Is Canada's relevancy in the game industry waning? The face of Canada in gaming, like pic related, is outdated. Their studios are releasing turds like DOWIII and Mankind Divided and quickly becoming forgotten. Will Canada turn into Australia in terms of irrelevancy?
Is Canada's relevancy in the game industry waning? The face of Canada in gaming, like pic related, is outdated...
We can only hope, Canada is shit and the only reason devs go there is because of tax incentives but the awful America-lite culture has seeped into their work.
i hope
>relevant in anything
Canada has a list of things better than the US
>gun violence
>human rights
So nothing.
>list things that are better
>hurr durr they aren't better I'm blind durr
Stupid Americans
Who's the whale?
nice bait
see also I'm interested in the VIDEO GAMES side of things you cuck. their games keep bombing
>the truth is bait
Americans wonder why they're dropping off the world stage in free fall
>le free health care maymay
How are those heightened taxes? Do you enjoy paying more so retarded, non-working garbage can leech off of you? You probably do, you Canadian piece of shit.
>heightened taxes meme
Our taxes are fine, we pay for everyone because we aren't heartless monsters who force people to die on the streets due to lack of money.
>implying I pay taxes
You had me until PM. Trudeau is an even bigger joke than Trump, and i'd rather be in the pocket of big business for 4-8 years than put up with Trudeau any longer.
when will canada pay for what they have done to the gaming and animation industry, lads
You're obviously not Canadian
When I left 10 years ago I was paying 35% in payroll taxes and 15% in combined provincial and federal sales tax on everything I bought. In practice 50% of my income went to taxation, of which I saw no benefits.
Makes me happy I defaulted on my Canadian student loans, you fucks pay for it now.
So you dont spend money on anything, whatsoever?
Whatever you tell yourself. I'd sooner throw my money into the fucking garbage than support people like who don't work and do nothing but drain away from those that do.
And yet they still managed to destroy the Dead Rising series.
Race traitors are traitors all the same user.
and deus ex
Isn't Montreal still booming as a place for studios to set up?
I'd rather pay taxes into an inefficient health care system rather than the US's bloated military jobs program
>Canadians think they're better than the U.S
>Canadians think they're better than anyone at all
You sure about that?
>between two choices of getting raped I choose the one where I pay more
Prove me wrong
>I'd rather pay for niggers to be given positions of authority than to give pajeets free health care to poop out more pajeets
Neither is a good situation and pretending it is means both will wither and die as you twiddle your thumbs.
Why is there still homeless people then?
They choose to be
I'm right
That's not always a good thing.
But america is better at all these things, frenchcuck.
>You're obviously not Canadian
Thank god for that.
>45% Pajeets
>15% Bob
>40% Chang
Wow! It's very diverse in leaf town.
First post, best post
>gun violence
Instead you have bombings from Ahmed.
Sure, if you consider faggots running free with dildos strapped to their crotch "culture"
A walking bundle of sticks.
>human rights
Yes, it's legal to receive blowjobs from dogs; so progressive.
Doesn't mean it brings them relevancy. People are much more willing to talk about something the more flawed it is.
Yes it is
Notice how many replies this got yet nobody even attempted to refute any of it
>Yes, it's legal to receive blowjobs from dogs; so progressive.
I'm pretty sure that's legal everywhere
Name a single massive bomb attack in canada by a muzzie
Everything else you are right about though.
not a bomb attack, but the mosque shooting that happened.
False. Considered animal abuse in most of the states, and in most countries for that matter.
Probably a false flag but also he said bombed by pajeet. The alleged mosque shooting was a frenchman trying to channel his inner brevik
Show me the law that says it's illegal to put your dick in a dog's mouth
>Probably a false flag
Occams razor my man, conspiratorial thinking literally erodes people's capacity for critical thought
So those people who have animals lick peanut butter off their balls are breaking the law?
>Bestiality was outlawed in Norway in 2008, The Netherlands in 2010,[2] Australian Capital Territory in 2011, Sweden in 2013, and Denmark in 2015.
In the U.S., as of 2016, bestiality is illegal in 42 states. Most state laws banning sex with animals were enacted between 1999 and 2016. Laws were enacted in Pennsylvania in 1999, Iowa in 2001, Maine in 2001, Illinois in 2002, Maryland in 2002, Connecticut in 2005, Washington in 2006, Arizona in 2006, Indiana in 2007, Tennessee in 2007, Colorado in 2007, Alaska in 2010, Florida in 2011, Alabama in 2014, New Jersey in 2015, New Hampshire in 2016, and Ohio in 2016. A 2001 Oregon law had its penalty increased in 2016.
