Where the fuck was this faggot at for all of Persona 5...

Where the fuck was this faggot at for all of Persona 5? He literally let his worker get kidnapped for nearly a goddamn year

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who is that? i've played all 3 persona games and never seen him.

Tatsuya caught him and has been punching him repeatedly for the last 3 games


Literally who
I've played both 4 and 5

Dude's tired from making an entirely new timeline. Though with Igor's VA dead I hope he'll return in P6 so we can punch him again for being the giant dick that he is.


He got weakened massively by creating a new timeline and possibly keeping Nyarl sealed. He's the butterfly you see in P3 and P4.


That's those twin warden girls fusion though or something

If this nigga was to ever appear to save the day it should of been in 3

People are going to be pretty confused when P2 characters start popping up in P5A.

That one is Lavenza.

He's in all three tho. 1, 2 and 2: the sequel

I really need to play the first 3 games, but they are so dated. I've tried P1 and P2EP, but they were so slow and I couldn't get into the battle system of P2.

not happening

I thought he couldn't get into this universe or Nyarlatoteph would appear again

>Lusts for boypussy
>Scared of growing up

>Wanting the new writers to touch Persona 2 characters

Can you imagine character like Ulala from Hashino's team?

You literally just play P1 and P2 duology for the stories. The gameplay is merely servicable but the story in both of them are 100 times better than 3 or 4 (2 duology especially is really good)

Play IS(the PSP remake) first, its updated and lets you speed through battles.

Hashino's not on Persona anymore though, for better or worse. Also to be honest I'd still like to see them in a fighting game like P4A, but I've never felt that shoddy sequels and shit retroactively ruin earlier games to begin with so there's that.

You're supposed to play P2 Innocent Sin first. Just get a psp emulator and download the remade PSP version. Auto battle and speed up through random encounters. Literally makes the game 10x better.

Well, whoever writers new Persona games. EP characters and P1 returns are pretty much the antithesis of modern Persona.

Some of them are even MARRIED to people that are not the protagonist.

Was there ever a fan-translation patch for the EP remake? I could've sworn that there was one

I have both PS1 and PSP versions of P1, IS on PSP, and EP on PS1. I have tried them since my initial foray. Maybe I'll tried them again after I plat P5.

He was stuck in PQ


"it could come out this year"

Taduko Soft has been "working" on it for a few years. It didnt progress much and so they're literally just gonna take EP's localization and change a few names here and there. No ETA on release

Are these points meant to invalidate 's comment?

Butterfly from P5 was explicitly said to be Lavenza. It's possible that Philemon simply got retconned, and butterflies in P3 and P4 are now just Velvet Room attendants.

Nyarly as well was retconned out and now it's flaming meme man instead of the shadow of humanity.

Persona 1's SEBEC route story was rehashed in Persona Q.

Persona 1's SQQ route story was rehashed in Persona 3.

Give it up, first three games will never be relevant again.

persona started at 3, retard.

I haven't played 3 yet but I found the story of 1 to be pretty boring. Is it really better than 3's?

>Events of P2 created the current Persona Universe.
>not relevant

nice try

One of Persona 1's route is literally just Persona 3

Probably best kept this way though. I really enjoyed P2:EP back in the day, but those games are very outdated at this point. You can play them for the historical context I guess, as all 3 take place in the same "universe" or continuing storyline.

And no, there won't be a(nother) remake of them. Can't have Persona without waifus and SoL elements these days.

>Persona 1's SEBEC route story was rehashed in Persona Q.
>Persona 1's SQQ route story was rehashed in Persona 3.

and Persona 5 is literally just Persona 2 lite. Really makes me think

Just take "not-social link" system from Tokyo Mirage Sessions, duh.

persona 3 just rips off of the snow queen route and evangelion. the actual story doesn't pick up until you're 30+ hours into the game.

>and Persona 5 is literally just Persona 2 lite

A lot of the underlying themes are very similar, calling it a rip off is going a bit far though.

