If Sup Forums was one person, what would he be like?

If Sup Forums was one person, what would he be like?

A schizophrenic idiot.

This guy

I recon some guy reaching for a game in a store, slapping his hand. Buying something else out of frustration, then calling himself a faggot after buying it.

wow so this is what youre like 24/7
pretty pathetic



Sorta, but mostly, Im just mad about fallout 4.

Same, they reall fucked that one up within all of our expectations that the devs were hinting at when they revealed it.

Yeah, after playing new vegas I thought that they would have had all those faction relationships expanded upon as well as the awesome rpg elements that changed the way you could play it. Anyway, I gave Fo4 to a friend so he could make funny faces in the character creator. Best value.

Damn that's one cool guy.

>Wind always trying to fuck up his swag, unsuccessfully of course.
>Head craned forward because to smart to hold up all of those brains.
>Constantly listening to patrician music too further increase I.Q.
>Back slouched to better conceal his strength for when it really matters.
>Little arm/hand movement due to complete control over them, unlike undisciplined weak swinging arm faglets.
>Wears all neutrals because he does not crave attention, yet it still finds him.
>Long strides and fast walk because his time is too valuable to waste being slowed by his lessers.
>Walking pace can't be autowalk because of the legal weaponry he has concealed on his person. Not to mention the large nigger sized dick he has creates a large set of issues.
>Can't find a comfortable hand form because his hands are used to vidya or martial training.
>Too polite because he is humble and knows his place is far above these people.
>Scans people's faces for only a second to perform an expert threat analysis. Can't make eye contact in case there's another superior being present, as he'd give away his position.
>Looks below parallel due to being 7 foot tall in order to do his aforementioned threat analysis.

Honestly this guy is a legit 10/10 alpha normie.

it would look like you, OP, not discussing video games


This os literally me. Although I have gf and fugged alot in my life i am just ashamed of myself. Mostly because jobless and shit I done that embarassed me in front of basically everyone who knows me or heard about me.

>what would he be like?
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour

>people unironically buying a Bethesda game and being surprised it's hot garbage

That was me 100% in grade school to senior year of high school. Like legit all of these were me while going to a mall to try in vain to find clothes.

Why was walking so god damn difficult? I would just sit and watch people and try to sync my arms and legs up like they did or even just stalk them and mimic them 100% and it still felt off.
The slouch and visual stuff is spot on. Always felt like I couldn't make eye contact with girls as they'd make fun of me later, and guys as they'd probably beat me up.
And the hair. Jesus Christ I'd use a tub of hair gel and it felt like it'd go straight from crusty hard helmet hair to completely fucked.

>Nothing about massive armpit sweat pools forming instantly as he leaves the house.
0/10 shit image.

mentally retarded, loud, insecure

Chris Chan

>>Nothing about massive armpit sweat pools forming instantly as he leaves the house.

That's literally me, i sweat like a fucking pig

>hair moves
>must be a virgin

An incessant cycle of self-hatred due to him liking a game thus becoming a popular game; and at the same time hating it because him liking it made it popular.

a huge gibbering sodomite manchild that jerks constantly to anime porn

who only posts SHITTY fucking threads

well now I'm curios, how'd you fuck shit up sempai?


I dont know. I think girls like that i always stand for my shit,have my own opinion and know how to defend it. It's all I have because im ugly balding goy.

Now i got it. I fucked my best friends gurl. I fucked 3 girls who were friends of my current gf. They all are now apart. My bests friends girl is one of them and she told him everyrhing hoping he will forgive her. Stupid cunt

Also i sucked my neighbour dick and he sucked mine. This was my first sex experience. This what killed me inside because we were only 13 and I was ashamed of myself. Also jerked off my friends dog. Just like in south park. And more shit unrelated to sex. Too much to talk


>Walks too fast
>Compulsively needs to pass anyone walking slightly slower than him
alright, you got me Sup Forums

How does one walk too fast? And who the fuck slows down just because some shithead won't pick up the pace.

I hate the fact this is accurate to how I walk

>Walks too fast
I have fucking places to be, like at home doing nothing.

That guy from autistic screeching picture.


Sup Forums used to be the incarnation of rage
now Sup Forums is a weird mixture of reddit and tumblr

>be somewhere
>need to go somewhere else
>walking is just the means to this end
>ergo taking longer than necessary is wasted time
Why is it our fault when other people don't have any fucking pep in their step?
At least we're not that small group of faggots that takes up half the width of the hallway while talking between classes.

>some guy walks slow as fuck in front of you
>you cant get past him not enough space

If Sup Forums were one person, he'd be two people who hate eachother.

>walking behind a girl
>not in a hurry so I'm walking as slowly as she is
>she thinks I'm some stalker
>hastens her step, almost jogging

do I look that much of a creep

Dunno,post photo

Post pic we'll judge

Good post user.

I think this is literally projection: the meme image

I have only ever rocked the chad stride

Trump but without the money.

How the fuck am i supposed to move my hands?
Do normies have a specific tactic for this?