So it's clear Canada is the superior Western Country
makes sense
they dont have that "competitive drive" so they want everyone to be as shit as they are
all the canadians ive known are exactly like this, ive been the bull of at least 7 of em, and im white.
Daily reminder that your shitty leaf country ruined not only Gaming but the music industry as well.
>Daily Shitter
At least post a reputable news source like NBC
Canada is the living example of how not to run a western country, so of course they'll soon become even more irrelevant.
they'll become nuVenezuelaistan in a matter of years, and we will all laugh at them.
Canada is going to last longer than the US
Really makes you think
or does it?
>Not citing sources
of course it will, it will become the cuck capital of America.
So I guess is bullshit then, or are you just a hypocrite like your orange overlord?
>author & publication
>no author & publication
are you retarded or slow?
Amanda isn't a source, sweetheart.
The source is literally on the top of the image.
Stop using words you don't understand.
Hamburger helper
And the text is in the other image. Use google, sweetie.
Eurofag here, Trudeau is respected on the international scene
Trump is the international punchline, nobody respects him, everyone thinks he's a retard
>canada ranked consistently high on "best to game with" lists made by Sup Forums
>/vint/ happens
>canada shitposters flood in
>everyone hates me now
Fuck, I can't even get away from "A FUCKING LEAF" in private steam chats now.
The shitposters are just underage trying to be edgy, we have lots of that over here. I promise there are some of us who are sane.
Its got pretty bad. Its at the point where i think its just Australian pushing the leaf shit harder than ever to get all the heat off of them.
fuck off leaf
Canada has always been a joke on boards with flags
that's more than obvious, ever checked what the republicunt base looks like? Ever seen what kind of animals are trump supporters?
right wingers are always the biggest retards, 95% of them is being manipulated by the smart 5% who knows how to capitalize of their idiocy
>left wing shitter loses last additional bit of support he didn't know he had
Free healthcare sounds fun without the implication that you'll have to wait 3 days to get checked on after a major incident because they lack the personnel.
Elaborate, we are either full of immigrants, cucked liberal SJWs or dumb fucking rednecks
>gun violence
Because our gun laws are so shit criminals will resort to improvised or melee weapons, plus you get higher fines and sentences for self defense than actual assault, you're better off being a dindu robbing pro MMA fighters than anything, it's a fucking miracle our crimerates are so low.
Is it a good thing at all
Don't get me started, I can't recall the last time Canada has a decent PM, I had hopes for conservatives, but even Harper was total dreck, fucking mini bush
>trumpledytes don't know what a hypocrite is
Not surprised, more evidence of low IQ.
>Eurofag here
Europe has lost relevance on the world stage, your opinion only matters if you're American or Asian
>you'll have to wait 3 days to get checked on after a major incident because they lack the personnel.
You already have to wait 3 days or more for appointments in the US and that's just for a GP.
you apparently don't know what a non sequitur is either
Everything that comes out of your mouth is a non sequitur.
>Because our gun laws are so shit criminals will resort to improvised or melee weapons, plus you get higher fines and sentences for self defense than actual assault, you're better off being a dindu robbing pro MMA fighters than anything, it's a fucking miracle our crimerates are so low.
More like every gun law that retarded democrats come up with does NOTHING to stop crime and only punishes lawful citizens ala assault weapon bans and other dogshit like licenses that criminals weren't going to follow anyway.
>owners of deadly weapons
>lawful citizens
Canada game devs have ALWAYS been shit.
The only kind of exception is Klei.
The only joke here is if you actually believe the bullshit you're typing.
Sounds like your dumbass has been spending too much time in the delusional Sup Forums cesspool echochamber.
Yeah man, why is murder illegal? All us law-abiding citizens aren't killing anyone and criminals won't obey the law anyway!
With how much muslims have raped the entire europe culture and people, who the fuck cares about international respect.
>punishes lawful citizens ala assault weapon bans
>its a punishment to not allow civilians weapons made strictly to kill people
Fucking government trying to take away my mustard gas! I'm just a collector! I'm a law abiding citizen!
You are fucking retarded
whats the difference between these two rifles. one is banned the other isn't
actually US is better at gun violence, ya dip
One has a higher capacity for killing people. Look at your own fucking image and tell me which one would be more dangerous in the hands of a school shooter. You're braindead /k/iddo.
They should both be banned from civy use. I don't trust the mentally ill population of the US with anything more dangerous than a slingshot, and thankfully, neither does your government.
one of these is banned in commiefornia, the other is not