How many of you guys got effected by the 3DS ban wave?

How many of you guys got effected by the 3DS ban wave?

not me. then again I never use freeshop or hack in pokemon.

I've not been banned yet either, active freeshop user too, I just don't play online with new releases for a while.

I never played online anyways.

Currently not banned, but still on arm9loaderhax, do you guys recommend I switch to boot9strap? or just wait a while until all the ban waves are over

I did get banned, but I can't really call it affected since it's not like I have any online games to play on it anyways.

Not banned. Used the freeshop a few times and never play online.

I'm convinced at this point that this ban only affected people playing Pokémon or the new fire emblem.

I got banned, I loved playing pokemon online.

>"Why haven't you hacked your 3DS?"

Friendly reminder that Luna + b9s is a honeypot

Currently, I can't use internet features in Pokemon on 11.3 if I don't have CFW, can I?

ctr-httpwn helps with Pokebank and e-shop but that's pretty much it.

played both, haven't been banned as of this morning. i've done everything i could to trigger a ban and i'm totally fine. i'm pretty sure they're just randomly targeting cfw users to scare off potential softmodders.

I haven't played either, but I still got banned. Though I did have Spotpass on.

Why would I? I bought all of my games.

>or the new fire emblem.
Got me a little shook even though I downloaded it and haven't started it yet, but I'm fine.

For now.

Im not a filthy commie so i didnt get banned

I haven't turn my 3ds in half a years so I decided to check and I didn't get banned yet

No free shop, luma a9lh and recently downloaded shadow of valentia CIA

Same, I bought mine off of 3ds.titlekeys


I've been banned for months because I was an idiot who played a game online before street date. I used a public friend code seed to unban myself at some point, but then that seed got banned and I didn't bother finding a new one since I didn't use online at all with how shitty all the 3DS Pokémon games are and how dead most other communities are (I hear Monster Hunter is good but I imagine an action game like that would destroy my circle pad like Smash did). I have no clue if I would've gotten banned with this wave if I weren't an idiot or not.

lol faggot

>Jews are cheap, greedy, entitled and will take anything for free
>Pirates are cheap, greedy, entitled and will take anything for free

Makes you think. :^)

>monster hunter destroying a circle pad
fuck no, it's slow paced as fuck

I have a hacked 3DS that i havent went online with in over 2 months. Gonna wait until a decent workaround is found (if ever), until then I stick to my virgin N3DS.

havent been banned yet, just turned on my 3ds for the first time in months to get sun/moon a few days ago

Not me and I use freeShop and hacked in Pokemon because fuck breeding

Uh, I play PS4 like a man and not those kiddy games so I didn't lol

not banned, also my 3ds isn't hacked for obvious reasons

I have not been online for abit with my hacked 3ds. What steps should I take to avoid the b8 hammer? I got a normal 3ds anyways so I can wait.

You can dodge bans very easily

None, it's serverside and people not online for months is getting popped.
Make sure you have spotpass info sending to nintendo disabled. Streetpass also logs your activity, so delete that often too.

Good goy

There's always been a workaround. The issue is figuring out what triggered the ban in the first place since it seems very inconsistent.

>Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet user? There's literally no excuse.
>This happens
Yeah, literally no excuse. The only ones who had literally no excuse were the ones who did hack their 3DS, and this is exactly why.

Literally no excuse to be a retard and play hacked/pirated games online

Fucking retard pirates. Justice is served.

Fuck off you neet scum

>a pirate calling a person who buys games a Jew
The fucking irony

>Jews save as much money as possible by attempting to get shit without paying for it
>Pirates save as much money as possible by attempting to get shit without paying for it
Really activates my almonds.

I mostly used Amazon.

fuck you for reminding me about samurai jack's shit fucking ending

Thank you.

No reason not to hack your 3ds guys! amright?! please tell me I am right....

You can just unban yourself with a LocalFriendCodeSeed

Fuck you, I liked it.

All three of my 3DS' have been hacked for at least two years now

All of them have gone online and traded Pokemon

All of them have gone online and played Smash with pirated DLC

All of them have gone online in MonHun with hacked characters

And not a single system was banned. Do we know what even caused this banwave?

Nope. Come Wednesday and there's no reason yet I'm going back online.

i was online multiple times before but i'm still not banned

Banned, but if I wanted I could just unban myself. Will probably do it if I don't get a switch for MHXX, the only reason I'd need to not be banned, anyways.

>And not a single system was banned. Do we know what even caused this banwave?
apparently release of b9s or some shit

I was a day 1 installer of B9S on two of my three systems, and they're all still fine, even after trading Pokemon later on that day to a friend over wi-fi.

Doesn't matter if you do or don't, fool. If you've been banned then it's on Nintendo's servers, not your 3DS

Still playing a restored Megaman Battle Network Blue rom in mine. Might switch over to Rhythm Heaven+ later.

Oh, sorry for your loss.

>get banned
>still have a unlimited amount of free games for life
>if that bothers your autism you can download and install a local friendseed for online

Oh wow el oh el so epic. Nintendo won!

I'm calling you a good goy

I do this, not banned

I can't get banned if I never turn my 3DS on again.

yeah, there doesn't really seem to be any kind of pattern aside from the fact everyone who got banned had some form of installed cfw
the hackers' challenge here is finding what kind of info sent by the console can get a device on the banlist and how to get around it, so that people can unban themselves and not waste a seed getting banned again

I can't tell if I'm banned because I haven't updated my firmware in like a year. So I guess a ban wouldn't even affect me.

did we find out what caused it yet? idk if im banned and i never activated my agreed to the 3ds Internet eula. i havent used them in a month or two

Yeah, it was the dummy DLC from Echoes afterall

I haven't gotten banned, but I turned off Spotpass as soon as I finished installing A9LH.

source on that? seems like a clever way of doing it

I have to wait till all the dlc is released before downloading it from the freeshop, right? It says suspended otherwise.

Wasn't that just one guy samefagging every day to increase his botnet?

No since my pokemon 20th 3ds with the dummy DLC did not get banned.

As long as I can still access my Eshop, I don't care about the ban at all.

It's fire emblem echoe's dummy dlc thats the problem, no one mentioned pokemans

>As long as I can access the thing that lets me spend money for video games that I can download for free on my hacked system, I'm good

yes and i am saying i have that dlc on that 3ds.

fucking read

>Get banned
>Change FriendCodeSeed

It's that simple.