Squilliam E3 Collage 2017

Hope you enjoyed that Borb thread. I'm wondering if anyone screencapped those. Anyway SQUILLIAM THREAD!

Previously on the other thread some user made Scaramouche Mario Squilliam and you threw a tantrum because I added him, and he threw a tantrum because I removed him, so let's settle this: Do you want Scaramouche to be added in this collage? strawpoll.me/13066216
Be honest.

This is the progress so far. I'm removing Greninja because the same picture was in the 2016 collage, and I'm removing that Emoji squilliam. There's still room for more Squilliam as you can see empty spaces here and there that need to be filled.

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's the Scaramouche Mario



Finally! Some Nioh love.

>Do you want Scaramouche to be added in this collage?
Would rather have the little witch one since that had actual effort put into it
I thought he had white hair?
Nice though

nice transparency, fagoo

OP I just wanna let you know you're based as fuck. I'd imagine this takes up a lot of time and a lot of disc space and this year's collage is turning out to be leaps and bounds above what came before.
A lot of good drawfags, a flexible OP, it's fantastic.

Are you the same dude from the E3 boat threads? What happened to those anyway?

No. I don't know.

i still believe we need iwata somewhere in the background

Made this last night after you went to bed

Yeah, I feel like the Little Witch one deserves to get in a lot more because the person who made it actually drew it.

I think he and Reggie will be in Kimishima's glasses when the countdown is over

He's in the right eye of Kimishima and Reggie on the left eye, but not in this specific picture.
I added your Ace Combat squilliam, bottom right. I didn't save the Witch from the previous thread. Do you have it? And is it anime shit or video games?

It's looking so good and OP really has patience

Oh, didn't realise it was already in there. Thanks man. I don't have it, but someone else might. It's originally anime but a game for it was announced yesterday which is why it's relevant and why user drew it.

alright thanks
iwata is too iconic to not have around still

>Ace Combat
Nice. Where's the WipEout ship though?


Not him but while It is anime shit it also just recently got a game.
But the fact of the matter is that if a non vidya character was going to be added it should be the one that has more work into it
I feel bad for the user who made this he probably didn't expect the thread to explode because of it

I need a Borb Squilliam.That Borb thread in the morning was something to witness. Best thread Sup Forums has in ages.

Here's kinda improved version. You guys decide do you want it in or not.

>i missed a borb thread

Too lazy to make it transparent and add arms there. I hope someone does it.

He should have waited I guess
The thread was pretty toxic after the SJ shitstorm


can't tell if this has been added or not

I say add it
I know people saying don't crossboard but something like this is still something Sup Forums users would be interested in and the whole thing has always been quite broad

But like I've said in other threads it's up to op at the end of the day

I did add it now.

Cool beans

nice babe

Great job so far OP but this gap is really flairing my autism

Vivian james should go there

This is the first time I've drawn in years

A pepper from cooking mama?

You want to say, "user, come now. You are lying to yourself. You are lying to yourself, and to all of us, if you pretend to have not... any idea of where your good announcements have gone. Perhaps you think they are at AMD conference, but... hmph, you're not so forgetful. You are lying to yourself, ah... yes...

You are lying to yourself, user. You know that E3 has not the good announcements... somewhere, deep down, you know this. You don't even need to think the question."

Decided to make this more vidya. Do you have other releases you are waiting for, Sup Forums?

>11 days

What the fuck is this suppose to be?
Why is Sup Forums using SpongeBob show as a meme?
SpongeBob is a cartoon show, not a video game!
And why the fuck is this "stop" sign is a fucking meme on Sup Forums?

Also, it's getting a game so its now Sup Forums

E3 is in 15 days, user.


>what is Tails saying?

I think it looks nice

>Implying Battle of Bikini Bottom isn't the best Call of Duty

I've never seen so much newfaggotry in one post

This is what he is saying

>blue pikmin


How the FUCK did I never notice until now

Last one

Hope the user who made it is happy now

Smash never ever

where are the ears

You should give it a mouth, user, it's what let it breathes.

Yellows should have big ears since that's what let it gets thrown up so high.

someone crop this before it's too late

The entire time I was saying to myself while drawing that was "don't forget the ears", there goes that though I suck at ears
Give me a sec

way too much nintendo shit. do nintendo even show up at e3? no. they hold their own event across the street because reggie is a spoiled baby who doesn't like answering difficult questions such as "why doesn't the Wii U have any games?" "why haven't you announced more than 3 games for the Switch?" "why is Nintendo afraid of third party support?"

Nintendo's not afraid of 3rd party support

They just won't make a powerful enough console so devs don't have to completely remake a game in a lower res than Lowest settings on PC

Fixed, hopefully I didn't forget anything AGAIN
>shitposting in a squilliam thread
calm your autism


How brave

Just to make it easier for you OP these are the complete ones I hope

cool, thanks


Here, I made a transparent of the original without arms. Sorry for the left over white, that outline is a bit hard to make look right but I think it's good. If someone can add the arms it'd be nice, I don't know which ones are the correct image to save on Google to paste onto him.

>everything must be nintendo!!!!! if I keep shilling nintendo at every opportunity maybe we can avoid a wii u situation again!!!!!!!!!

I think I did a good job.

Borb Squilliam version.

I am, I'm also ready for it to be removed anytime due to a lot of complaints in the future

>not video games
Remove that shit nigger, that's taking up space that another ARMS character could be using

>Trying your shitty gimmick again from last time
Nice try nigger

If its a video game soon then I think its fine.

Scaramouche is funny but its decisively not vidya

There is a red one above them.

>posting the truth is a gimmick


Draw Non-Nintendo ones then. Draw fucking Um Jammer Lammy, Sly, Nathan Drake, Sackboy, something Twisted Metal related, the Jumping Flash rabbit, Croc, Gears of Wars characters, Halo characters, Indie characters, Ristar, Alex Kidd, a fucking Crazy Taxi, characters from Wild Guns, Ape Escape 3 loli, the Super Monkey Ball monkeys, etc. It doesn't even have to be good.

Ah I did see this, Would've made my job a lot easier. Anyway cleaned up the one I posted a biyt.

>Have an Iwata pic in your folder
Yeah nigger, you're just as much as a Nintendo fag as anyone else, drop the gimmick and contribute

I never understood this meme

I'm not drawing shit. What's the point when the OP will remove them after the thread dies and replace them with more Nintendo characters?

>he doesn't know



Thank you for adding my pikmin OP but I came up with an idea
If everyone likes the edit I made to the image do you think you can fit this version on their?
It's fine if you can't or/and if people don't like it though


Could I see where you placed these OP?

Based Sony and Trigger teaming up. Anime is already saved, time to save gaming finally #4theplayers

Yes. I'll add this. It's better.

Probably should to make sure people realize it's video games.

If this isn't bait then I don't know what is

springman is two times in that picture

And kept your previous Pikmins to fill in space

Wow thanks
Feel free to remove them though If you ran out of space and people want more stuff in

Could I see where my William is in the collage?

Add this OP!

Duplicates are allowed. We have two Parappas and Two Lammys, although the better ones are more visible.

Don't worry pal, there's always room for more Nintendo.

OP when will you start working on this year's Treehouse thank you card?

keep bumping the thread idiot

Removed the Pikmins and added these.

ok, didn't know that

My only problem with Squilliam is that the most 'in' memes don't take stage front and center. These should act as a snapshot back in Sup Forums history. Instead they are just slight snapshots with some memorable things represented.