Prove me wrong.
It's a good game. It's a fun game. It's not a fucking Zelda game
> It's a shit game. It's a boring game. It's not a fucking Zelda game.
It's a Zelda game by pre-OoT standards
And the OoT formula was shit, so I'm glad it's not a "Zelda game" if that's what you meant with it
>Has Legend of Zelda right in the title
You illiterate shits are a disgrace
It has
>the Master Sword
Yup, it's a Zelda game.
it's a videogame with human/zora romance, a zelda tradition. What else could it be?
Cute Link means its Zelda game
>My first Zelda Game was Skyward Sword
Another day, another desperate attempt at trying to find a fault with BotW.
Just let it go. It's over.
It has Zelda in the title, so it's a Zelda game
This. So many kiddies now spouting this "Zelda was never open world" bullshit.
Zelda has always been garbage
It's the best game ever made, just not a good Zelda game.
Cry some more. I love it.
It's literally a Legend of Zelda game you autistic nigger.
>Multiple mention of sages, prophecies and legendary items
>The triforce isn't mentioned once anywhere
>An intern had to add it to Zelda 6 minutes before release
It's shit.
>No true scotsman meme
It's another Sup Forums "cries over BotW" thread.
you poor poor thing
>It's a good game. It's a fun game
That seems redundant. Why would a good game be unfun?
I think the only people complaining are those that can't afford it or are too incompetent to pirate it.
I didn't know that all it took was a check-list for a game to be Zelda. I thought it was more of a feeling thing, like how we play the game and we just know we are playing a Zelda game, sorry for being ignorant.
>muh feeling
you're a mongoloid
I kinda agree, I cant say it's great. It's Nintendo cashing in on modern open world themes. It accomplishes many things well in the open worldstyled games but overall it's pretty bland and does nothing really memorable. It tries too hard to separate itself from the Zelda formula and forgets that even if you try to separate yourself from it, there are still certain things that need to be present aside the Master sword, Link, ganon, and Zelda to have a Zelda game.
And no, It doesn't matter if the original Zelda did a open exploratory world on NES, many games did that in that time, Blaster master and Willow to name a couple for namings sake. Just sayin that before you use that tired disproven damage control. The genres changed and been redefined OUT OF NINTENDO'S control which is the key point here. Nintendo is following OTHERS style of open world style, and doesn't attempt to really do anything worthwhile aside yknow, cutting trees down...whoop de doo.
So correction actually, it's an ok game, it's decently fun if you like standard open world games, but it's still just a standard open world game. To be quite honest it's not that special, it's just that the modern fanbase is so closeted in Nintendo's little walled garden that this is new to them because they dont step outside their sphere of influence. Aonuma himself even said he takes inspiration from Skyrim, you cant really deny reality here.
Link? Check
Ganon? Check
Zelda? Check
Triforce? Check
Hyrule? Check
Dungeons? Check
Hearts as life bar? Check
Rupees as currency? Check
Master sword? Check
Hylian shield? Check
Green tunics, despite not being a main garment? Check
Shout outs to past Zelda games? Check?
I dunno OP, seems like a pretty Zelda game to me.
It's not a bad game.
It's not a good game.
It's the game.
it's an action adventure game with a focus on puzzle solving and exploration, in a high fantasy setting, with z targeting combat, mainly using swords shields and bows, with an overworld, towns and dungeons
it's a fucking zelda game and the shitposting about it has officially reached embarassing levels
I don't see the problem.
Great music, excelente characters, fun dungeons, motion controls are really nice if you're not a retard who sits at an angle from the sensor bar or has a minuscule TV, and interesting visuals.
It's more like the original Zelda than the last 5 games. Fuck off underageb&
I noticed you didn't include dungeons, guess you knew this game doesn't have any of that. Because the Divine beasts are awful, I was really disappointed with that and made the game seem barebones after that. Fuck whoever thought the divine beasts were fine as is at Nintendo.
Really? Weird, I don't remember weapons breaking, collecting mushrooms and shish kebabs, climbing mountains, playing repetitive autistic shrines and having to crossdress in Zelda 1.
But it's open world, so it's automatically like the old Zelda games, right?
the divine beasts and hyrule castle are dungeons
you might think they're bad dungeons but who gives a shit about your opinion, they're still dungeons
hahaha it's one of the closeted faggots triggered by crossdressing link
You're right, my bad
Oh look, it's one of the openly gay faggots that likes dressing as a woman.
Im openaly homosexual and I don't think that Link had to crossdress to begin with. It's just random and forced to please the fetish faggots
Fucking savage
I'd be more interested in hearing what other scenarios would allow link to enter gerudo city other than cross dressing. I'm ok with that part, but I would've liked the game to give you more value in such circumstances, such as the hero doesn't have to cross dress after the first time to enter.
How about just not making a 30 year old beloved protagonist a homosexual?
Has the name Zelda right in the title, and the franchise is known to experiment a lot
The entire game is open world masturbation garbage with the fatal flaw that there's little to do.
Thankfully though despite the lack of proper side quests (shrines) and a huge enemy line up there's that great meaty story. Oh wait it's just Link killing off Ganon intestinal worms in four stone robots and then them firing their lazer at Ganon cutting his hp in half and making an already boring final boss fight against the most boring Ganon ever even easier.
Also having Zelda act like an anime MC crybaby, weapon durability, and voice acting didn't help at all.
The only defense I hear for this game is muh exploration, which may hold for other games, but this is still supposed to be a Zelda game ffs.
Can't wait for the dlc to come out so people can stop hiding behind that and harping that the story/mechanics could get better because of it.
mate it's a joke, if it genuinely bothers you it's probably time to tell your mom you crave dicks, l'm sure she'll still love you
Keep crying kiddo. Nobody cares.
