrid slope-eyed monstrosity, she's also the most obnoxious gamer grrrrl stereotype ever
>Faggots with yellow fever pretending those revolting genetic cesspools are perfect waifus, all the while forgetting they can't spend more than 5 minutes in direct sunlight or their faces will melt off

People defending current Sombra acting like she's okay is going to ensure the character is garbage forever.

Probably a dumb question but I don't really know much about Overwatch. How come there's such an expansive world filled with characters that have big backstories but there's no campaign mode?

She needs an outfit to show off dem delicious brown thighs.

99% of people whose opinions on the subject are actually relevant think she's garbage. Problem is that Blizzard still thinks she's perfect so she's never going to get that fucking damage buff.

Her game is being a non-played token spic for a shit game.

It's more of an illusion of a expansive world. There really isn't all that much to the story, but because of the way they release the story, it comes across as if it is part of something much bigger.

Campaigns are for faggots.

The online is so fun it doesn't really need one desu

>Everyone who likes league of legends likes overwatch.


Why don'y ou go marry reddit if you like it so much you can't stop talking about this

No one really knows. It's probably just Blizzard not making single player games anymore and putting all the story in other media entices more people to purchase said media.

>2. Everyone likes Overwatch. Since Reddit falls into the category of Everyone, they like it too.
As a TF2 fan, I HATE Overwatch, because it's basically TF2 for stupid people.
>three weapon slots? nope, you can't even slightly tweak your character
>four cosmetic slots? nope, your character has to look exactly what we say it should
>advanced movement options that require skill, timing and co-ordination to pull off? nope, just press a button to jump into the air

>she will never start speaking in Spanish the closer she gets to orgasm.
Seriously what's up with this? Happened once with Spanish girl and once with Swedish girl. Why they change language at some point?

>This guy likes overwatch.
How's your new vagina growing in you pussy?

Which one

It's in the pipeline

Speaking your mother tongue is easier than speaking english akhi

Based Viktor.

TF2 has been shit for years now, I don't need you people shitting up overwatch.

>being this jealous of my leet rocket jumping skills

Who cares? Everything about Overwatch is a poorly written mess.

I want her to crush my cock into a bloody mess with her vice-like sphincter right as I climax.

It'll eventually get there. OV is making blizzard a shitton of cash, both trough sells and lootboxes. Don't expect is anytime soon tho.

So no one's going to point out Laura is a BR

South of Texas = Mexican.

You know what? Fair enough.

But Texas used to be part of Mexico

Just for you.

>he doesn't remember the Alamo

Post more Sombra. Preferably lewd or cute, either or.



If Overwatch were an actual story and not a collection of borderline-infringing 'homages' crudely stapled together, she would be the main character. Probably not the forward 'protagonist' and rather something like a 'rival' archetype character to them.

I often wonder what a person like this is in real life.

she's white

She strikes me as have a somewhat similar story style to Ventress in the Clone Wars animated series.



you need to refine your taste before you post any further please thanks or just go back 2 reddit

Sucking my dick, hopefully.


And that's all I have of her. It wasn't much, but I hope I posted some you didn't have.

she and her lore/backstory has been dropped by blizzard because she's completely irrelevant as a character in the game itself, one of the least picked trash characters in the game, kind of like tracer, but shittier somehow

>what's her end game?

To bully the other girls.


I don't understand why this game has a story at all. Like sombra had some intrigue and stuff in her trailer and then nothing since then. And none of the story is even in the game. What's the point?

it's dream matches: the game


Does this confirm her autism?