She already is a loudmouth drunk who boxes. Screwing it up plays up her cool aspects and loses only the depth.

>Some of them are even MARRIED to people that are not the protagonist.

the game between igor and jaldacuck is a shittier version of Nyarl's and Philemons war.

What are some other games where I can fight the fake God?

SMT, you can fight YHVH.
Almost every persona game fights a god. Nyarrl would cuck them all though

I love his voice, his theme and his look
10/10 boss

I wish they would've just kept his SMT design

Having gay tentacle sex with nyarlathotep

They kinda kept. Yaldabaoth is just a robotic version of Demiurge.

That's the real one, Yaldabaoth is what people want of god, a hyper controlling machine.

Yaldabaoth isn't literally a Demiurge, user.

He appeared at the end when the velvet room was dissappearing.


The MT Wiki isn't exactly a good source of information, user.
Pretty sure it still has an article on the Seven Deadly Sins in P5 when that system isn't even used in the game and attributes Sloth to Futaba for whatever reason.

While Yaldabaoth's defeat is somewhat analogous to Sataneal's Rebellion in Gnosticism they are nowhere near the same kind of entity.

Liked the newer version desu

Evil Igor's voice was great in it's own right, gonna miss it.

Why didnt we get back P3/P4 Igor's English voice? When the real Igor came back I was hoping that would be the case then I got whatever piece of shit that his new voice actor is

didn't he die?


Demiurge comes in many names, user. YWHW is its most common one

If I was to some how get transported into the current Persona universe and start asking about Philemon, do you think demons, shadows, and other strange being will start hunting me down. You know that should be the plot of P6. The theme of tampering with forbidden knowledge, and how it can bite one in the ass.

The Japanese one yeah, Dan Woren(Igor's English voice for 3 and 4) is still alive and kicking

I'm pretty sure when the real Igor came back in the Jap dub they still use parts of the old Japanese VA's voice.


No user, that's DeSu2

The US VA went back to being a union actor. The JP VA died.

>The US VA went back to being a union actor.
fucking gay


Igor's JP VA died so they reused old recordings for the handful of lines he has the Japanese audio. The P3/4 English one is still alive and doing perfectly well, but they still replaced him with a new guy for whatever reason.

Just sharing the name doesn't mean anything, please, use your head a bit and actually read some of this stuff. P5's Yaldie is nowhere near the same kind of being, they have absolutely no similarities aside from the name. Also Yahweh has absolutely nothing to do with the Demiurge and doesn't even exist in Gnosticism.

None of the Ialdaboath designs are particularly great except the NINE

Every time I see Demiurge I'm reminded that the original Devil Summoner still isn't translated though, so it can just fuck off.

>Komaeda is voiced by Shinji's VA
>Ryoji and Kaoru VA is the same person

ONe day user.


There are a few plot elements from 2 in 5. The Collective Unconsciousness is probably the biggest one.

>The game between gods who try to bring the best/worse of human nature
>the whole popularity of the Phantom Thiefs is pretty close to the whole rumors thing in P2
>the serial killer is a teenage abused by his father

> they have absolutely no similarities aside from the name
>Constantly referred to as a false god
>wants to control people and make them obey him but as Ryuji pointed out he is not omnipotent and simply overbearing
>Uses the 7 deadly sins
Come now, it need not be a simple carbon copy but there are similarities

>Also Yahweh has absolutely nothing to do with the Demiurge
>Not knowing Gnostics and Christians loathed each other for worshiping the other's malevolent being

P3 has a shitty story desu

>literally not knowing jack shit about about the butterfly or persona as a whole

Do.. do we tell them they're retarded?

P5 Yaldabaoth is a god created from the insecurity of mankind.

The Demiurge from SMT is the REAL deal

play the game, buddy

No, send a demon to eat his mother. He or she will feel really bad.

It's okay user, don't be too harsh on the p5 babies.

The butterfly during the intro to P5 is confirmed to be Lavenza, though.
The butterflies in P3 and 4 are Phily but the different species should tip you off.