If you had gotten the Master Sword beforehand you should be allowed to enter and leave without it on.
Imagine you're given an important task to save the world, but you have to infiltrate the kingdom of females only, and to do so you have to dress up as one. There's no other way in.
"I'm not putting that gay shit on"
do you not realize how dumb that sounds.
>be surrounded by ONLY hot strong women
>protagonist must be gay
the fuck is a Zelda? Sorry its not Ocarina of Time v.8, but this game definitely captures the essentials of a Zelda game
>Imagine you're given an important task to save the world, but you have to infiltrate the kingdom of females only, and to do so you have to dress up as one. There's no other way in.
Imagine just not putting this faggot storyline in the game.
do not bring me your homosexual fantasy
its called zelda
that's one option. Sadly the NPC's never believe it's the real master sword.
what would you prefer then? I see a lot of complaining and only one person suggested a fix for that part. Where's yours?
I can't, you're correct.
It's not a Zelda, it's Skyrim, and all the fucking normies love it because it's not Zelda.
It's the same shit as the very fist zelda but it's modern
Even wand of gamelon was more of a Zelda game than this.
wait, how do OoT Link get into gerudo?
Except poorly done.
its a 3rd person action adventure where you collect items, solve puzzles, and go around a big open world and eventually defeat the last boss causing trouble to save a princess. thats how all zelda games have been like since the N64. only thing breath of the wild did a little differently was not limit you to where you can go with items and being able to use multiple weapons and clothes. other then that its the same damn formula
All those details are basically borrowed from skyrim to make the open world interesting, that doesn't actually change what it is.
Fuck all y'all botw is a 10/10 game
zelda and link are in it. links mission is to defest big bad to save hyrule
you're captured. but afaik, it's just a stronghold and not their city? I don't know. They never had the rule "no men" up until this game.
You just admitted it's a zelda game
maeks u thenk
What would I prefer? I just said what I would prefer you literal retard. I would prefer they don't make Link a faggot just to appease females and homosexuals so they'll buy the game. I would prefer they not include a gay storyline that creates the issue to begin with.
In what way was that savage?
you're really retarded aren't you. I'm asking what you'd like them to do INSTEAD.
you sound like a crybaby right now. I'm not fond of the gerudo clothes to get in the damn city either, but damn you make it seem like you were molested in your sleep by gay men.
don't mind the tard. they're just replying to their own posts lol
>I would prefer they don't make Link a faggot
but they didn't
it's just you sperging out like the altright waste of adipose tissue that you are
literally the other side of the SJW coin
Thanks Jim.
>no hookshot
>captures essentials
Underage faggot kys
What's wrong with knowing OoT exists?
Same damn formula despite the fact that the presentation of the plot blew ass and the main villain had little to no presence the whole game. Everyone just goes on about how evil Ganon is and the guy doesn't even have one line in the whole game. This game was made for literal 12 year olds, character personalities can't even compare to TP or hell even SS.
That's the one good thing about BOTW I do have to admit, it did make me like SS.
It's the most nes Zelda ever made, besides nes Zelda
Playing the game right now and I feel this way too.
I don't know why folks on Sup Forums get so sensitive when you say anything about this game.
The hookshot wasn't a thing until the 3rd Zelda.
welp, I lost again.
How about: No.
Have you noticed that most people are quite happily enjoying the game? That it has received overwhelmingly positive appraise from journalists, industry devs and gamers? Have you noticed that the for 3 months straight, Sup Forums (in a state of absolute manic denial) has been desperately trying to find some kind of fault with the game?
My personal favourite was the moron who claimed Zelda was a bad game because too many people liked it.
The game isn't perfect, nothing is. But Sup Forums cannot bring itself to admit that Nintendo made one of the best games of recent times. Never ever.
Oh no SSfags are trying to force the cycle again
I remember some dev talking about that and that it was a shame, but if they had incorporated ganon as a character, it would be trickier to do the whole open world with memories thing.
>This game was made for literal 12 year olds
>B-baby's first open world game!
Ironically enough, it's mostly immature plebs who make statements like that.
The very same idiots who think that violence/nudity/swearing = mature content.
BotW treats players with more respect and intelligence than most of it's peers. So cry a little more for daddy, I love it.
>tfw enjoy all kinds of Zeldas
Must be pretty sad being you autistic fucks
>character personalities
>not Zelda for toddlers with waggle and handholding every step of the goddamn way, with piss easy enemies and puzzles
I've seen it go both ways, which is why I said Sup Forums gets sensitive when you say anything about the game. Say something positive your a drone/fanboy say something negative you're salty/hater who hasn't even played the game.
You're absolutely right. From now on every single Zelda game wil be a carbon copy of Ocarina of Time, the one and only true Zelda game, with a different gimmick, so that people like you will never ever become angry at a Zelda game not being what you personally believe a Zelda game is.
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
I didn't know I like this
Does BotW make any explicit reference to the triforce?
I realized after finishing the game that I didn't see it mentioned at all.
I also have a shit memory so forgive me if I'm wrong
Zelda used it to seal ganon
OP is a shit poster. OP is a retard poster. OP is not a fucking straight poster.
Prove me wrong.
the real reason botw isn't 10/10 is beacuse there were no like likes to attack you in your underwear so you can hear link's little bitch cries as he's vored
That might be the reason they left the Likelikes out, people would be too busy voring Link and fapping to play the game.
I'm pretty sure you don't get to decide what is and isn't a Zelda game.
Imagine BotW Link get vored by it
with HD