Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a New Vegas thread like the rest of these degenerates. It's useful that you happened by.
Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a New Vegas thread like the rest of these degenerates...
Other urls found in this thread:
>gay furfag
>telling me what to do
Who would win:
>LARPers with diy machetes
>Power armour equipped modern military
Why is the legion even a threat?
Do not insult my waifu
>mfw i finally passed a hundred of mods and nothing is crashing
god damn this is fucking fun
>power armor
Those faggots are so dumb that they couldn't figure out how to wear power armor, so instead they stripped it of all technology and added an air conditioner.
The Legion is only a threat by sheer numbers
It's an X-Wing vs TIE Fighter arrangement
>tfw have only small list of mods without any major overhauls and I don't have ANY graphics or visual mods
>have NVAC, NVSR, 4GB mod and NVSE
>the game still freezes/crashes from time to time
I'm convinced that NV just hates my PC and there's nothing I can do about it.
I didn't like how the Legion was talking to me in Nipton. Vulpes presumed his men can match me in combat to have me crucified or else why would he mention it? My trophy of his skull proves otherwise.
Also I had a female women's rights.
The first time I played, I shot him before I realized who it was. Anyone ballsy enough to raze a small town, even if it was full of criminals is an enemy of mine...Only I can be that blood thirsty and get away with it.
Cease this
>Circle around Nipton to the east side
>Lay string of landmines along Legion exit route
>Talk smack to Voluptuous Inkydinky
>Pick a nice hiding spot and wait
>Pick off what's left of the Limping Legion
Midnight Bomber run is bestest.
New Vegas in fallout 4 when
Why is she so cute bros?
Favourite tracks, i'll start
I made a copy pasta of what two anons said in another threads some weeks ago, those mods are extremely important if you want to get over a hundred mods without your game crashing on you and you want to get the most of it
>More fixes for YUP that required the use of NVSE:
>Quickloot menu, will save you a LOT of time in the long run:
>Simple yet effective save replacer for NV because the vanilla autosaves and quicksaves are highly prone to corruption, crashing etc. (CASM is too cluttered with unessecary features in my opinion):
>Fixes the UI to make it more PC friendly:
>Reduces the amount of crashes:
>Minimizes stutter:
>Fixes invisible walls inside cars for example so that you can shoot through the windows:
>Easier FOV adjusting:
Just to name a few I think are necessary for NV. Of course there are a bajillion visual mods but you can probably seek them out yourself because everybody has their own taste for visuals.
Uncut Wasteland
JSawyer Ultimate
Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance
Melee Reach Fixed Ultimate
4gb Loader
NV Stutter Remover
Collision Meshes
Tutorial Killer
Passive Startup Messages
Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover
NMC Texture Pack
Ojo Bueno
Hall of Face
Enhanced Camera
Centered 3rd Person Camera
Vanilla UI Plus
JIP Improved Recipe Menu
Improved Sound FX
Enjoy user
Restored content mod so the Legion is as it was meant to be when?
>Legion converted to democracy
>Caesar converted to pacifism
>Fort Mohave
The girl you save by the well is cuter
>not making the Legion a real fortress for you to take over
>not making Caesar a giant
Gamers, how do I make Fallout 4 more interesting?
By not playing it
Uninstall it and download New Vegas
hello my fellow gaymen enthusiast, try uninstalling
why did you both copy my post?
I said uninstall
Slow connections, yours appeared while I was sending mine ()
Do something autistic with a settlement
meant for
oh, so you made it worse when you stole it, lawyer up cunt
>What are thermal lances
>What are hit and run tactics
>What is espionage
You are one dumb fuck.
I need more New Begas spurdos :DD
Post 'em if you got 'em
hardcore mods and enbs solve all your problems. Just setting the right mood with a good enb can change everything
I really feel like playing fallout, but I'm not sure whether to replay 1 or NV.
Someone needs to make Legion and House versions of this.
Well your 10 INT courier couldn't figure it out either.
Who the hell names their kid Sunny Smiles?
This is unironically my favorite spurdo image.
is this a pasta
The same type of person that names their kid Courier
Courier Six
But then who named their kid Courier Five?
>implying her mother named her that way
>implying she didn't pick a cool new name after the downfall of civilization
>implying you wouldn't do the same
But she aint no ghoul, was born after the downfall m8.
>sunny smiles
>cool new name
Shit didn't think that through. Maybe its just a nickname?
Its a woman. Of course she would pick something cute. Wouldn't be surprised if there is a "Bunny Hunny" walking around out there
There's a real life kid named BOCH RVF 26062002.
I've just maxed my melee and now I don't know what to do as a side thing
are explosives fun, I never really do it
however I'm on hardcore and I'm wary of blowing up my own limbs and companions
>using melee
>not using unarmed, the patrician choice of weapons
I did an unarmed run the last time I played
it was a while ago but I remember getting Pushy and having a blast
>hit and run
>in gun fight
Just imagine what to kind of faction the legion could be with actual development time and ressourcess..
I would say they could easily become more iconic than the brotherhood of steel.
>Got too close to death claw
>try to run away
>legion guy comes this way
>"thank god"
>his body glitches and starts dancing
>tells me "Degenerates like you belong on a cross"
>walks away
>i get fucked by the deathclaw
Never heard of skirmishes or ambushes? Yikes.
Yeah I think it comes from a reddit NV thread
>his body glitches and starts dancing
>start new character
>get high on sersaparilla and mentats
>night, so I decide to sit at the saloon in Goodsprings like pete and take it easy until morning
>Malcolm fucking Holmes breaks my nap and preaches about his shitty bottlecaps
>catches me right when mentats die down, so see him like some godly figure descending from heaven basking in light
>shoot the fucker for scarring the everliving shit out of me
Not even the horrors of Sierra Madre prepared me for this.
>Siding with House
>Siding with NCR
>Siding with Legion
I shiggy diggy doo and scrappy too
after 370 hours, i finally got the safety deposit box achievement.
then i remembered after i left, i forgot the holo rifle.
Here's my mods. The game still crashes and freezes randomly because reasons.
>inb4 NMM
I know, I just didn't use MO because I wanted a few light mods and nothing special so I didn't want the hassle that comes with MO.
How do you install .esm files with Mod Organizer?
>Crucifixion is a bad thing
Look at this guy, perfectly fine
he looks pretty swole for a guy who's been crucified
It's a good workout for the arms
loot menu stirs up a lot of shit
looks like someone shat all over his face
i bet the Legion are into some weird shit like that