He was watching over u the whole time as a magical butterfly

>The butterfly during the intro to P5 is confirmed to be Lavenza
And the one at the end of the game is Philly. It's a different butterfly.

Just face it, Joker is so baller Phil just sat back and said "nah you got this kid" and watched him slam dunk the demiurge.

Half the shit you bring up isn't even the case for most common interpretations of the Demiurge or P5's Yaldabaoth so you pretty obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

>Constantly referred to as a false god
Actual Demiurge is as real as a god can be, calling him a fake is absolutely retarded. P5 Yaldabaoth isn't really a god at all, he's entirely reliant on humanity and his existence is pretty feeble.

>wants to control people and make them obey him but as Ryuji pointed out he is not omnipotent and simply overbearing
Actual Demiurge is very much so omnipotent and controlling, he created humanity solely to stroke his own ego after being kicked out by the other gods. Yaldabaoth on the other hand is a slave of humanity, he is controlling but for entirely different reasons, they are pretty much polar opposites in their motivations.

>Uses the 7 deadly sins
Nine, not seven. The whole Seven Deadly Sins thing is a very Christian concept and not used in the game. Yaldabaoth's entire game is laid out to confront humanity with their sins by showcasing them through the Phantom Thieves actions to see if it would cause a change in humanity's collective unconsciousness, the Demiurge merely uses them to tie down humanity and restrict their progress. Again it's quite literally stances that are directly opposite of one another.

>Not knowing Gnostics and Christians loathed each other for worshiping the other's malevolent being
If you want to go that route you can quite literally equate 99% of mythological beings and gods with the modern Christian definition of Satan. It's a retarded way to look at it.

>tfw I discover Jun was gay years later

I always thought he only wanted his most dearest friend back and just to chill out

Both are a false god in the sense that they claim to be omnipotent but are not. Actual Gnostic depictions of Demiurge shows him to be a very powerful being but not the God.

>he created humanity solely to stroke his own ego after being kicked out by the other gods
Literally no branches of Gnosticism said this. The more common view is that Sophia made a grave mistake by creating him and he in turn created (or shaped) the material world with no knowledge of his mother, thinking he is a god. I wouldn't disagree with your interpretations of P5's Yaldabaoth but both their motivations are in alignment in terms of control.

>Yaldabaoth's entire game is laid out to confront humanity with their sins by showcasing them through the Phantom Thieves actions to see if it would cause a change in humanity's collective unconsciousness
IIRC he too wanted to control and restrain humanity using the sins as an excuse.

>It's a retarded way to look at it.
No nigga, gnostics and christians are literally each other's heretics. Before Christianity became the religion it is known now with the bible and shit, gnostics walked among Christians, talking about their version of YWHW and Jesus Christ that is antithetical to the Christian version. Gnosticism was a name given by Christians against these perceived non-believers and heretics who were so much like them (Gnostics would call themselves the REAL Christians).

Read the Nag Hammdi library

She's also a woman seeking a partner who is not the protagonist, date various men and which life doesn't resolve around you.

impossible, DELETE DIS. you mean she's not my waifu????? reeeeeeeeeeeeee

Also Makoto/Sae being somewhat analogous to Tatsuya/Katsuya, Ann being a shittier version of Lisa (pretty foreign, or "foreign" in Ann's case, girl that everyone thinks is a giant slut and gets involved in the entertainment industry). Even minor shit like having plot relevant events occur at a TV station.

>Tatsuya is gay they say

Who is the Baofu?


baofu > futaba
baofu is my waifu the original hacker waifu

>Nyarly as well was retconned out and now it's flaming meme man instead of the shadow of humanity.
This STILL pisses me off. His personality and methods were straight up ripped from Nyarly.

If Persona 5 is a rip-off of Persona 2, then is Akira canonically gay?


you guys don't get it, Philemon IS the Velvet Room now

we are also Philemon because every time the Velvet Room fucks off the game ends

>a woman seeking a partner who is not the protagonist
>implying maya didn't tap that on the regular