How much are you planning to spend in this year's Summer sale?

How much are you planning to spend in this year's Summer sale?

I keep $100 for DLCs anyway

the only thing I know I'll get in advance is shadow of mordor

I already have too many games I haven't touched from past sales so I'd like to avoid getting too many games, but we'll see

Probably nothing but 60 bux at most.

Not a whole lot they've been shit for years now

>10-20 euros on the full Europa Universalis 4 DLC collection
>5 euros on the full Fallout 4 DLC collection

So basically 0 euros because they'll never ever drop the prices of their DLC shitfest.

None since I don't have steam and wouldn't want that shit show

$100 most likely.

Whatever funnymoney I have left on the wallet, so 25€ or so.
Probably not though.

Depends on whats on sale.
But I never spend more than $15 on a game so if its not below that I aint interested.

What a stupid question.

i don't really think there are any games i'm looking to get.

maybe edf. but the only game i want to play right now is bannerlord.

Interested in Divinity Original Sin, Gothic 1-2, Thief, Underrail and Shadow Tactics so we'll see.

Don't you already have enough games that you are never going to play?

At this point, I can always find a way to get the game I want for the same price it would have been on a sale anyway. Steam sales are shit until we start seeing crazy shit like franchise bundles again.

whole salary in that month

Don't. I got it last sale for £3 and it wasn't even worth that.

>Divinity Original Sin
Eternally only 50% off in every sale. Just when it was about time when there was no excuse for it not to be 75% off, they remove it from the store and release a new version of the game and it's always 50% still.


Seriously Sup Forums, stop spending money and get through your backlog

Sure, but there's a decent amount going to games friends are playing or planning to get so I can join them.

maybe £30 max

I dont really buy much in the sales since refunds were introduced, they are piss poor and its usually the same games on sales over and over for the same price

Only game I want is Battlegrounds cause it seems like fun and I've never played one of those kinds of games before. As far as I know it's regarded as the best one, so yeah.

I doubt it will be less than 25 bucks though which sucks because 25-30 is way to much for my blood for early access.

>buying video games


why people choose to buy singleplayer games is beyond me. on steam too, if you really wanna support the developers give them money some other way, don't give 30% to that fat useless fuck gaben. pirate games or buy them on gog.

>Don't. I got it last sale for £3 and it wasn't even worth that.

Filthy fucking lie.

PC Mordor is Best Mordor.

>buying video games

>Fake crappy grassy mordor
Good at all.

The whole thing was just awful.

I'll be getting Turok 2 because my friend wants me to play through it. And Vanquished even if its not on sale.

>liking reskinned asscreed


I'll probably buy Vanquish if it's on sale. I've got enough shit to play, and more coming up, so i'm not even really interested in any sales this year.

Probably nothing due to the sales being dog shit.

>>liking reskinned asscreed

Indeed I do, what's your point?

>boring 50% off sales that never change because of retarded people who needs refunds instead of researching before buying
>no daily deals
>no 90% off lightning fast sales
>no fun

these sales are a joke

Exactly. Plus I'm leaf so I don't have too much money to spend on this.

im planning on getting ori and the blind forest and little else. maybe some JRPG, probably X/X2 hd or something, cause i'm a huge weeb

$300-$400. I buy stuff for friends too, so maybe more.

>refunds are bad
>buying things is fun

grow up.

>How much are you planning to spend in this year's Summer sale?
Literally nothing, because I buy all of my shit from G2A, since it's cheaper than even actual Steam sales. I don't know how it's possible and I don't give a fuck, I just want legit cheap games.

>Valve pushing an unsustainable business model thats beyond unhealthy for the industry like Steam Sales is good
>Consumer power like refunds are bad
You are the problem

>having limited budget
I just buy whatever's down to

Ori is shit

I just built a computer so probably $100 or so.

$10. I only buy games under $5

I haven't bought a new game since Blood & Wine and there is nothing on steam that i want, so 0$.

>>refunds are bad
>>buying things is fun
>grow up.

Buying fun things is fun, yes.

>>Valve pushing an unsustainable business model thats beyond unhealthy for the industry like Steam Sales is good
>>Consumer power like refunds are bad
>You are the problem

heh "unsustainable"... The industry could certainly do with a few less B-school vultures and marketingfags

As much as I want 'cause I got a job and no responsibilities yeah boi

Hello wagecuck my old friend.

my point is you have shit taste, same generic bamham combat. its like all those third person shooters that all play the same

Ori is good. Dont listen to

A hundo or so

So you don't even play vidya?

I don't know what's up, how am I supposed to tell you fuccboi

Not a lot. I spent a lot of money on a sex swing and new lingerie for my girlfriend so I can fuck her in the ass for the first time.

Probably nothing, I'm a bundle fiend

Maybe Rainbow 6 Siege.

