Why wasn't she a S.Link?
Why wasn't she a S.Link?
used goods
She's the secondary character that we're supposed to feel bad for
That Bully girl in P3
Saki in P4
Contrary to popular belief Netorare doesn't really sell outside of Nukige
Do people even know what NTR is?
It would've been Ann's storyline but less autistic.
>I want to get stronger! Help me physically and mentally recover!
But they stuck with Ann's S-link, which is beyond retarded.
>Help me strengthen my heart so I can model. I'm doing it for Shiho
The fuck are you on about? She didn't have a boyfriend to cheat on.
Because she couldn't take hung man
The point is that you'd be the boyfriend in the route and you'd be the one getting NTR'd.
Atlus doesn't supported the second hand market.
Just set the S.Link to start after Kamoshida's palace, then. Not like there's any more room in the first arc of the game to squeeze stuff into anyway.
Only normalfags would want to date used goods. Yuko was bad enough already.
they're saving her and hifumi for the inevitable P5G or whatever is going to be called
>She's the secondary character that we're supposed to feel bad for
>Saki in P4
Who feels bad for Saki given that it was revealed she was a giant two-faced cunt? Roastie got what she deserved.
I'm sorry, what?
I mean to say hifumi as a playable character, my bad
Brother you can already romance her
He probably means they're going to make her a party member because if you listen to Sup Forums she was all set up to be a party member but then they removed her and added Makoto at the last minute.
Fuck off, Adachi
What's this founded on? Datamining? Interviews?
Because no writer can reasonably pull off a rape victim romance using 10 short scripted events.
She belongs to Ann
Well, they can't pull a romance either, so it's no big deal.
Damaged, both physically and mentally.
All I've heard is that she was originally planned to be part of the storyline but was removed because it was long as is. Also people think that Makoto's codename better fits Hifumo.
>something only you can fix
was she even actually raped?
What if you saved her from going to see Kamoshida? Would he have molested Mishima instead?
It's bullshit. There's zero evidence of this, just shitposting.
No, she was walked home gently.
there's a lot of middle ground there
Too unrealistic.
>Cutest character design
>Top tier ponytail
>Literally first girl to be nice to MC
>Can't protect her smile
>Gets raped and disappears for the rest of the game
They could've at least given me another girl with a ponytail.
>caring about realism
You can fuck your teacher in this one.
Would rather have a slink with the girl that runs to school in the morning. She was cute.
Why does P3, P4, and P5 have a running student every morning?
What's their endgame?
Why can't we S.Link the newspaper girl?
To get to school in time
Isn't that the stalker girl? She's taken, user.
I thought as much.
Goddamn, people really don't like Makoto.
>lied to Yosuke about how much she hated him
>generally bitched about everything and had a "woe is me" attitude
>was working at Junes so she could get out of Inaba and keep fucking her college boyfriend
Two-faced roastie, that's all she was.
Didn't she died by mental shutdown?
She shows up at the end of Ann's Confidant and tells Ann that she loves her. It's very touching.
It comes up even if you search "Persona 5 Hifumi" but okay dude. The reason it's thought Makoto took her place is that she sees herself as the "queen" of the shogi board. It was pretty early in development.
I would say she could probably get made into an S.Link in the re-release but she doesn't even have a name so unfortunately that's doubtful.
>You will never help her re-establish the newspaper club
Every fucking party member is revealed to be a 2 faced cunt, I think you're missing the point of the game
>Every fucking party member is revealed to be a 2 faced cunt
No, that would be Persona 3.
Doubtful, considered her suicide attempt.
Your girlfriend being raped is not being cucked.
Probably the first time I'm triggered by you cuckfags.
That's not even a joke. What did you just attempt? Regardless, it was shit. Kill yourself.
>whoah rape victims are not all perfect angels
Rape is still a lot worse than thr worst thingx whe has ever done even if she is still quite a cunt.
>Your girlfriend being raped is not being cucked.
Shiho would be a great slink as long as she was non-romanceable.
>used goods
I can see why they didn't bother with one
A lot of being a cuck is being cheated on and if your girlfriend is raped she has not cheated on you.
What kind of person would say to a rape victim that she cheated on her boyfriend or to her boyfriend that he is a cuck? no one.
I thought being cucked meant watching your wife/girlfriend getting fucked by another man and getting off on it. If you don't watch it happen it's not being cucked.
It's ambiguous and some people swear that she wasn't, but I don't get what else we were supposed to think.
>Kamoshida abused his the volleyball team including Shiho and Mishima, they/their parents put up with it to get recommendations and shit
>Mishima mentions that Kamoshida had a habit of calling members to his office to hit them when he was in a bad mood in general
>mentions that he was way more irritable than usual one day when he calls Shiho to his office (this was due to Ann refusing to go to his house over the phone) and probably did a lot worse than what he usually does
>next day Shiho tries to kill herself
Without a doubt
The game doesn't actually say "Kamoshida raped Shiho", but the implication isn't subtle in the least
Kamoshida was clearly horny and he wanted Ann to come over to his house. When she refused, he has Mishima call Shiho to his office and then she tries to commit suicide.
There's a difference between being jealous of your friend and actively hating people who had done nothing to you because you decided (of your own volition) to get a job at a store your family hated so you could continue getting railed by an older guy.
>What kind of person would say to a rape victim that she cheated on her boyfriend or to her boyfriend that he is a cuck? no one.
user...I don't think you realize where you are.