Is stormblood gonna make you resub?

Is stormblood gonna make you resub?

Final fantasy XIV thread

No new heal class, no sub.

ook despite being against p2w jump potions, i will stay subbed, my friends beg me to

>jump potion
I don't like jump potions but they're in no way pay2win lmao.

List of things to prep before stormblood launch?

Capping all currencies is one thing, as is stocking up 16 leves to turn in for a mil+ xp right off the bat - but is there anything else I'm missing?

Not again please, don't answer guys


Anima for all jobs.

>stocking up 16 leves to turn in for a mil+ xp right off the bat

Pretty sure this doesn't work. Leves have to be turned in on the job you completed them on, so you can't level SAM/RDM up that way, and

>SMN with only 2 DOTs
It'll make me unsub.

>get FFXIV to play with a friend
>I think it's a pretty meh game but I bear with it so I can play with him
>get fucking bored of this shit after finishing Heavensward's content
>I'm glad this is over.jpg
>my RP-loving friend resubs because he wanted to play dress-up with his online buddies
>he's now nagging me to buy Stormblood
Not today Satan. I'm not going through +100 hours of dodging AoEs and queues. I'm not dragging myself to one of those stupid fucking fake wedding your catboy-loving friends have payed for. I'm not going to spam emotes so a bunch of fucking idiots don't feel bad for being autistic fucks alone. Goddamit I hate this game.


Git crackin' slaves.

Is that an in-game armor or just something the artist whipped up? It looks good.



>no Dancer
>no Blue Mage
>no Beast Master
>no Chemist
>more tomestones
>2 dungeons per patch
>b-b-b-b-but we gave every class a new shiny meter bar

Yeah nah, I'll be skipping Heavensward 2

Just a little bit more.

Just a little bit more.

No. I just don't really like how any of the jobs play at endgame. They made things a little better, but ultimately everyone boils down to spamming a repeatable rotation with only a few decisions to be made on the fly. Essentially I'm tired of all MMOs that think they should be played like Dance Dance Revolution. The fact that the term GCD is even a thing makes me want to vomit. Over the last five years I've spent more time on P99 and FFXI live than any current MMO, though I gave HW, WoD, and Legion a solid try.

I just hate themepark, nonstop button spam, everything is soloable outside of instances, everything worth actually doing is instanced MMO design.

>2.5 seconds global cooldown
>its like the devs want you to fall asleep while playing
>b-b-but it gets better at endgame
>it doesnt
fuck this shit


Expansion will just be a glorified content patch. The leveling experience might be quite good and enjoyable, but after that it will be the same shit as always. You run the 2 same dungeons over and over again for 3-5 months to gear up, and after that time your gear will be obsolete and you need to run the 2 new dungeons over and over again to get better gear. Rinse and repeat.

>devs implement mechanics to force casting times on every ranged class
>melee classes will forever be slaves to buffs
ggwp no re

>Maining SAM
>Raid leader hates the MNK in our current static and is kicking him out for Stormblood
>Implying you Monk idiots are ever leaving the cuckshed

>raid leader is autistic
>get rekt mnk XD

Post your face when the cross class/combat revamp was actually a revamp and not just deleting actions

>Have a monk in my static
>Has to be given all of the braindead mechanics because he can't be trusted to do any sort of thinking

They're p2win to avoid wanting to kill yourself for all the content you have to go through.

I pity the son of a bitch who'd pick up AAR and have to level up to reach stormblood through all that MSQ filler. I don't even want to think about the AAR quests or I am going to get PTSD from all that filler arc.

Everyone bitches about the ala mhiggers but I remember the doman refugee arc.

Some friend of Yoshi's said in an interview they are glad to get SAM and RDM out of the way because it allows them to do alternative and more experimental class options. I'd think we'd have at least 3 more classes in XIV's life - I'd imagine at least one more expansion and then maybe another class added in patch like ninja.

I belive it works but it gives less exp if you complete the quest with a different class.
Also they will add 270 alex weapons for SAM/RDM i still need 4 tokens for that

This is another huge problem. There's no point to grinding out gear because it's just going to be shit and useless when the next patch hits. That and all gear is just stat vomit that creeps up bit by bit.

No more
>oh this piece of gear has HUGE stamina and a lot of cold resist but that's about it
>this piece of gear has pretty great overall stats but negative fire resist, I'd better not use it in this one area / boss
>this has great offensive stats and a bonus to double attack, should keep for when I'm not tanking
>this piece is complete shit but if I click it I can put up a trash buff to soak up a monster's dispel magic so my better buffs aren't taken
>this piece will summon bandages / food / teleport me to a particular spot, that's handy!