I'd get PUBG but I don't have a single PC gamer friend. The ones that don't game on a $200 laptop play F2P MOBAs and Overwatch exclusively.

I own most everything I'm interested in. There are some stragglers but they'd have to get mighty cheap for me to bother.

Name one (1) good game on PC

system shock 2

I wish they could temporarily suspend refunds during the sale or something. I get why that might be too complicated but it is unfortunate that super deep discounts during the sale are likely a thing of the past.

I hope you don't mean exclusives. Because if not, I could name dozens.

vampire the masquerade: bloodlines

They sorta kinda do, the average time between the request and actual refund usually increases to two weeks during sales.

>sales have been complete dogshit with tacked on gimmicks since refunds came in

Probably €0. This is coming from somebody who'd buy a ton of games every single sale. Grey market CD key sites ensure it's a sale all year long now anyway.

They want achievements so they can show to all their friends they're having fun in a video game

checking my 130 game long wishlist...

probably both atelier games
hollow knight
dead rising 3
stranger of sword city


how ever much vanquish costs, and maybe some extra for near a tomato

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild


A fuckton.

>complaining about refunds

I bet you're fat, retarded, americunt and you voted for trump

You know it's an EU thing. They had to conform with international consumer protection laws.

Still mad Hillary lost, SJW cuck?

>you voted for trump

You were so close but you wiffed the last bit

refunds are for retards who cant check system requirements or blindly buy anything without doing research

i've only used it once for killing floor 2, and that was just because I could and had 80 hours out of it already. Refund system is useless for me, give me back my good sales gayben.

> Football Manager 2017 because I'm a cuck for the series
> Civ Beyond Earth if it drops to 5 Eur, won't pay more
> Offworld Trading Company if the discount is steep enough
> Same for Stellaris
> Mini Metro if its >5
> Hitman Absolution to better appreciate HITMAN DOUBLE DRM EDITION
> The Final Station
> Motorsport Manager if it's cheap
> Conception II mite b neat
> Redout possibly

Let me know how shit my taste is

I will not waste money on video games.

What I mean is for people who buy a game on Day 1 of the sale then go to issue a refund when it goes on a deeper discount a day later.

I dunno how that would work with the summer sale. It'd cause a big customer service issue if a bunch of dumbasses bought games that way then wanted to refund to get it cheaper and it took two weeks to process, missing the sale. Valve isn't going to open themselves up to that bullshit.

why would I care, I don't live in US
you can tell that you're talking by a retard when he brings in SJW and cucks...
I wanna see you tards losing medicare, medicaid and social security and die on the street

voting against its own interest is typical of trump voters, you're not gonna tell me that you make $250K+ per year so your vote was just egoistical right?

Nothing, Steam wants paid mods, let them burn.

>still using stream 2017
Are you retarded?

I've only bought 3 games max in the past few sales. I'll probably pick up FC2, Doom and perhaps Witcher 3 in this one. Besides that, there's nothing that interests me.

Stellaris is 12 bucks on the humble monthly, just pick it up there and get an assortment of other games that might be shit but might have one or two good ones

You know, sometimes games can have issues not related to your system. Games will sometimes run fine for some people and shitty for others.

That said, I've only used the system like twice. The most recent was for Nier: Automata. I had preordered but when I saw how shitty the port was, I refunded knowing how Square generally supports their games.

Since there's still no patch, I guess it was a good call.

Go fuck yourself anti-white cuck. You're either with us whites or you're on the anti-white jewish side in the fight against white genocide. Emperor Trump was the first step to repel those nasty SJWs.

That will be $12 plus DLC

0 dollars, unless rim world is on sale for 15. Then 15 dollars.

For starters I'm not american, second of all when you see people bitching about refunds it's the college dropout type who make a 1 hour long indie game with no replay value or depth and wonder why people refund it.
Which are generally located in the san fransisco area.

>you can't play vidya unless you use steam
Jesus fucking christ just how underaged are you?

I just want Endless Space 2 and the second and third Trails in the Sky games, doesn't have to be a huge discount.

every game is still cheaper on key resellers lol

Well, unless you're pirating, you're barring yourself from a LOT of games if you don't use Steam.

I own just about nearly every game I want on Steam. Maybe spend 30 bucks on little oddball throwaway games. Endless Space 2 and Ravenfield look alright, might get them.

Maybe DOOM if it is 10€ or less

I do get frustrated by this. Places like GMG and even sometimes Amazon will be cheaper than Steam. I don't like having to peck around to make sure I'm getting the best price. That never used to be a thing.


I haven't spent a dime on video games since 2007.

Just saying, I bought it last year at $17 and it's a fucking blast for that price. I'd recommend it if it gets around there or lower. I doubt it'll reach $10 so I'm just saying, you may wanna be flexible with that.

100 - 150 €

Prison architect

What other games are there even?