What are some games where you get brainwashed and say stupid shit in public and embarrass yourself?

What are some games where you get brainwashed and say stupid shit in public and embarrass yourself?

>Compares white imperialism of South Africa to Mexicans immigrating to the US
>(Destiny) "Do you think that it's okay for a country to stifle its growth to maintain a homogeneous cultural identity?" (JonTron) "Yeah, I think it's fine."
>Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually.
>We have gotten rid of discrimination in western countries, if you don't believe it's gone, you're living in a fantasy land.
>People like me are supposed to listen to people like you chatter on about this oppression in America that doesn't exist

This is not Sup Forumstard level shit, but it is "redpilled" level stuff. Jontron was brainwashed by sites like Breitbart.

The Mass Effect series

everything he said was and still is 100% correct

How does this have anything to do with video games?

What are some games where batshit insane communists freak out because someone hasn't fallen for liberal brainwashing and states reasonable factual things?

Moviebob's Twitter Simulator

>There's no discrimination in the USA
>Except for White Genocide, which is a real thing we must be wary of
How ignorant can you possibly be?

Did he really say this?


>believing discrimination will ever be gone
>believing all discrimination is unhealthy for a society

o im laffin

What a shame
I thought it was just jokes being taken out of context like Pewdiepie

He is right though

Discrimination is not a fantasy

>Jontron fucks up and says some shit out of poor research and stupidity rather than malice
>Everyone flips their shit
>Movieblob goes on repeatedly about eugenics and wanting to clense the world of people he doesn't agree with.
>Same crowd doesn't bat an eye

You talking about JonTron or SJWs? Sounds more like SJWs

Go to Sup Forums, bitch motherfuckers

I don't know user but you're showing us you can take it pretty far

Nobody cares about movieblob

he's right tho

Literally who gives a shit about that fat ass? The only people that talk about him are people that want to mock him. He has no fanbase to speak of.

Hey look he posted his epic reddit thread again

This. Left wing bullshit is still politics, go fuck off to Sup Forums

Did jontron do a stupid again or is this about that one time he got rekt in a debate?

His videos get published on Screwattack's YT page. He has about as much reach as Jon on that level, yet he hasn't been dropped.

You forgot the part where destiny says "what's wrong with communism?"

the latter


Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

That's weird. Why is Sup Forums suddenly talking about this? It's old news.


You're playing dumb

Imagine looking like this and thinking your genes are worth preserving.

Destiny is a moron and no one is disputing that. That doesn't change the fact Jontron said some pretty stupid shit himself.

Depends in what context, a black man dressed well and acting according to the social norm won't be treated differently from a white man but a nigga acting and dressing like a tug will be treated badly for sure though the situation wouldn't be different if it was a white trailer trash.

I dunno, I looked at the catalog and it seems like there's a small coordinated shitpost political brigade at the moment.
I mean this garbage happens every day but there's a lot going on right now.

But everything he said was right, and your hurt fee fees doesn't change that. Thank God white liberals like you don't have children. You'll be extinct in a generation.

What are some games where you actually post VIDEO GAMES on the VIDEO GAME board instead of people loosely related to VIDEO GAMES?

Exactly, muslims should be purged