Or in XI, having different gear for different situations or gear swaps.

Having a bag or two full of cool toys was such a huge bit of the fun back in the day.

>Still have no idea whether to go SCH, SMN, RDM, MCH or BRD
Wasn't even really considering the last two given I'd need to do far more re-leveling but it seems they got unfucked

>Everyone bitches about the ala mhiggers but I remember the doman refugee arc
Yeah because Domans don't actively try to kill you for not dropping everything and going to save Ala Mhigo

>combat revamp
>we've added this shiny bar so you don't lose track of your stacks
>is this awesome? y/n

it's a good change
people who complain about the removal of the cross class are idiots
cross role is a lot better and brings more viable options
i do hope they keep the old cross class for classes though

gear swapping was the abuse of a mechanic that was never intended to be a mechanic.

I'm glad that's no longer a thing.

>gear swapping
Did we have that in 1.x? I know 11 had it.


I still don't know what class to play though

The sad thing is XI went back to sidegrades and different gear sets again but it never got back most of its players after the level cap raise.

So I'm just starting out with FFXIV , as in I bought it last friday and have a level 20 character now.

Should I be building toward White Mage as my first healer? I was wanting to be one.

Why do people hate Mr. Happy but put up with Xeno? He rushes out guides and some of the shit he puts out is fucking awful. There are at least three "xeno methods" for 12s and people can't get their thumbs out of their asses and settle on anything solid. His videos also aren't optimal in the slightest, as an example in his guide he has the tank holding Alex north after Divine Judgement when he should be facing south to prevent a spin ala Zurvan.

I'll resub when devs stop pretending cutscenes are content in an MMO

>Hey guys we added movies about Hildibrand XD that's what you all love right?

I hate most of the guides people make for 14.
They all take 15 minutes to explain stuff that could be done in under a minute, and end up making it more confusing by dragging it out like that.

it's your choice
whm is the most straight forward healer which might be fun to you

a decent amount of people came back to run the final story arc, but once they were done with that, they stopped coming.

>queue up for ex roulette as heals
>pld tank has a kinna weapon

when will path of the damned be deleted?

I hate faggots like you. An MMO isn't just a race to level cap and endgame gear. It's a journey. You're supposed to take your time and enjoy all the content.

>implying XIV isn't gonna get at least 3-4 more expansions like XI

I enjoy content that's enjoyable. The journey is shit and only prevents you from getting to parts that are fun. Sorry.

I like being a straightforward healer, but I hear this game is more focused on damaging as a healer, and healing for healers is never something that they have to worry about considering that most heal classes have more than enough healing options on their own.

I heard AST was the best starting healer, followed by SCH.

They're removing stance dancing.

For me the Mhigger's arrogance is at least a plot device that brings me content and fighting and dungeons. The Domans were literally babysitting run around outside of waking sands and deal with whiny entitled refugees. I don't care that Griffith's bullshit is causing chaos and suffering for everyone else because that's an adventure. With the Domans way back in that patch it was just the epitome of the godawful Scions storytelling.

Doman refugees was blatant filler arc. It was long ago while Mhigger bullshit is recent, but it was so bad and uneventful I remember it a lot more than Sloppy-Griffith's shit-eating grin when he told Raubahn he killed the Sultana or doing a false flag operation.

Go RDM and style on fuckers.


>tfw DRK will be useless in less than 3 weeks

The only jobs that actually got 'revamped' were BRD and MCH, and machinist frankly didn't need it so they're just getting dragged along for the ride thanks to bard

What are they replacing it with?
Are they just getting rid of Cleric stance altogether?

Ast starts at level 30 and you have to finish ARR content so no it's not a starting healer

healer damage is MND-based, and Cleric Stance gives a +MND boost.

it depends on what you're into.

Keep in mind the combat is getting revamped, but WHM has the best AOE burst dps of the healers, AST has good single-target damage with dots (plus the cards are nice), and SCH has the ability to be dpsing constantly and letting the fairy handle the brunt of the healing duties.

It's up to you to find out which one is the most fun. AST gives you an mp refresh option extremely early, so it can be a good first option for starting out healing. I personally stuck with WHM, and while it can be a bit boring early level (most of the classes are imo), once you get past 50 it gets much, much more fun to play

I think the idea of cross role skills is really good and so is decoupling them from DPS (not having anything like cross-class Raging Strikes/BfB/IR/etc, but also removing damage from Low Blow/Leg Sweep and the Silences).

But I really wish they would have accepted that certain skills are just mandatory 99% of the time and not had them eat up a cross-role slot. Tanks shouldn't have to spend their slots on Provoke and Rampart, Healers shouldn't have to use them on Protect and an MP restore, etc.

Still a good change overall, but I hope they don't plop it into the game and refuse to revisit it for another four years. Haha, this is the FFXIV team, of course that's what's going to happen.

It's now a ghetto raging strikes

I'm using it for my main job, don't really care for rdm/sam until later. Even if the xp is neutered relative to 61-70 xp caps, its still free xp - takes like 10 seconds to turn them all in.

What said you uppity nigger. So much of the MSQ prior to heavensward was long, arduous and drawn out nonsense whose idea of plot and storytelling was to make you constantly have to run back to waking sands to get a pointless update from boob-window blonde before having to go across the world to talk to a single NPC and then immediately have to go back to waking sands.

Heavensward's story involving Ishgard was fantastic. But whenever it veers back to the scions it seems to rapidly turn to shit. I'm hoping these warriors of darkness get dealt with quickly so I can get to Ilberd-Griffith's shenanigans.

Here's hoping. I may not agree with all the changes they do as I have to see what the combat changes are but I do like their willingness to shake things up and try something new. Kind of at the foundation of the game since it was so bad they had to remake it.

This guy hit the nail. FFXIV's worldbuilding and RPG elements are very poor and expand at a snail's pace. Endgame should be the fun part but the devs cap gear progression so they don't have to pour effort into creating entertaining content

Only 2 more days...

cleric stance is now a cross-role ability. It gives you 5% damage up for 15 seconds, on a 60sec cooldown.

In other words, it's shit.

> dont say nuffing that could hurt sales

go to bed shillu-kun

I saw the paladin changes
is it good now bro's, can I be a fucking viable sword and board hero yet

An MMO is a bit of a race, though. Because what's the point of playing an MMO if you're doing it by yourself? If everyone is at end-game, wouldn't you want to reach end-game so you can play the massively multiplayer game with other people?

Fair enough


>on a 60sec cooldown.
Isn't it 90?

More looking for the most interesting gameplay but I guess it'll be a while until I'd have any idea based on people actually playing the jobs

90 second cooldown

>They removed stance dancing for healers
>tfw you only need to DPS 15seconds every 2min now
Healers can actually go back to healing now

>t.old wow elite players crying for more wow raids because they drilled thru all content in one day

you're definitely at least on par with the other tanks now, but with the buffs they got also, you're probably still gonna be chilling in the cuck shed

>healing nonexistent damage
Do 0 dps and you're out of my dungeon

I like seeing all the other people doing stuff like in the cities.

majority of people like the cutscene and the story, you can complain about much other shit that's don't depend on a person's tastes

Oh, well that fucking sucks. Does that mean investing points into mind is a retarded idea because you can't swap mind and int?

you're right, my bad. It's even more shit than I thought

>Healers can actually go back to healing now

>abuse of a mechanic
It was pretty great, honestly. Encouraged going out and finding more and more pieces of gear for specific purposes. So much gear would have been complete trash as full-time wear, but was fucking awesome for a swap piece. Now that you don't even need any addons to stop the blinking, it's even better.
I think that's acceptable for a game that's essentially Done though.

You'll still do more damage after the patch than you would deal without Cleric Stance now. DPS or get kicked, lazy healer.

>healers can actually go back to healing now
heal what?

Damage scales with mind now. They basically made it so you don't have to stance dance to do dps

Healer damage scales off Mind now.

Majority of XIV players can barely hold a controller in their hands, who cares about disabled autists? Why do you personally care about SE's bottom line? Surely you're not getting paid for shitposting on Sup Forums?

Don't bully him, being a bootleg WHM is the only way a PLD can have fun in this game until 4.0.


It's just another shitty theme park mmo

Get out.

No. Looks like more of the same. Game is a waste of time.

Im gonna replay the series in mednafen and focus on other things. Mmos are a waste dont do it kids

please make clerics 50% more damage
i'm serious about it, it's not a bad idea either

But that was one of the most fun parts about healing in FFXIV.

So should I use a catch-up potion if I'm just starting out, or not?

ironworks maiming/striking gear

I'm still holding out hope that there's going to be a way to refresh/extend it indefinitely.

fuck you and people who think like you. This game is designed for healers to contribute to dps. The healing requirement in dungeons is nowhere near the place where you need to devote 100% of your time to healing.

git gud and contribute, or every group will kick you out

Solid argument my dude, a literal ad hominem. Upvoted ;). Too bad I haven't played WoW.